Monday, November 6, 2023



По приглашению Европейского командования Вооруженных сил США 1-3-его ноября первый заместитель министра обороны РА, начальник Генерального штаба ВС РА, генерал-лейтенант Эдвард Асрян посетил штаб-квартиру Европейского командования США в Штутгарте. 3-его ноября состоялась встреча с заместителем командира Европейского командования США, генерал-лейтенантом Стивеном Башами. В ходе встречи обсуждены вопросы развития армяно-американского военного сотрудничества. Генерал-лейтенант Эдвард Асрян представил детали проводимых в Вооруженных силах РА реформ, и ожидаемую от США поддержку в деле их реализации. Генерал-лейтенант Стивен Башам выразил готовность США продолжать содействие текущим программам сотрудничества, а также инициировать новые направления сотрудничества по следующим сферам: профессионализация вооруженных сил, укрепление профессионального сержантского состава, модернизация системы управления, миротворчество, военная медицина, военное образование и боевая подготовка, учения и прочее. Обсуждены также вопросы региональной безопасности. В рамках визита генерал-лейтенант Эдвард Асрян посетил также расположенный в Гогенфельсе (ФРГ) объединенный многонациональный центр подготовки Сухопутных войск США в Европе (Joint Multinational Readiness Center - JMRC) и Академию сержантского состава (NCO Academy).

Translation:  At the invitation of the European Command of the US Armed Forces, on November 1-3, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, Chief of the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Edward Asryan visited the headquarters of the US European Command in Stuttgart. On November 3, a meeting was held with the Deputy Commander of the US European Command, Lieutenant General Stephen Bashamy. During the meeting, issues of development of Armenian-American military cooperation were discussed. Lieutenant General Edward Asryan presented details of the reforms being carried out in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, and the support expected from the United States in their implementation. Lieutenant General Stephen Basham expressed the United States' readiness to continue to facilitate ongoing cooperation programs, as well as initiate new areas of cooperation in the following areas: professionalization of the armed forces, strengthening of professional non-commissioned officers, modernization of the command and control system, peacekeeping, military medicine, military education and combat training, exercises and other. Issues of regional security were also discussed. As part of the visit, Lieutenant General Edward Asryan also visited the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) and the NCO Academy located in Hohenfels (Germany).

Listen, I always maintained the decorum, professional respect and giving the credit where the credit is due for the US Army. This is not the case anymore--SMO demonstrated a sheer incompatibility of the US ground forces doctrine and TOE for REAL war and combined arms operations. Moreover, I am on record--US military will learn very precious little in terms of VSU "lessons" due to lack of access to correlates of war, which are in the foundation of real lessons and adjustments on operational and strategic levels. The fact that some tactical lessons could be learned and some adjustments made in Field Manuals here and there change very little in the Pentagon's clockwork. 

The fact that what remains of VSU at some point of time simply refused to follow NATO "training"--the fact extremely well documented by media--is already a red flag in regards to "a finest fighting force in history"(c). The issue here is TOE--it is for beating up third rate militaries. Practically all US Army technology turned out to be no match for modern battlefield as did operational concepts. But, on the second thought, it is, probably only natural for the US "training" to be applied to its lapdogs, because it is precisely this "audience" which is still susceptible to military fairy tales conceived in Pentagon and a network of "military" think-tanks (such as Institute for Study of War, LOL) who face now an arduous task of admitting their sheer military incompetence and impotence. It is no secret, Russian are openly now laughing at American generals. Battlefield results speak for themselves. Let them "train" another provider of cannon fodder.   

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