And the sax, man, the sax)))
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
This Is Gold.
No Shit, Pardon My French.
If this psycho acknowledges it, then something is afoot:
You have to almost pity them--meaning neocons--right now. Can you imagine their feelings right now? They had a perfect "plan", just plan, no A,B,C..., and then, from the git go this plan started to go haywire the minute they started implementing it. It went wrong immediately. Recall immortal Russian classic:
You think those who concocted this "plan" in the US read this? No, for any crook from within the Beltway it is an excruciating torture to study real history of Russia, because the very existence of Russian people and their country, which, time after time, destroyed enemies much more powerful and skilled than pathetic excuse for "strategists" in Washington, contradicts every single belief those war criminals and white board amateurs profess. We all live today through classic Russian grand battle, be that Borodino, Stalingrad, Kursk or Berlin--it is about annihilation. Tolstoy again:
They only now begin to suspect that they are being looked at with contempt. As a result, today Vladimir Putin signed the law on suspension of the START from 2010.
I am on record--you cannot educate US "diplomat" and "strategist" in anything, they do not receive proper education in the colleges. By education I mean not degrees but actual knowledge, ability to learn and knowing own limitations. But even this pseudo-intellectual (primarily through incompetent use of big words: strategy, costs, national interests et al), after fluffy operational-strategic BS, admits that there are doubts. Sure. Let them doubt--an entirely new feeling for arrogant, uncultured and ignorant pseudo-professionals within US "academe" and "elites".
Monday, February 27, 2023
50 Times! Pepe Escobar In Moscow.
I expand here a little bit on the Moscow-Beijing axis, but not before reviewing what Sergei Chemezov and Rostec have in store for friends and enemies alike.
The stage is, indeed, set, but one thing has to be understood--I repeat it non-stop for the last several years--and Vladimir Mozhegov explains it well today (In Russian):
Russia is different and last Europe.
And she is not saving the previous one. Rightly so. The one which may (may, as in if) come instead of current cloaca--we will cross this bridge when we get to it.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Larry On Bakhmut (Artemovsk)...
Yesterday a good sitrep from Larry with, finally, proper map with the scale.
Larry asks the question:
Is Russia Closing the Cauldron Around Bakhmut?
This morning we have the answer--yes. Morning reports tell already about tactical, not just operational, envelopment of Bakhmut and trapping there by unreliable 404 sources of 2,500 VSU (primarily from Western Ukraine (in Russian)), by other, much more reliable sources (I know them personally), of about at least 3-4 times this number. Also, officially is reported that the number of bodies of VSU littering the battlefields around Bakhmut is simply appalling and Wagner Group formed special teams for removing those corpses in order to prevent further decomposition and smell with the risk of infections.
But by far more important news is this bit of CIA Director Burns complaining that:
Somebody has to explain to Burns that he should be grateful that Naryshkin agreed to meet him at all, especially on the BS occasion of the US "warning" Russia against the use of... nuclear weapons. Naryshkin's attitude is indicative not just of Putin but of the fact that Russian military-political elite views, absolutely correctly, present US Administration as a collection of amateurs, ideologues and fanatics. Burns, who is a classic modern US "diplomat", meaning ignorant, uncultured and a political appointee, as a current Director of CIA should learn things other than how to conduct PR BS and study Russian military doctrine and, surprise-surprise, the actual state of the affairs in the United States.
But then again, anyone who agreed to serve in Biden's Admin should be automatically disqualified as professional and a person with integrity. Burns' tenure as US Ambassador to Russia didn't contribute to his education in the matter. Per military part--most people within the Beltway are clueless in such matters and Burns is an Exhibit A of this. In other words, Naryshkin, when speaking to Burns, was talking to an amateur who wouldn't know shit from shineola and there is no other way anymore to talk to Biden Admin's people. In related news, another train in the US has derailed today. Is anyone in Biden's cabinet minding the country which literally tears at the seams?
Saturday, February 25, 2023
It Is Happening In Education!
And people are elated.
Translation: YALTA /Republic of Crimea/, 25 February. /TASS/. Russian education after the abandonment of the Bologna system will rely on all the best that is in its traditions, including Soviet standards, Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, told reporters on Saturday at a pedagogical discussion "The Year of the Teacher and Mentor through the Eyes of a Teacher." "The fact that the Russian education system has centuries-old unique traditions that we can rightly be proud of, and we have no right to lose this heritage, we must carefully use it, including the legacy of the Soviet school, which was rightfully considered one of the best in the world "Not by chance. You heard in a message on Tuesday this week the President [of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin] spoke about the rejection of the Bologna system and in many respects about returning to the Soviet standard, which was also in the system of higher education and secondary education. <...> Therefore, rely to all the best that is in the Russian, Soviet schools, by the way, in the entire world school - this, of course, is absolutely correct," Kiriyenko said.
Remarkably, if there is an Exhibit A of an immense power of the Soviet educational system, it is Sergei Kiriyenko himself . A man of many real talents, he wouldn't be where he is today if not for fundamental education he received in public school and a shipbuilding faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod Water Transport Institute. Yes, He is an engineer by education. Russia is undergoing a profound, healthy and much needed rotation of the "elites". I can tell you one thing for sure--people in Russia who developed RosAtom, MC-21 and created hypersonic weapons among many other things, they sure as hell never attended any fashionable Western university or VShE. In general--any degree mill granting useless B.A.s and B.S.s in "economics" or "climate sciences".
Academics? Really?
I will soon begin to stutter from repeating a diagnosis--Western "leaders" and their "academe" are capable only of PR, period. They do not have real skills, knowledge or foresight. Now these "academics" are discovering what was told by many people with just common sense, forget about those, like Mr. Novak, who have serious experience and academic background in real things.
For people whose skills do not reach beyond the realm of financial speculation at the Wall Street such a development may come as a surprise. A nasty one at that. You can download this paper here.
Assessing the Impact of International Sanctions on Russian Oil Exports
It is a peculiar paper with the set of "recommendations" of what Larry calls "more cowbell". Same ol', same ol'--more sanctions, more restrictions and even lower cap. They DO grow them dumb in "academic" economics realm in the West. Suffice it to say that 99% of Western economics "oracles" predictions about Russia turned out to be utterly delusional. You cannot fix stupid.
Daniel Davies, meanwhile, warns.
Most American retired generals have been proven disastrously wrong most of the time because they do not know what modern war is and, also, because they never won shit in their lives. Come on, when you apply for credit card, let alone for mortgage, the first thing one checks is your credit history, and this is the right thing to do. What IS credit history of America's top brass since Vietnam? Larry summarized it very well in his latest:
America’s Delusional Military Fantasy
Somebody needs to explain to Petraeus and Keane and the whole cabal of other political generals from US think tanks that military "history" they studied is not exactly a real one. But then again, with such an "academe" who would blame them for having learned nothing about real war. Or real economy, for that matter.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Plastinkin Brothers. Friday.
I used to know Oleg, Igor's brother, and I still have some of his recordings very few people have, both covers and originals, such as his mind-boggling Do-Re-Mi-Do-Re-Do. They are two guitar virtuosos and, arguably, best blues guitar players in Russia. They are also prolific composers. Here is Igor showing what guitar playing is:
Per Chinese "Plan".
I want to stress that this "plan" is a classic exercise in ambiguity--aka for everything good, against everything bad--which is exactly what is needed for Russia at this time. Generalities and obfuscations. That is why Moscow favorably met those "proposals".
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Andrei Raevsky...
... sadly, closes off The Saker with his comments. Watch.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Nice Try, Plus Larry On China And Russia.
It is turning into a complete circus:
Hey, somebody voted for this guy. I, sure as hell, didn't. Good luck with "working this out", I am sure they will come up with a new definition of nuclear weapons, and of "working out" for a good measure, same way as they redefined recession.
In related news, Larry penned an excellent piece on why Comrade Xi is going to Moscow.
Is the announcement of the Russian-Chinese pact possible when Xi arrives to Moscow? Absolutely, I agree with Larry here fully. Will it happen? We'll see. Plus, Mr. Ryabkov flatly denied a BS from Sabrina Singh about "failed test" of Sarmat (in Russian). This is how desperate they are, they lie non-stop.
An Excellent Point.
And the angle. While scrolling through the comments to my latest video today,
The depth and implications of this commentary are much larger than may seem at first. Yet, it is a very good explanation of Germany's economic suicide, which goes extremely well with this "piece". Andrew Cockburn, decrying the failure of sanctions,
The fundamental miscalculation underlying this apparently unforeseen failure of the economic weapon parallels the record of another instrument of coercion cherished by the U.S. over the course of the last century. Strategic bombing targeted against “critical nodes” of an opponent’s war-making apparatus has, like its economic counterpart, singularly failed to achieve its desired objectives, most recently in the “targeted killing” campaign against the Taliban’s human infrastructure. Both strategies rest on a mechanistic view of the targeted system in which components deemed essential to its functions can be identified and destroyed. Taliban and similar insurgent operations always adapted speedily to the loss of supposedly key individuals. Just as Hitler’s Germany did to U.S. bombing of “critical” ball bearing factories, so Putin’s Russia has adapted to Singh’s confident assault. It has become clear that he or whoever planned the sanctions strategy didn’t really understand the Russian economy very well, especially its place in the global system.
I have news for Cockburn--there ARE NO people in all of the US military-political establishment today who can really understand not only Russia, but the world outside the Beltway. Moreover, they, as I am on record, top-bottom, cannot do strategy, because they lack in fundamentals. Read my lips--US "machine" of elites' manufacturing is utterly broken, because the way those "elites" are educated is a complete utter academic fraud based on, at best, shaky assumptions, at worst--on a radical rewriting of history. It is the house of cards and we see it in the process of collapse upon encounter with reality and the winds of history. Germany? Hey, it was Germany's choice.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Do Not Miss This...
While the whole (Western) world discusses "dying" and "stricken by cancer" and "dementia" Putin who looks mighty healthy and as sharp as ever, some very important messages shouldn't be missed. Of course, Russia suspending her START participation and getting ready for physical testing of nukes, once the US, inevitably, will also abrogate the ban on tests of nuclear weapons, are of immense import. This rings especially true in a view of the United States de facto losing strategic arms race to Russia. It is all very important, of course. But the same as was the case with Admiral Rickover who warned that Soviet Union's main weapon was system of public education, which already in the late 1950s made US education public school system look like a backwater, Putin's words yesterday in his Address to Federal Assembly have been finally spoken!
Translation: The first is to return to the traditional for our country basic training of specialists with higher education. The term of study can be from four to six years. At the same time, even within the same specialty and one university, programs can be offered that differ in terms of training, depending on the specific profession, industry and labor market demand. Secondly, if the profession requires additional training, narrow specialization, then in this case the young person will be able to continue his education in a magistracy or residency. Thirdly, postgraduate studies will be allocated as a separate level of professional education, the task of which is to train personnel for scientific and teaching activities.
Finally! I am on record for many years--the Bologna Process, all those undergraduate and graduate "degrees" are crap, and often do not provide necessary professional competencies for a whole range of serious industrial and hi-tech professions. The title of specialist is a key in this classic Soviet education which finally returns. There is a reason Russia's military higher education largely retained old academic criteria by preparing SPECIALISTS, not some "graduates" with "majoring" in something. As an example, after full 5 calendar, 6 academic years we all graduated from naval academy with the title of Specialists. Nobody is interested in a Bachelor of Arts in... communications, as an example, on the position of a modern motor rifle platoon commander, CO of Combat Department on the ship or submarine, because modern military, modern industry, modern economy requires an extremely focused professional preparation in higher education, instead of somebody who just has some kind of degree.
This is a strategic decision and I applaud it. I knew it was coming, because Bologna System is largely a fraud and provides an extremely low level of education and professional development. It is time for it to be removed and this decision has been made for Russia. I will talk about the rest of the Address later. But this was a huge development in itself, not to mention a proper reorientation of humanities field in both lower and higher education to traditional values, true humanism and tradition. Returning to START, judging by the news of a large modernization on the Novaya Zemlya testing range which was in progress for the last couple years, it is clear that Moscow knew about US intentions to resume nuclear testing and simply is getting ready once the US detonates the physical nuke.
And then, of course, is this.
For the imbeciles from WSJ I repeat, again, the simple fact--Beijing CAN NOT take any leading role in 404 for a simple reason of Beijing's long term security being ensured by Russia through the means of demilitarization of NATO and its big honcho--the US. Comrade Xi will be in Moscow not for promoting a "peace plan" or pushing anything. We are talking here about a completely different dynamics which is beyond the grasp of WSJ "sources" and analysts, who, as you may have guessed it, have been dumbed down through Bologna Process in the US Ivy League journo and communications departments. Ah, yes, in "the coming months" 404 will shrink even more. This is your primer on Putin's Address.
P.S. The US now is "ready to talk" about START, that is what the representative of National Security Council told CNN. No shit, geniuses--back to school and learn real diplomacy, balance of power and warfare. Don't hold your breath though, they will fail, as usual.
Monday, February 20, 2023
My Talking Head.
In a series (planned) of videos on the 1st "anniversary" of SMO.
In the same manner--Markov Chain:
All is directly related to military planning and more... Fade into darkness with this:
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Bernhard Gives... So Does Brian.
... a good retrospective of the run-up to the events of February 2022 and commencement of SMO. Highly recommended.
The Buildup To War In Ukraine - Saturday, February 19, 2022
A must read, actually. Enjoy at MoA blog. Typical Bernhard--meticulous and detailed.
Also, Brian's always excellent summary:
The first "anniversary" of SMO is coming in 4 days and it is a good time to make some intermediate summaries. In related news, Sasha Rogers in his classic acerbic, sardonic really, manner explains (sadly, only in Russian) to all "armchair strategists" those "teeny-weeny" issues related to real statesmanship--unknown subject in the combined West--and guiding a monstrous ship of state such as Russia, especially through SMO.
As If...
... it hasn't been known. It was the same "secret" as Annalena's "knowledge" of geometry and geography.
There is no bunker which Mr. Kinzhal (Dagger) cannot penetrate and it is merely by volition of the Kremlin that Mr. Ze is still around. In the end he will "disappear" into one of the NATO countries or will be offed by his bodyguards from SAS or whoever else have their hands up his ass, when ordering him around.
Obviously, explaining to imbecile Lindsey Graham that China wants "to jump on Putin's train" is an exercise in futility:
But this piece by this psychopath is telling, and it demonstrates a complete nasty surprise for the worldview of most in Washington D.C. who wouldn't know shit from shineola in matters of geopolitical balance and correlation of forces, military as well as economic, in the world. I will only reiterate my point here which I make for years: China is a junior geopolitical partner in Moscow-Beijing axis, because survival of China depends on what Moscow is doing in 404 against whole of the combined West.
Washington still wants VSU to go on "counter-offensive". Sure, it is like me wanting to have a multi-million dollar super-yacht. I have a desire, but zero resources to buy and maintain one. Simple as that. But I wrote a whole book, remember, on how one calculates and views resources for real war and why combined West lost this competition. This was 4 years ago:
Less than quarter of pledged tanks to arrive for Ukraine spring offensive. Germany urges allies to speed up delivery of Leopard 2s.
You see. Not to mention the fact that even under the best of circumstances, the 404 "spring offensive" will likely look like a series of sporadic divergent--why, is a separate issue needing elaboration--attacks locally, because, evidently NATO's operational staffs which "plan" this shit for remnants of VSU dis not study military history of WW II and have a very vague understanding of real "offensives", since "offensive" against backward and largely defenseless Saddam's Army and offensive against something like the force under Mainstein and Model--different experiences and math. In fact, irreconcilable on a fundamental military science level.
Russia, meanwhile, ramps up military production across the board, including production of hypersonic weapons (in Russian), but it is confirmed now that upcoming frigates of modernized Gorshkov-class (pr. 22350M) will have in their arsenals newest AD missiles integrated with powerful Polyment-Redut and their range will be 400 km (in Russian). That automatically translates to Admiral Nakhimov undergoing modernization--reportedly it also carries both navalized S-400 and Polyment-Redut--and, eventually, to many other ships' classes. The transitional enlarged frigate Admiral Amelko is being completed as I type this and is due for commission the next year. Plus, the news of Komsomolsk-on-Amur shipyard getting ready to launch the serial production of pr. 22350(M) strictly for Pacific Fleet is an extremely important piece of news, same as announcement yesterday from UAC ramping up the production of helicopters to 300 annually. Well, how many washing machines in Russia have been cannibalized... This is you Sunday primer.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Friday, Tolstoy, Tanks And Shit...
Thanks to our very own s marsh who unearthed this wonderful tour de force by Leo Tolstoy's great grandson who tore a new one to a collection of French media combat chihuahuas. Enjoy this:
Here is me speaking tanks.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Now Russia Is Surely Finished...
Talk about sanctions from hell.
EU renewing ban on sales of toilets to Russia on war anniversary
Russian producers of toilets are walking to the bank laughing with evil laughter.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
I Talk To Ania...
... and something else:
What Russia Got Wrong. Can Moscow Learn From Its Failures in Ukraine?
As I stated, thank to Saker's blog I stumbled on this "jewel" of a "strategic (lack thereof) thought" from Dara Massicot who, if to believe a very limited info on her background, is:
DARA MASSICOT is a Senior Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation.
Before joining RAND, she served as a senior analyst for Russian military
capabilities at the Department of Defense.
And here I have to immediately point out the issue I am dealing with for the last almost decade and a half, and that is that neither Pentagon nor the so called US "intel community" have any clue about Russian military capabilities because they don't have proper academic framework economically, militarily, historically and politically because of the scandalously low intellectual level of US "elites". Dara Massicot, considering the paucity of info on her, could have been a spook or simply yet another "product" of the US "strategic studies" degree mills for good ol' boys and girls, who in either case wouldn't last academically a semester in any serious military academy in Russia. Consider also aggravating factor of a Russia Study field in the US being a playground of academic frauds, primitive ideologies and all kinds of former Soviet citizenry selling themselves as "experts" while having no clue about the subject. E.g. former English Language teacher with not even DSP clearance in Russia/USSR "consulting" US on Russia's "strategic culture".
The record of shysters from USSR/Russia selling BS to rather uncultured US "elites" on Russia is long--from notorious Golitsyn who damaged CIA profoundly, to no less notorious Bezmenov who packaged well known open facts into "intel" and sold it to US media, to, of course, Solzhenitsyn with his fiction on just about anything to, already mentioned, "expert" in Russia's "strategic culture" Koffler. So, to expect that some gal from RAND, who wouldn't know the difference between the doctrine and strategy and how many parts the latter is subdivided into, and what it all means, is down right risible and Massicot doesn't disappoint with confirmation of what I wrote three books about and am writing fourth one--they cannot do strategy in Washington D.C. They also cannot fight the modern war and they do not understand, in the nation subverted by ethnic and religious lobbies, from Israel to Saudi Arabia, and Qatar with Ukraine, what national interest is and how it is formulated.
Massicot immediately goes for the jugular of a remaining credibility she might have had and states:
Why Russia did not prevail—why it was instead stopped in its tracks,
routed outside major cities, and put on the defensive—has become one of
the most important questions in both U.S. foreign policy and
international security more broadly. The answer has many components. The
excessive internal secrecy gave troops and commanders little time to
prepare, leading to heavy losses. Russia created an invasion plan that
was riddled with faulty assumptions, arbitrary political guidance, and
planning errors that departed from key Russian military principles.
Well, Massicot who, obviously, never attended any serious military institution and has zero serious military background, doesn't understand the process of serious strategic and operational planning by such institutions as Russian General Staff, and she never heard of a development of decision tree, which manifests itself in such thing as contingency planning. I will omit here the issue of Markov Processes and how they apply in modern operational and strategic planning, but Massicot, of course, parades her ignorance here by presenting her personal (that is serving only narrative) preferences as strategic wisdoms. They are not, this is the writing of the amateur who doesn't understand what Russia is and how she fights. Not to mention the fact, that she simply lies, especially about Russian losses or Russian intentions. It is natural for a "senior analyst of Russian military capabilities" from organization which loses all of its wars since Korea. She should simply go back to Washington Post's famed Afghanistan Papers and relearn how Pentagon "fights", primarily in media field.
But she doesn't stay there, she develops another thesis, which shows both a serious butthurt and lack of knowledge of Russian military culture:
Yet in January 2023, Surovikin was demoted in favor of General Valeriy
Gerasimov. Although the reasons for this command change are unclear,
palace intrigue and cronyism may be behind it rather than any specific
failure of Surovikin’s leadership. And no Russian commander has been
able to break Ukraine’s will to fight even though Russia continues to
launch missiles that inflict suffering on the Ukrainian people. But the
bombings and entrenchment may well degrade Ukraine’s capacity, making it
harder for the country to reclaim more of its land.
The reason she writes this sophomoric BS straight out of the Ukie propaganda, about Surovikin being "demoted", is because she doesn't understand what coordination is and why, the Red Army was using throughout WW II the "institute" of Representatives of STAVKA at the fronts, who, like Zhukov and Vasilevsky, at different times either coordinated or directly commanded several fronts (army groups). She, obviously, never heard about it, because she doesn't know that Russian General Staff IS the main organ of combat control (Главный Орган Боевого Управления) of ALL Russia's Armed Forces ranging from ground forces to strategic nuclear ones, to navy and the list goes on, and on, and on. The big honcho in all that is Valery Gerasimov, who, as a Chief of a General Staff, unlike Surovikin, who never was "demoted", has supervision of everything, and Russia is playing here for much more than Ukraine. But, evidently, this former Pentagon's and present RAND's "analyst" doesn't read what is openly available in Russian media and not a secret since the inception. Here is me from BEFORE February 24.
1. Q: Do Russians know who people in D.C. are?
A: Yes, they do, in fact, I think they know it better than people in D.C. themselves.
2. Q: Did Russia issue ultimatum to NATO in hope of a compromise?
You see? I warned. Nobody heeded, least of all all those Russia "experts" (most of them frauds) in the US. In the end, after reading this sophomoric BS from Massicot, she has to contend with the fact of the US military technology failing dismally in Ukraine, moreover, with the fact that the fields of strategic planning, strategic intelligence, TOE of the US Armed Forces, doctrine, strategic studies, national defense policy, procurement policy are a complete wasteland of academic and intellectual fraud which cannot hide anymore Western military impotence against serious military power, let alone military power such as Russia who exposed Western military impotence for the whole world to see. Massicot's sophomoric propaganda in the CFR's rag is one of the many signs of a systemic crisis of the combined West, who in desperate attempts to save the face, is also desperately trying to re-frame BS narrative, with some therapeutic BS added to the new one, by means of constructing the alternative reality. This is the only thing they are capable of doing.
Ben Wallace...
... you gotta love this. If I would have been a Sandhurst leadership, I would have died from embarrassment, but then again--British military is the same thing nowadays as British "scientists", or, for that matter, British space station.
Ben Wallace wouldn't be allowed to command a battalion in any serious army, but then again, modern British military and "intel" is a caricature and the only thing they have left at their disposal is dissemination of an utter operational and strategic BS. But then again, it looks like British and US top brass lacks basic education in operations and national defense strategies, and we can forgive them for exposing themselves as ignorant NCOs trying to compete with people from Russian military who are teaching those who want to learn how you fight a massive war in economy of force mode. Somebody should tell Wallace that PR and spewing BS is not a substitute for real knowledge and experience in modern large scale combined arms warfare in which British General Staff has zero experience, not to speak of Ben Wallace losing 97% of his professional honor by parading himself as a sore loser, who he is being in charge of the toy armed forces, and cannot take it. But that is a human virtue, or lack thereof, and no amount of lectures on Russia's defense policies and Russian way of war can change what UK lost long time ago across the board--class.
My Talking Head...
... about simple arithmetic.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Larry Explains Austin's And Milley's "Logic"...
I know, I am scratching my head still after trying to listen to these two. My BS meter, sadly, has a very low threshold settings. Larry did the job for all of us. Enjoy.
It is not just gross, the incompetence is grotesque even if to assume that they know the score. If you are a good professional you at least can try to lie... professionally. But this... Read the whole thing at Larry's.
NATO Wants...
... reportedly to fight two wars.
In related news--I want to fly as a bird and sing as Freddy Mercury (or Marc Martel). And why not? Nobody forbids us from wanting things. Those wants are called dreams. So, dream on me and NATO. But, as I discussed it today with James Kunstler and Thomas--Washington completely lost the ability to calculate anything, from economics to military operations. But a dramatic change of tone in Western media is telling.
Thomas Carrigan, James Kunstler and Me.
Today. Join in.
About my book Losing and Disintegration and things of this nature.
15 seconds
15 seconds
Monday, February 13, 2023
The Issue Of Scale.
Mr. Stoltenberg is an exhibit A of why Western "economics" education is primarily a fraud. Don't look at me, an authority on economics orders of magnitude greater than me, Michael Hudson, also thinks so.
Remarkably, Jens Stoltenberg's thesis title (from Oslo University) was, drum roll: Makroøkonomisk planlegging under usikkerhet. En empirisk analyse ("Macroeconomic planning under uncertainty. An empirical analysis"). One cannot make this shit up even if one tries. So, this "economics" graduate wrote a thesis on something that cannot be accomplished in the modern West because "macroeconomic planning" and the modern West are irreconcilable things. SMO exposed all superficiality and chaos of West's economies dramatically.
Remarkably, Stoltenberg, complaining about VSU using "enormous amount" of ammunition, forgets a simple fact of life that Russian Armed Forces use ORDER OF MAGNITUDE than whatever is left of VSU-NATO cabal more, and Russia is not just feeling fine, but dramatically expands the production of every single military materiel and technology she needs. That's real macroeconomic planning under uncertainty. But it is too late for Stoltenberg, and NATO in general, to learn now anything of substance about REAL war and REAL war economy. So, the only thing which is left is to spew propaganda which is increasingly detached, if not completely already, from economic and military realities on the ground. They DID miscalculate that badly, they ARE that ignorant--because the failure is systemic, across all institutions of the combined West, military included.
Well, USA Today begins to suspect things: