A classic diversionary (sabotage) act against linear target is blowing up the rail. Immediately note to yourself--rails are blown not for the sake of demolishing the railway, but for the sake of derailing passing train. Derailing the train is the end with railway damage being merely means. For a simple reason--you can repair railway relatively fast, sometimes within a few days, if not hours. The same applies to the bridges such as Crimean Bridge. One can take out one or two spans but one cannot blow up all 19 kilometers (12 miles) of this bridge. And that means that being linear is your greatest advantage. You can blow up 100 meters of a railway, but you cannot blow up 7,000 kilometers of TranSib.
Sabotage at the Crimean Bridge is a classic example of a difficulty the terrorist-sabotage groups face when trying to disable a linear target. As you all know, the traffic over the bridge is already largely restored, including car traffic using remaining lanes, while railroad is fine and continues to operate, which is important for accumulation of the forces in Crimea, including for future operations with the re-deployment through Kherson region. Even for the PR reasons, Kiev, as always, didn't achieve anything of substance. The fact that WaPo--this warmongering lying sack of shit pretending to be a legitimate media--printed "opinion" of some, obviously anonymous, official that it was an SBU "operation" tells one something. Washington directly points out to Kiev as a culprit, despite Kiev not officially admitting it.
Well, here is Zakharova today:
The US Defense Department does not believe that a Russian nuclear strike is imminent, several Pentagon officials told journalists this week. Washington still treats Moscow’s supposed threats “very seriously,” they added. “We don’t assess that President Putin has made a decision to use nuclear weapons at this time,” the Pentagon’s press secretary, Brigadier General Patrick Ryder, told journalists at a briefing on Thursday. He spoke after US President Joe Biden warned that the risk of a nuclear conflict is at the highest level since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. For now, the US does not possess any information that would warrant a change in its “strategic deterrence posture,” Ryder said, adding that Washington will continue to closely monitor the situation, as it takes Russia’s threats “very seriously.” On Friday, another Pentagon spokesman, J. Todd Breasseale, told Politico that the US still does not see any indication that Russia is preparing for a nuclear strike. “To be clear: we have not seen any reason to adjust our own strategic nuclear posture nor do we have indications that Russia is preparing to imminently use nuclear weapons,” he said.
As I am on record ad nauseam--for the the West SMO is mostly about PR, because combined West and its "leader" have no resources to fight a real conventional war with Russia. Hence, as Zakharova stated, the flouncing about, as if being in a feverish delirium. The US need a deal with Russia, but Medvedev was quite explicit about it--the deal will be primarily about unconditional surrender in economic war. As per SMO, as was expected--the "front" was stabilized and VSU are throwing last reserves at Russia and everyone who has the IQ above room temperature knows now what is coming. The only thing Kiev has left at its disposal are PR acts like sabotage of the Bridge or, which is fully expected, terrorist acts against civilians deep into Russia proper and infrastructure objects, such as metro, public transport, energy control centers among many other, are the targets for Washington and London who use their Kiev stooges to provide for plausible deniability. But, as it is a strategic truism--terrorism is the weapon of the weak. When considering psychopaths running modern West this is what you would expect. After all, the only thing Western militaries excelled in the last 30 years is to kill civilians and blow civilian infrastructure, and the pattern is recognizable immediately.