Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Of Note.

Vladimir Saldo, the acting governor of Kherson Oblast, made today a crucial admission. 

Сообщения о том, что украинские военные якобы накопили 60-тысячную группировку войск для наступления на Херсон, не соответствуют действительности, заявил врио губернатора Херсонской области Владимир Сальдо. «Последние четыре дня оперативная обстановка на театре военных действий в Херсонской области остается неизменной, стороны наращивают силы, однако слова украинской стороны о накоплении 60 тыс. войск для наступления на Херсон – намеренный лживый вброс», – написал Сальдо в своем Telegram-канале. Он пояснил, что российские военные готовятся дать отпор, и на место прибывает все больше мобилизованных, все больше людей вступают в добровольческие вооруженные отряды в Херсоне, это «все люди глубоко мотивированные и сильные духом». «Люди напрасно ищут ответы о судьбе Херсона в информации СМИ и суждениях блогеров, это все одна и та же общеизвестная информация в разных интерпретациях», – заключил врио главы региона. 

Translation: Reports that the Ukrainian military allegedly accumulated a 60,000-strong group of troops for an attack on Kherson are not true, said Acting Governor of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo. “Over the past four days, the operational situation in the theater of military operations in the Kherson region has remained unchanged, the parties are building up forces, but the words of the Ukrainian side about the accumulation of 60 thousand troops for an offensive on Kherson are a deliberate false stuffing,” wrote Saldo in his Telegram channel. He explained that the Russian military is preparing to fight back, and more and more mobilized people are arriving on the spot, more people are joining volunteer armed groups in Kherson, these are “all people deeply motivated and strong in spirit.” “People are looking in vain for answers about the fate of Kherson in media information and bloggers’ opinions, it’s all the same well-known information in different interpretations,” the acting head of the region concluded.

The progressive diminishing of the size and combat efficiency of the VSU forces who non-stop try to probe, with disastrous for them losses, Russian defenses along the whole front-line is just one of the indicators of a dramatic decline of the force as a whole. Having said all that--it doesn't mean that there will be no major fighting around Kherson. VSU and its handlers from Pentagon and NATO understand a huge importance of the Russian bridgehead on the right bank of Dnieper, so they MUST attack before Russian reserves in the area are fully accumulated for the drive towards Nikolaev and Odessa. That explains all this hustle with "dirty bomb" and military "genius" Petraeus proposing the "multinational force" in Ukraine. All of it is because of that:

Meanwhile, Russia held the exercises of her strategic forces and they went nicely:      
Just to remind some people that it is better to be reasonable when it comes to real war. So, that gives some impression of what is coming for (former) Ukraine. 

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