Friday, January 19, 2024

About Fish and Chips.

Daily Mail sounds the alarm. 

One of Britain's favourite dishes is under threat amid a Kremlin plan to rip up a decades-old agreement allowing UK ships to fish in Russia's Arctic waters. British vessels have been permitted to fish along the coast of the Russian Kola Peninsula in the Barents Sea and to east of Cape Kanin Nos for almost 70 years - even at the height of the Cold War. A massive amount of cod and haddock sold in fish and chips shops across the country is traditionally sourced from these waters - according to UK Fisheries data, a whopping 566,784 tonnes of cod was scooped in the Barents Sea just last year alone. But now Vladimir Putin is said to have declared fishing war on the UK, with his government backing draft legislation that would see Russia pull out of the 1956 agreement and ban Britain from scooping its revered supply of cod and haddock. It comes in response to Britain's decision to slap Moscow with sanctions over the war in Ukraine, and could mean Russian navy warships being used to warn off UK vessels.

They are wrong, Daily Mail I mean. It is not a war, it is merely a reminder to wrong people not to fuck with Russia, after all it is an Exclusive Economic Zone of Russia. 

Here is the area from Kanin Nos cape to Kolguyev Island. It is a juicy cod fishing area, BUT... Russians learned, not least from the Soviet times--being nice and diplomatic with the West doesn't pay. So, as one commenter wrote (highest upvoted comment, BTW):

Why would Russia allow British trawlers into their waters considering how much cash & weapons the UK sends Ukraine. I'm surprised they didn't ban them before.

Exactly! West understands only raw power and Russia, to a dismay of morons who shake air at Davos, has plenty of that. You see, it is like the situation with Finland.

Poor, poor dear, she missed the point completely. Russia didn't pose any threat to Finland up until Finland joined NATO, and what she doesn't understand--it is now Finland who poses threat to Russia. And that is a different setup. Finns could have continued enjoying shopping trips to St. Petersburg, cheap gas, good food and Russians gladly offering their huge market to Finnish goods. Boy, did they fuck it up for themselves. And this is just the warmup--Finland is now posed to become poor (as most of Europe). Considering population of Finland being smaller than population of St.Petersburg proper, one can relate a scale of catastrophe which befell Finland. Pietari (St. Petersburg in Finnish) alone was a market bigger than Finland's and it was close! Transportation was easy and relatively cheap. Not anymore. Well, Finns wanted it and Russia can do nothing about the will of Finnish people. What she can do, though, is to cut off her market from Finnish goods, same way as Russia getting ready to "attack" fish and chips. You know, this thing: I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing, 'Til they got a hold of me(c).

So, that sums it up pretty well.

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