Monday, April 17, 2023

Meanwhile Putin

 ... who, as we all know, is stricken with every illness known to humanity visits Command Posts and Staffs of two groups of Russian troops "Dnepr" and "Vostok" and by the looks of it he is very much in control and looks fresh and strangely energetic. You can read about this and see his visit by following this link (in Russian). Sadly YouTube searches in Russian on Putin are completely clogged by Ukie and Russian fifth column trash. Are we on the verge of something really big? Possible. Judge for yourself:

МОСКВА, 18 апр — РИА Новости. Российские военные нанесли удар по украинским подразделениям в районе Северска, сообщил РИА Новости начальник пресс-центра группировки "Юг" Иван Бигма. «В районе населенного пункта Северск артиллерийскими расчетами реактивных систем залпового огня "Ураган" и "Град" 2-го армейского корпуса Южного военного округа был выполнен групповой удар по скоплениям живой силы и военной техники 54-й механизированной бригады ВСУ", — рассказал офицер.В районе населенного пункта Белогоровка бомбардировщики Южного военного округа поразили пункты временной дислокации 81-й аэромобильной бригады ВСУ.
Translation: MOSCOW, April 18 - RIA Novosti. The Russian military attacked Ukrainian units in the Seversk region, Ivan Bigma, head of the press center of the Yug group, told RIA Novosti. “In the area of ​​the settlement of Seversk, artillery crews of the Uragan and Grad multiple launch rocket systems of the 2nd Army Corps of the Southern Military District carried out a group attack on accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the 54th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the officer said. Bombers from the Southern Military District hit the temporary deployment points of the 81st airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Belogorovka.

We'll see soon enough.

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