Thursday, February 27, 2025


Newsweek, this collection of neocon retards and Kiev regime propaganda outlet, makes a sensation out of nothing. 

Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian state TV host and key ally to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Moscow could "erase" Germany "off the face of the earth" during a recent broadcast. Newsweek reached out to the German embassy for comment via email on Thursday.

Yes, and I don't see what's the problem. Russia can "erase" not only Germany, but the whole of Europe and the US. As much as I abhor this hysterical specimen Solovyov (he IS NOT Putin's ally and, in fact, the opposite--but that's Newsweek, only cretins work there to know anything) factually he is absolutely correct. I also agree with him that Germany is Russia's existential enemy and will remain so no matter what. AfD is irrelevant here, because majority of Germany voted for the same shit again. Only former GDR voted for AfD. It is too late to save Germany anyway. So, what's the big deal, Newsweek, a slow news day?