... is a grave for the whole NATO proxy combined arms army (two army corps). Russians never fight wars for PR--they fight them to kill the enemy.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Katzmans, LOL)))
Thanks to Katzmans with their deadly meme...
The moment you were becoming a respected expert on South Korea but its President fucked it up for you...
Messrs Zircons, Onyxes, Kalibrs, Kinzhals.
Russian Navy demonstrating the force in Eastern Med. The Bastion launch of P-800 Onyx (it is capable of launching 3M22 Zircons too) is ominous. For NATO... Houthies, you know, other people with an axe to grind.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Danny, Scott And Yours Truly...
... live in about an hour. After that I should be immediately at Colonel Davis Deep Dive. So, it is kinda busy today))
Sunday, December 1, 2024
A Snippet Of History.
Stalin took one single painting with him to Tehran Conference in 1943, both Churchill and FDR have been stunned by it. By then, the outcome of WW II was not in doubt--the Red Army was on the offensive. But... Plastov's painting called The Fascist Flew Over conveyed what war on the Eastern Front looked like...
Here is this picture...
Color Me Surprised... Not.
So, the US is now politically a third world corrupt shithole. All despite many signs, diminishing as they are, of the first world economically.
This is everything you need to know about the state of the affairs in the US. Since the tragedy of 9/11 the US was rolling down the hill in every aspect of social and cultural life (economic and military too) but it got boosted by Obama cabal on the way to hell. And here we are--corruption and lying became virtues embraced by a large portion of Americans, especially the US corrupt pretentious intelligentsia. Many still cannot grasp the gravity and scale of the damage both to the world and the United States Biden (Obama's) Admin did.
Visit By Kinzhal...
... of the deeply recessed and reinforced Command Post of VSU's group in Donbass.