... when Colonel MacGregor defined Keane as "equivalent of political officer" in the Soviet Army--I laughed. Because it is true, and because I stressed the same about delirium by Klintsevitch who decided to pass judgement on global balance of forces, especially nuclear and the US Navy, and... embarrassed himself. Klintsevich was a graduate of political military academy and he was a... propagandist.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Friday, August 30, 2024
... Russian Lynchian touch. Dasha Davydova in her Singer (Pevitsa) Poreva (I leave this for interpretation)) period singing Don't FUCK With Me (Ne Naeby Menya), with Lenya Golubkov who was a feature of Russian commercials in 1990s selling BS about getting rich fast, that is to say--fucking with people. The reference to Blue Velvet and, in general, Lynch is profound. There is a Julie Cruise reference there also in vocals ...
Cannot win on the battlefield? Kill civilians. Czech MLRS Vampire with cluster munitions attacked apartment blocks in Belgorod--a classic MO of NATO advisers, with the US providing targeting through AD "gaps". In Russian. Thanks to DDG guys. Here is one of the cluster munitions hits people (nobody, luckily, was killed). This should be used at the Sandhurst and USMA at West Point as an example of a "real" war.
New Russian Army Video...
You do not even have to know Russian to get it...
All Their Names Are Known...
... those which are not will be soon. The atrocities committed against civilians in Kursk are straight out of SS playbook of WW II. These "mercenaries", no matter nationality, will be hunted down for the rest of their lives and they will face justice one way or another.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
There Was Nothing Wrong...
... with this dream. Remarkably Americans and Russians had a very similar ideas about the aesthetics of the future in 1950s and 1960s. This is incredible, I want to visit such a world, even if for a day, obviously accompanied by my wife, of course, if you know what I mean))) But, no, the aesthetics is breathtaking...
This Is An Incredible Find...
The 1971 footage of the opening of the monument to fallen heroes, marines, graduates of my academy in Great Patriotic War. Superintendent of academy, Vice-Admiral Stepanov gives a speech, plus some footage from the graduation in 1971, including march of elements of foreign naval cadets, you can immediately spot Germans and Cubans, plus others. What a find!
It Was Flying Peacefully...
... and then, for no particular reason (c), just fell from the sky.
No particular reasons may involve: some bat shit crazy Russian pilot on Su-35 or Su-57 (with R-37) with mortgage in some nice suburban community--they don't pay themselves, those houses, you know--or, this no particular reason may involve S-400 with 400 km range 40N6E (Air Defense also has mortgages, you know), or, in the end, the airbase Kolomyi was visited by Mr. Kinzhal with follow up with 3M14s from the sunk Black Sea Fleet ships. So many possibilities. Per "symbols of US support" they are being destroyed in industrial quantities and being paraded as a burned junk all over Russia.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Leaning On London...
... new details begin to emerge from this FUBAR by NATO in Kursk. But before we go there--here is the phenomenon of being grossly overrated. Mind you, this is not me writing this, these are American historians.
Abrams Tanks Are Burning...
... an important quote on archetypes. Medvedev is absolutely correct about military science. Tactics and Operations changed dramatically. Military science changed dramatically. Just one example--the role of Air Defense is now very clear and Russian AD forces are now on the path to a total technological and combat operational and strategic dominance. The world never saw anything like this. I omit here now beaten to death cliche of UAVs and loitering munitions--this goes without saying. All this completely overturns every single operational concept ever conceived in NATO and renders them irrelevant. Many still do not grasp this real catastrophe.
This DRG (Diversionary Recon Group) Of NATO...
... is a toast now. Artillery (and RUK) is a bitch.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Adapt, Adapt, Adapt...
... if you don't--you lose. Let me get you on the stroll down the memory lane. Seven years ago Russians decided to test land-based AD complex Tor M2KM in the sea on-board of Russian Frigate Admiral Grigorovich.
HIMARS Are Having A Very Difficult Time...
... everywhere in SMO zone.
Monday, August 26, 2024
So, To Wrap Up This Whole...
... glamorous Durov and his "girlfriend"--I am sure she is with him because he is smart, kind, giving and humble (it is love, I am sure;))))--affair with French security services.
SitRep For Today...
... and some numbers. McMaster writes yet another book. For a guy with a gross discrepancy between his rather mediocre military "achievements" and high public profile, he is surprisingly productive in his writing.
About Pavel Durov...
In Russian Durov has a common root with... Durak, which is--a fool. While I understand this whole hype about this guy and TG, I have no sympathy for this glamorous narcissist whatsoever, and suggest to rename him properly--Pavel Foolov, because this is exactly who he is.
Generally Speaking...
... NATO's adventurism at Kursk changed not just operational but whole strategic picture, so much so that it is impossible to cover up anymore. Well, with the exception of imbeciles from London Times (I'll be talking about it in my video). Here is Hindustan Times:
Sunday, August 25, 2024
The Face Of NATO...
... I wonder if this reminds some people in Pentagon and CIA something like... my memory is a bit fuzzy...
Larry Wilkerson's Valuable Insight...
... on Judge Nap's show. On culpability. Which only buttresses my constant point that neither Pentagon, let alone CIA, nor, let alone kindergarten in London know what real operations are and act on an amateurish template of Operational Manuals written for fighting people who cannot shoot back.
Translation: "In total, during the military actions in the Kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 5,800 servicemen, 72 tanks, 31 infantry fighting vehicles, 58 armored personnel carriers, 383 armored combat vehicles, 177 cars, 37 artillery pieces," the ministry said in a statement. In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost five anti-aircraft missile systems, 11 multiple launch rocket system launchers, including three HIMARS and one MLRS, nine electronic warfare stations, a counter-battery radar, an air defense radar, five units of engineering equipment, including two engineering vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing unit. "The operation to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces formations continues," the Russian Ministry of Defense added.
Basically, a division has been wiped off the order of battle for VSU and Russian Army gladly continues to wipe out other reserves which are being thrown into this meat-grinder. As I stress all the time--the numbers of VSU losses are very conservative to put it mildly. E.g. double strike on VSU facility and concentration on VSU troops in Slavyansk today. Nobody would even count their 200s and 300s and they will not be included by Russian MoD into statistics.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
OK, This Is A Pleasant Surprise...
... and it is totally unexpected. Watch to the end)))
Meanwhile At Kursk...
Lancets and FPVs fly...
... relaxing and flying away with this mind-boggling music.
Friday, August 23, 2024
SitRep From Larry.
Concise and to the point.
Read and watch the whole thing at Larry's blog.
It Is Rather A Tragic Coincidence...
... because Solingen is renown for its... cutlery, especially knifes. I own a set of Solingen knifes and scissors.
I am sorry for innocent lives lost but I am sure that these "diversity" celebrations will continue to have similar outcomes.
To Those Who Forgot...
... today is the anniversary of the conclusion of the Kursk Battle. I underscore again German numbers on any operation and losses are primarily fiction as is most what is written in the West (that is to say written by Wehrmacht losers). So...
The Battle of Kursk, which involved the largest tank battle of the Second World War, was fought on the steppe of Kursk oblast between July 5 and August 23, 1943. It was initiated by the Germans who, in retreat after their spectacular defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad, concentrated 50 divisions, two tank brigades, three tank battalions, and eight artillery assault divisions comprising 2,700 Tiger and Panther tanks, some two thousand aircraft, and 900,000 men in all. The Soviet forces, consisting of General K. K. Rokossovskii’s Army of the Center, General N. F. Vatutin’s Voronezh Army, and the reserve army of the Steppe Front under General I. S. Konev, numbered 1.3 million troops, 3,600 tanks, and 2,800 aircraft. The German offensive, code named “Citadel,” involved two simultaneous thrusts against the Soviet-held northern and southern salients. Both were successfully repulsed, and by July 12, the Soviet forces had gone over to the offensive. On August 4, the city of Orel was liberated and by the 18th the German army took up defensive positions east of Bryansk. It had lost 30 of its 50 divisions and up to 500,000 men killed, wounded or missing in action. From its victory in the Battle of Kursk, the Soviet Red Army went on to liberate most of Ukraine in the autumn of 1943, marching into Kiev on November 6. Although Western historiography traditionally marks the beginning of the German downfall to the D-Day invasion of Normandy, the crushing defeat of Kursk makes a more likely turning point for the war.
It was a cataclysmic event, which ended Blitzkrieg once and for all. It also dwarfs any operation by Allies in its scale, scope and ferocity, also being the largest armor clash in history and precisely because of that it is being rewritten in the West non-stop for sheer propaganda purposes. I will be talking about it tomorrow and why they are so desperate to rewrite history. For now the link to Ira Alksnis spot on description of the main reasons (in Russian).
NATO (let's call it what it is) decided to play diversionary-recon group (DRG) with Russian Army at the border of Belgorod Oblast. Here is how it all ends for them.
Another One Bites The Dust...
... RUK (Recon-Strike Complex) at work couple of days ago at Kherson axis.
Now, I understand that Glenn Diesen worries (rightly so) about possible NATO-Russia clash--the burning ferry with loaded oil at Port Kavkaz does look impressive. But as I stress non-stop--in the end it is COFM (Correlation of Forces and Means) and posture which dictates approach to any kind of war. NATO has neither, trying to hide behind the backs of VSU. NATO simply doesn't have enough of anything. In other words--NATO cannot assemble and predeploy required force to even have a chance against Russia. At least some people in Pentagon understand it. Pathos-ridden rhetoric from West's "elites" (a euphemism for BS) is just that. NATO is effectively de-militarized now. The required FORCE is not there for NATO, period! The best division-size force packed with US and other "volunteers" has been wiped off the face of the earth in ten days in Kursk.
Oh, it is very clear, Mr. "Admiral" Kirby, very clear.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Now, Ukraine Surely Is Going To Win...
... because British strategic thought and might is fully behind 404.
UK long ago became a joke and now we get recycling of imbeciles in UK's military-political top. Plus, it has to be stated, Storm Shadow missiles while having a leaker once in a while are no match for Russian air defense. But then again... we saw British operational planning--to manage to lose a division in about 10 days in Kursk. It takes special talent and 44 week in Sandhurst pretending being militarily educated.
Ray And Nima...
... on Russian "experts" in the US.
Stealing Everything...
I know, I know--I am being facetious. The front in former 404 is crumbling big time. Poland, traditionally, will be blamed)) NS-2 comedy.
Village of Russian Konopelka...
... and trash removal by Russian Army in Kursk Oblast. Minus 60 VSU and a bunch of NATO armor. Porkicide, in other words. This is a visual representation of how two VSU best brigades have been wiped out by Russians. Just one episode out of many.
Finally, The Mystery Has Been Solved...
... as DJT uncovered--Barak Obama allowed Russians to steal American hypersonic technology.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
While Inevitable Unfolds...
... for 404 and NATO, Nikolai Patrushev visits Borei A-class boomer Emperor Alexander the Third. She is for now at the North, but it is a Pacific Fleet SSBN.
I want to stress, Russia's strategic missile submarines production is impressive, to put it mildly and is increasing the gap with the US not just in state-of-the-art platforms but with latest versions of Bulava SLBMs capable of delivering of hypersonic gliding blocks. This is a generational loss, against the background of the delays of both Sentinel ICBM and Columbia-class SSBN. Hence the leak from uber "classified" (LOL) nuclear weapons guidance form the White House.
Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat. In a classified document approved in March, the president ordered U.S. forces to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea.
It is a classic approach to "do something", which is nothing but PR and simulation of meaningful activity, when initial conditions are clear and no matter what one does they cannot change anymore. Here is GAO giving some heads up:
All six offensive hypersonic weapon efforts GAO identified have placed a high priority on delivering quickly, with all intending to deliver a “minimum viable product”—one with the initial capabilities needed for users to recognize value. Four of the efforts, however, are not soliciting user feedback to determine what capabilities to include in their minimum viable product, a leading practice for product development identified by GAO in July 2023. In addition, four efforts have not adopted leading practices for using digital engineering tools, another leading practice for product development. These tools include virtual representations of physical products. Employing modern digital engineering tools and directly soliciting user feedback both have the potential to speed up the design process, reduce costs, and develop a more usable product. While DOD has identified and analyzed cost risks, the cost of these weapons is difficult to estimate. This is in part due to DOD's limited experience developing and fielding hypersonic weapons. For example, the Navy's estimate for Conventional Prompt Strike—among the most mature cost estimates available—compensates for the lack of quality historical data by relying heavily on the views of subject matter experts. Expert views are best used sparingly, as they can be prone to bias, unless estimators analyze and account for that bias. Addressing this and other issues in accordance with GAO leading practices for cost estimates could provide Navy decision-makers a more accurate estimate.
As I already stated--you cannot buy technical expertise based on technological and engineering culture which is utterly alien to the United States and its weaponry. Absolutely the same goes for operational and strategic experiences of Russia, which are also beyond reach now. It is all about "limited experiences". If that hasn't been enough, the shit accumulates on ISS:
Port concerns
This is becoming ridiculous. Wait until they will tell us (it is already known) that undocking may create problems and the damn thing can damage the port, in the best case scenario, in the worst... well, let's not go there.
Meanwhile, somebody begins to suspect something.
They Will Answer It...
... better than me. Joseph and Svetlana and some State Duma MP speak about Putin's Ordnance.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
... Here is today's freshest from around Toretsk (and New York, ahem). As you can see the area roughly 3 by 3 kilometers is completely blocked.
Allegory... On A Lighter Note.
Allegory--a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Roller-coasters long ago have become allegories, but this one--it is just fun, wink, wink:)) If you survive.
As Many Of Us Have Been Saying This...
... for a long time (visit Larry's SONAR 21 in his latest with Judge)--patience and prudence of Russia are mistaken for weakness. Well, you cannot culture up Washington whose MO is set by hysterical emotive media and overall clownish nature of contemporary American politics. But you also cannot explain what Operational ART is, because most of operations of the US Armed Forces have been against weak opponents. Well, Kursk incursion and catastrophe which befell all those VSU "forces", including a bunch of "volunteers" is the latest demonstration of sheer incompetence of NATO's "planning", forget about executing any serious operations of scale. It took Akhmat, 810th Brigade of marines some elements of SSO with the help of VKS to turn those roughly 120-150 sq. kilometers of Kursk Oblast into the mass grave for VSU.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Back With Ark And Saving Civilization...
... many people have been wondering. Well, here is your answer of which I spoke about for years.
Президент России Владимир Путин подписал указ, предусматривающий оказание помощи при переселении тем, кто не приемлет ценности Запада.
Translate: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree providing assistance with resettlement to those who do not accept Western values. According to the decree, foreigners who do not accept the policies of their countries, which contradict traditional values, will be able to apply for temporary residence in Russia without having to comply with the established quota and provide proof of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation, TASS reports. Foreigners who do not share the policies of their countries, which "impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" can apply for assistance. A large family from the United States, which previously adhered to traditional values, received a certificate of temporary asylum in Russia.
As you may have already surmised, after that the change from temporary to permanent status will be very easy and a straight road to Russian citizenship. Normal Western people are being saved. Those who do not understand what is this all about--read Dostoevsky's Pushkin lecture.
Here is an example:
Meanwhile, here is Mr. Lavrov debunks (in Russian) all this BS about some "negotiations" and other crap made up by specialists in chicken shit from WaPo. And, I quote--NO negotiations are possible with Kiev regime, period.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Time To Save One's Own Ass.
... or, rather, asses. LOL. I warned, remember? Now suddenly The Economist admits:
Russia’s double-punch back against Ukraine’s shock raid. It is bombing Ukrainians in Kursk and advancing in Pokrovsk
It is behind the paywall, but I can tell you what this globalist establishment tabloid proposes in this newly restarted game of blame. They say that it was hapless general Syrsky who hid his plans from the West to attack Kursk Oblast. Which implies, that should he have told that he about to attack Kursk Oblast (a euphemism for what Syrsky does best--kill his best troops), all those moral and military competent people (I am screwing with you) in Washington and London would have certainly prevented it. But poor poor dears have been in a complete darkness and didn't know about those plans, LOL))
Of course, this whole thing is nothing but a heap of bovine manure in a feeble attempt to start deflecting and spreading blame around, after VSU best equipped (practically all of it fresh NATO hardware) and motivated troops, and NATO generals who planned this catastrophe for them, covered part (about 11-12 kilometers) of what is called forefiled (or security zone), which was not prepared (why, we will know in a due time--administration of Kurks Oblast has a lot to answer for) and... drum roll... still drumming... still rolling... ran into the first line of defense of the Russian Army, which, as you may have guessed it by now was in about 11-12 kilometers from the border and... And The Economist still is required to keep abreast of the events along the whole front. Pokrovsk axis is just one of them, where Russians advance very dramatically. How about this?
Drive to Kupyansk and those lovely narrows of Oskol River where its width is reduced to 25-30 meters. You get my drift, right? And then, of course, there are events at Maryinka-Ugledar chord. So, a lot is unfolding as I type this, but, in the end, it is about sheer military and political stupidity of the NATO planners who needed some "success" and "transfer" of Russian reserves from the front. Boy, they really need to learn what COFM is and get basic math skills going for them. The result was predictable: lines of communications (supply lines) have been cut, the whole force was dispersed and instead of Troops Operation, Counter-Terror Operation was introduced and that means there is NO statute of limitations for terrorism, meaning for anyone involved in this "incursion", including those who planned it. I stress this for the last several days--this is hugely important. And yes, that means NATO planners.
Meanwhile, the removal of trash continues:
Anyone thought otherwise? Also, instructive, how losers from London stage Russian "POWs", in reality Ukie "actors", laying on the ground (that even WaPo cannot confirm it), while this is how real POWs identification happens through real military professionals of the Russian Army:
Heads-up, self-identification: full name (FIO, in Russian) and military unit. Many POWs from VSU, many... courts will decide who will be accepted as POW and who will face terrorism charges.
P.S. Dmitry Kosyrev writes today in RIA (in Russian) about Idiocracy capturing the US. Read it, it is instructive.
When High Wears Off...
... WaPo lies again and they hide real situation. Especially what is going on around Pokrovsk. Plus some numbers on Russia's gas supplies to EU.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Thanks To Guys From DDG...
Their TG Channel keeps their hand on the pulse. And here is a visual representation of 404's so called MIAs and Russian forces visiting places with piles of almost completely decomposed bodies, bones, skulls and even golden teeth.
VSU "Offensive"...
... unfolds as planned by the Russian Army and copious amount of BS NATO media try to spread contradict the overall, and tactical, pictures of a slaughter of the best 404 (and NATO) reserves. Here is another US wundrwaffe joins its "colleagues" in the technological hell--courtesy of Russian RUK (Recon Strike Complex) with Mr. Iskander visiting this unlucky HIMARS.