... on October 1 the Day of Ground Forces.
Monday, September 30, 2024
Russia Celebrates...
Preparing New...
... cannon fodder. Hitler-Jugend. Or, rather, Zelensky Jugend.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
It Is A Holiday In Russia...
... it is a Machine-builders' Day.
Additional Explanation...
... on updated Doctrine. It is about dragging out NATO cowards who have been hiding behind VSU cannon fodder's backs into the open. That's proxy removal.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
This Is The Guy...
... who has Ph.D in political "science" and whose record of being wrong pretty much about everything is exemplary. Yet, this cretin still continues to "influence" such useless collection of "thinkers" as Council on Foreign Relations, and, of course, his knowledge of Russia and Russian people is about the same level as my knowledge of Mandarin.
Friday, September 27, 2024
After I Defeated...
... bugs in my video soft, something on updates to Russia's nuclear doctrine and those pesky Houthies.
Ugledar Is Hot...
... literally. You can see how Russian MLRS deal with the roads with VSU hardware and personnel on them trying to escape hell.
And, of course, incendiary munitions turning Ugledar into hell.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Real Wealth...
... here is one such example. Sochi--a great Russian riviera hub, albeit the stretch of "Russian California", including Crimea is roughly 500 miles from Sevastopol to Sochi.
My Offer)))
$400 per hour, lectures on Applied Geopolitics and COFM, for any Ivy League humanities "professor" and Wall Street "investor". For Daleep Singh it is $4,000 per hour because even my wild military and life experiences will need some serious shrinks, and those are expensive, after explaining to graduates in shit from MIT and Duke that their degrees are worthless and they basically have no real education, as are "professors" who teach this malarkey.
P.S. Thank to DDG who had their UTube channel removed today.
... the most critical term is "irreversible".
I continue to state--the US still has a chance to negotiate its place among great powers of the new world, Europe cannot. It is an objective reality having everything to do with resource base and, metaphysically, "weight" of nations which is not measured in nominal currency. Will the US take a chance? Well, first it needs to declare AIPAC and those in US Congress and government associated with it "foreign agents"... Nah, the US is screwed. It will follow Israel into oblivion... Could Lloyd Austin become an unlikely hero? Stranger things happened before.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Very Good Review...
... by Colonel and Judge.
Review Of My Latest Book...
... by:
Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack at and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/category/agi/
So he writes about the book and me:
You may read the whole thing by following this link.
This Is Why The US...
... is in deep trouble. People posted here hilarious rankings by Ray Dalio (whose actual degree from Harvard is obscured).
I have no reasons to like Heritage Foundation--these are themselves a bunch of ideologues and BSers--but the state of the US education, as is the case with economy, is a complete collapse in progress.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Daniel Davis And Larry...
... had an excellent conversation about Israel and Hezbollah. You can read some at Larry's blog also.
OK, I Just Had To)))
This is totally called for, and this is the most Polish thing ever)).
No, not that, this)))
Slavs got it immediately. As one commenter wrote:
This video united all slav countries better than any emperor ever.
Difficult to disagree. I omit here jokes on this issue--this could take a long and funny while.
I Totally Get It...
... almost a desperation from Larry Wilkerson. To see your own country humiliate yourself--I totally get it.
Collapse In Real Time...
... I reiterate my point--return remains of Red Army soldiers from Europe and rebury them in Russia. Same goes for monuments. Europe lost the right...
Ugledar. Now.
A bit of demonstration, why now it is mostly a hunt, a safari, for Russian Army.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Some Visual Evidence...
... of Pokrovsk being empty. Some 404 "patriot", for some reason not on mova but on Russian, laments the fate of the city, which, of course, will be rebuilt and much improved by Russians, while not getting a simple fact--he and his ilk didn't count on consequences. You don't need to know Russian to recognize that Pokrovsk's fate is sealed, as is that of Ugledar.
Meanwhile, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. What do you expect from this chihuahua?
I am absolutely positive that mighty Danish army and navy should be first to try and then see what happens.
Pepe Wrote...
... a review of my latest book. It is, of course, flattering to me and my great thanks to Pepe.
Read the whole thing. What I will do, and I am eternally grateful to Pepe for this, I will print and frame Pepe's characteristic of me as a "delightful human being", and will hang it everywhere in the house for my wife to see it, constantly))). Thank you, Pepe. Hopefully, see you in Moscow next year, this time we go to a nice steak place.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
On A Lighter Note.
Especially after war and healthcare "news". Here is the best of humanity. Absolutely incredible and marvelous. Creating, not destroying. Artistry of the best kind.
I Couldn't Miss It.
And here is the question--don't they study Anatomy in medical schools? How the fuck can you not know the difference between spleen and liver? Obviously, medical malpractice is nothing new all around the globe--it is true for the US, Canada, Russia, Germany, China and shit, but this...
But if this horror wasn't enough, get a load of this. This is more than just malpractice, this is down right coercion and crime. Poor girl...
Russians Per Ben Hodges...
Correction on Milley--he didn't graduate USMA at West Point, he has "degree" in... politics from whatever Ivy League degree mill. Ben Hodges, however, did and look at him, Good Lord. The desperation and butthurt fest in Western MSM. It is really bad--I can feel their pain. It will get worse, much much worse for them.
Ania Talks About The List...
... of countries for whose citizens Russia opens her doors.
Translation: The head of the Russian government, Mikhail Mishustin, approved a list of countries “implementing policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” This list was compiled in accordance with the decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on August 19, which allows foreigners who do not agree with the “liberal values” imposed in Western countries to temporarily reside in Russia without taking into account the quota and documents on knowledge of the Russian language and history of our country. Thus, a mechanism has been created that allows citizens of the “free world” countries to free themselves from the coercion of the “new morality,” in which the main role is given to sexual minorities and militant atheism, and to find refuge in Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry will issue these citizens a single-entry visa for three months through Russian diplomatic missions, after which they will be able to request a residence permit.
Guess what country leads in terms of applications? Correct, Germany. No, not Russian Germans--they used to have Russian citizenship, so for them it was merely a return. No, we are talking native Germans. The list itself is below the article in KP. The whole combined West with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia is there.
Ha, They Talk About Me...
... in Italy. Naturally in Italian))
My many thanks to Perrin for his kind words when judging my work.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
It Is More Than That...
Larry wrote a good size and good piece on Daniel Davis interviewing Ben Hodges. Enough to read that Ben Hodges calls Russians "animals" to understand that this general suffers with debilitating case of both exceptionalism having a cognitive fight with a severe complex of inferiority, because Hodges wouldn't be able to pass exams into Russian Academy of General Staff, where his combat record would be laughed at. Not openly, of course. But here is one point (correct one) Larry makes:
But there is more to it than just that. I wrote about it before, but it becomes clear that most US top brass has no understanding of the modern air defense. It is not surprising for the military force which is being shaped by largely confabulated US military history and never conducting SEAD operations against REAL modern air defense. Here is Yuri Selivanov noting a few days ago, what I wrote four books about:
Translation: You just need to be a little bit aware of what the so-called "US air force glory" consists of. And it consists of such specific "feats" that completely explain all the current troubles with the training of Ukrainian pilots on the F-16. The fact is that the US Air Force, as well as all other NATO countries, fought all their previous wars at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries in such fabulously comfortable conditions that they could even fly there on brooms, and with a good chance of completing a combat mission. All those countries that they designated as targets for their bombing in the last thirty years were very different. But in one thing they all look the same. All these countries either did not have any air defense at all, or even had it, but in such a quantitative and qualitative state that it was enough for a very short time. And then, after the suppression of this almost symbolic air defense, a real massacre of the innocents began. This happened twice in Iraq, once in Yugoslavia, and finally in the most defenseless Afghanistan. In the latter case, there was absolutely no air defense, which, firstly, allowed bombing this country with absolute impunity. And secondly, sending the newest F-35B carrier-based strike fighters there to test their combat capabilities.
The problem with the US CAS (Close Air Support) on the modern battlefield of the 21st century is that it is not survivable against immediate frontline distributed AD based on a staggering plethora of advanced and networked hardware such as S1 Pantsir, Tor M2, Buk-M2-3 and AD artillery systems such as Tunguska et al. It will also be severely jammed and denied accurate approach in the absence of GPS. The whole idea that the USAF will be defeated even before it even takes off and then defeated before completion of the mission doesn't sit well with US generals whose combat record even against supremely inferior enemy is dismal. This is not an exaggeration, it is hard cold reality and that is what drives these sore losers like Hodges into the arms of sheer delusion. Then, let it be no surprise in observing Ben Hodges and his "colleagues" such as Keane, Petraeus and others resorting to the name calling and offering military "advice" which no responsible competent military leader would ever give, especially when having no clue about Russia and her historic warfare experience which dwarfs that of the United States. USMA at West Point used to be a decent engineering school. Not anymore...
Friday, September 20, 2024
Oh, Boy...
...it is being defined.
Translation: MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has approved a list of countries that impose destructive attitudes that contradict Russian spiritual and moral values. The corresponding document has been published. The list includes 47 countries and territories that "implement policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." It includes the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and other countries. Slovakia and Hungary are not included in the EU, and Turkey is not included in the NATO countries. According to a TASS source familiar with the preparation of the document, the list was approved in accordance with the presidential decree on providing humanitarian support to foreigners who share traditional spiritual and moral values.
So, there you go...
Beauty Will Save The World(c) Dostoevsky...
It is impossible to cancel... Light up my lighter and go pour myself a shot of Jack. It has been a tense week.
Kindergarten Lies.
How does Milley live with himself? To self-medicate he invents childish lies... On NCOs and military education.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Tactics, By NATO...
... the amount of evidence by now is overwhelming.
This is the "civilization" and "honor" combined West brings to people. I am absolutely not surprised with French--with their "glorious" war record from 1940 through Vietnam, they substitute fighting ability with extracurricular activities such as killing, raping and robbing civilians.
A Hint...
... 404 doesn't have its indigenous serious communications system, especially in military-intelligence realm. You probably have guessed it by now whose those comms are, and who mans them. A hint--not Ukrainians.
So, allow your imagination to soar. Also, expect a series of unfortunate events (c) coming soon in NATO with some personnel dying in helicopter crashes or in accidents while repairing water heaters or wall outlets.
... you never know, if you know what I mean.
They Still Live...
... in WW II and think about bombs. It is a sign of military-technological impotence.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
This Is Brussels...
... they demonstrate against looming shutting down of Audi automotive plant. Audi lost competitiveness due to high energy prices.
One of the "external" factors identified is the decline of Germans' beer consumption. Good beer is a fairly expensive habit and Germany's standard of living is being driven towards meeting third world standards extremely fast. It is not there yet, but Europe's fate is sealed no matter what it does. People may say that I am gloating, I am not--I do have heart and it aches sometimes, but without divulging the name and (very high) position of one of my German acquaintances, in his words--until Europe goes hungry, nothing will change. The process is underway and soon passionate and, to a large extent (not completely), freeloading immigration in EU propped up with massive influx of weapons from 404 may also say its word once social safety net tears apart, which is not the matter if IF but WHEN (very soon). National police forces No Go zones will extend greatly and will turn to self-governance, including through banditry and all other types of violence. We all pay for our sins, for Europe this time has arrived, the US is next.
Platoon. The Movie.
Courtesy of Russia's Ministry of Defense.
Of Course, They Don't...
... understand dimensions. Most of them are products of the US degree mills from Ivy League humanities and "government" programs which are primarily academic fraud. Ray says it well:
Now, per Western media being giddy about Toropets explosions.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Larry On Pagers...
... for Hezbollah.
I will not be surprised if Israelis have been able to penetrate Taiwanese manufacturer. Taiwan took a staunchly pro-Israeli stance, plus both have long-lasting military technological cooperation. In other words, Israelis may not have had a tough time "changing" pagers into small explosive devices. I agree with Larry, though, this will only stiffen Hezbollah's resolve and that means escalation.
Apti Alautdinov...
... explains some realities of this whole Kursk NATO FUBAR.
And then, there is a rather interesting article about fates of the United States by Russian thinker (he has a graduate degree in Physics, if anybody wonders) Timofei Sergeitsev with a shocking title: Russia Will Have To Take Away US Nuclear Weapons. One may debate merits of this piece, but Sergeitsev, paradoxically, makes an interesting case of WHY the US Armed Forces will not save the US, unlike it happened with Russia in 2000. Remarkably, very similar idea was floated by Colonel Larry Wilkerson (you can find this video of his on You Tube).
Translation: The military — those who fight and die on the battlefield, and are not simply listed as military personnel in peacetime — are the only caste that can rule. This is an ancient tradition, but this is also the modern situation, since power requires unlimited responsibility, when life is pledged as collateral, not authorized capital. The United States is a society where traders have usurped power. And they, in principle, avoid responsibility, even limited, and strive to transfer the maximum risks, losses, and costs to others. In the USSR, power in the twentieth century was appropriated by the clergy of a godless religion — the faith in communism. This imbalance of the political system led to its destruction. The imbalance of the US political system is also leading its internal crisis to the point of no return. The US military community is corrupted by the influx of external resources, the logic of robbery. It is not ready to build a state — a system for reproducing power based on internal, its own resource. For two centuries, the US trading community bought the services of its own military, essentially turning them into mercenaries. But there are fewer and fewer resources left for this internal mercenary activity. And mercenaries do not have and cannot have political qualifications.
The fact that this piece was published by Ria is telling. I meanwhile simply beg--get me into this "what could have been" for a day. Let me marvel and rest.
Admiral Moiseev Speaks...
... about decision which has been made already at the highest political level, while this comical "comparison" of KM-SAM, which is a shorter range hybrid of S-350 and S-400 to Patriot reveals a gigantic depth of a complex of inferiority which was brought to the surface by the events of first Syria and now--SMO. Russia, looks like, foresees a complete breakdown of law and political system in the US. Realistically--we are within this process. Well, ukrainiazation of the United States is nearly complete. So, why spend five 3M22 Zircons when one can spend only one armed with a good yield warhead. What is remarkable, NATO has no answer to it...
Okean-24 Concludes...
... this coincides with Admiral Moiseev's revealing piece in Voennaya Mysl (Military Thought) of which I will be talking about in my new video which is coming up shortly.
About Payload...
... yes, it is military and it is... several military satellites, as Ria reports (in Russian).
Monday, September 16, 2024
OK, I Am Sure...
... this will have a positive effect on acoustic signature (and other physical fields) and maneuvering qualities of this newest SSN.
Wow. Yes, she is a very diverse sub, if you know what I mean. But then again, what do I know--integration and diversity are strength, they say.
Tactical Mistake...
As you can see yourself, to catch a Ukie draft-dodger (good for him, he will stay alive for a while longer), you must know how to run interference. But these guys from TTzK (Center for Registration and Formation of VSU)--they are amateurs. And, as a result--the prey escapes.
They Are Obviously...
... mentally challenged people, operating on primitive instincts and constant, bordering on hysteria, emotional high. Here is the wife of Mr. Tim Walz. Remarkably, her maiden name is... Whipple. Here is her whipping the crowd into frenzy.
Garland Sent Me This Link...
... to would be Trump assassin Ryan Routh. Evidently the dude wrote a book. Through his writing you can immediately see a mentally unstable--thus easily manipulated by TPTB--person obsessed with 404.
He is a perfectly delusional man, who, when his recent "history" is considered, comes across as some "asset" of whatever the "agency" developed him. Now, the question--how did he know that DJT changed his plans and went to play golf? Good question, right? Meanwhile, the US is fast turning into the third world totalitarian nightmare.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Okean-2024 Snippet.
As you can see in this video--this is not your "polite" courtesy joint maneuvering. This is serious between Russian Pacific Fleet and PLAN--you can see PLAN's destroyer in the order (formation).