Monday, September 16, 2024

Garland Sent Me This Link...

 ... to would be Trump assassin Ryan Routh. Evidently the dude wrote a book. Through his writing you can immediately see a mentally unstable--thus easily manipulated by TPTB--person obsessed with 404.

As the Taliban is committing genocide and killing the majority of the Afghan population; we have 5900 Afghan soldiers ready to deploy to Ukraine and we have 10,000 of the Syrian free army(less 67 killed in the earthquake last week) that Ukraine and the US refuses to allow and coordinate them to go and fight in Ukraine. After spending five months in Ukraine I began to realize that it was impossible for Ukraine to win this war and that the world should not have grand thoughts that it is possible. I presume that I must be clear, that while on the current path Ukraine will not win, it is imperative for the world that they do win, and that is why this book is so important, for us all to recognize that losing is not an option and what we must do to win. I obviously did not write this to make any money, as that is totally unimportant; the extremely important issue is that we openly discuss daily the major issues that face Ukraine and what we each must try to do to fix them. This is a conflict of global importance and the outcome will affect us each and every one for the rest of the world.

He is a perfectly delusional man, who, when his recent "history" is considered, comes across as some "asset" of whatever the "agency" developed him. Now, the question--how did he know that DJT changed his plans and went to play golf? Good question, right? Meanwhile, the US is fast turning into the third world totalitarian nightmare.

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