You cannot make this shit up. On a lighter note, though))) Bubba's sausage is always good and has all the right ingredients.
Here is the video.
So, with titles like this...
You cannot make this shit up. On a lighter note, though))) Bubba's sausage is always good and has all the right ingredients.
Here is the video.
This is a pleasant surprise I talked about recently. Colonel and I discuss the issue of Russian military art and how Russian Armed Forces conduct operations in SMO. We also discuss a shocking incompetence of Western militaries that SMO exposed.
This is what inbreeding and studying "military shit" in King's College does to you, you become an imbecile, who invents threats and then responds to them.
Nima works overtime, it seems).
He also talks to Scott.
... as she usually is. Retort to Macron's idiocy and history lesson to France.
I browsed the latest from TRADOC's Russian Tactics and even brief reviewing the document shows why US military learns nothing and will continue to lose its wars. Just a simple example:
They call themselves "military professionals". They take legacy Soviet and early 1990s Russian AD complexes such as very first versions of Buk-M1 or even S-75 against useless Israeli AF experience due to them having no gonads to even enter Syria's airspace instead attacking from Lebanon or Israel, and apply those "experiences" to SMO where Russia AD performs absolutely magnificently against every single class of targets. This is a sheer lack of serious operational thinking and a sign of tactical illiteracy. Next thing you know, they will "apply" IDF's "experience" in Gaza, where Israelis have shown themselves as primarily genocidal force against civilians incapable to deal with HAMAS, while sustaining appalling losses in armor and personnel.
In related news, Israeli Air Force DID NOT defeat Russian AD, because it didn't fly against it, and because it would cease to fly if it tried, it "defeated" (not really) SYRIAN AD armed with legacy Soviet systems. This, boys and girls, is the level of "operational thinking" of TRADOC, which managed to train merely barrier troops for shooting into the backs of retreating AFU, while US air defense being a joke. This is the level of insufferable professional envy and sour grapes. When this type of "thinking" makes it into what is supposed to be a professional analytical (and guidance) publication--it is over for the force which, first, buys own propaganda BS, and then cannot adapt. Mind-boggling. But then again, the US is acting as Israel's armed forces, hence the pathetic level of understanding of modern war.
... between styling oneself and being one. Even Politico notices this:
The problem with Macron is that he is a bank teller, Napoleon was an artillery officer. And he would do just fine if he would stay away from Russia, but no-o-o, he wanted it all and as a result Russians entered Paris in 1814. Russians do not want to enter Paris--there is nothing much to do there--St.Petersburg will do just fine, but if Macron wants the war with Russia, Russians may oblige. With France's 30 operational tanks and who knows how many... tens of Rafales flying--they will get a very warm reception. Melenchon also better learn about strategic ABM and why French nuclear deterrent which is operationally valid only through 4 SSBNs of Triomhant class may not be even that "deterring". I omit here 54 ASMP air-to-ground missiles with the range of 300 kilometers. Ah, this COFM (Correlation Of Forces and Means)--Russians love to calculate it.
So, the result is--French chihuahua barked and everyone laughed. But French are determined, LOL.
For Jeanbart, Macron’s statement was more about “sending a message to diplomatic partners” after facing criticism for “his proximity” to Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the start of the war.
Absolutely, it is all about "message" against the backdrop of military impotence of the US and NATO. But no worries, as one of my patrons sent me today, ask David Axe about Russian military tactics, LOL.
You may have already guessed it--David Axe. Great tactician and strategist from Forbes, who knows it all--he draws comic books about "war". Never in history did the country, the United States, destroy own military mythology with such a blazing speed through its media personalities who paraded themselves from losers such as Axe to four star generals as utter amateurs and sore losers. David Axe is one of the "brightest" of them all.
Here is an interesting bit. Russians long ago identified NATO "advisers" in 404. Most of them cadre military--from pilots to operators of air-defense complex--but what is interesting: on the ground they are used primarily as the barrier troops shooting into the backs of retreating Ukies. They are identified by good training and... very low staying power, buckling under sustained pressure (in Russian). Now, consider yourself how "well" NATO regulars will do under sustained fires--no NATO serviceman experienced anything like this, except for the unlucky SOBs who sit in the tactical rear and force 404 cannon fodder into the meat grinder. That's everything you need to know about NATO armies. And, NO, they will learn very little, because wars are lost and won on operational and strategic level and that is beyond the grasp of NATO militaries because they do not have access to reliable data sets and the way Russians plan the war.
They try, though, TRADOC released a voluminous publication ATP 7-100.1 Titled Russian Tactics, in which it states:
Boy, those TRADOC guys, who lost all their wars, still cannot grasp a simple fact--Russia was great power before the United States existed as a country. No wonder they call Russia the enemy--her military history and achievements simply dwarf America's military record. It is an acute professional envy which drives these types of statements, especially against the background of learning a few details here and there and not seeing the whole picture.
... very busy today. Plus, today is the beginning of my dental journey to crown all my mouth--today is merely casting. And then... )))
... this is how Canadians see it in Nizhny Novgorod...
... you have to understand--whores from US corporate media will try to find all kinds of disparaging "facts" about Aaron Bushnell, but what he did will live forever now. It is XXI century--and it never dies. Some slut from NYT and WaPo has no concept of martyrdom--US Ivy League is not designed for that, that is why it produces ugly people who think they can control the world. They don't. For them sacrifice is an unknown entity... But this kid lit the fire which is much bigger than his flame which consumed him. He also made US military proud...
... I totally get where Polish farmers are coming from. I will abstain from discussion of usual suicidal geopolitical choices Poles make, but here is the price one pays for not seeing moderately far into the future. Poland enjoyed huge Russian market until she completely went bananas and lost it. But if that hasn't been bad enough, even French report on this:
... F-16 Soap Opera and consequences of British "elites" inbreeding.
... people asked where they can find it. Here is a critical part of it in English.
... French ice-breaking cruise liner Le Commandant Charcot, designed specifically for polar voyages, got stuck in the ice which was too thick for her. Then 50 Let Pobedy (50 Years of Victory) arrived to help. See yourself how normal people should communicate with each-other.
A dream cruise really, albeit we are contemplating a cruise to Alaska--one of the most beautiful places in the world and yes, it is much cheaper)).
I am not. War for the US is grift. Yes, Smedley Butler and racket, we all know that, but this is different here per this DoD Report. As Bloomberg reports:
Well, much of stolen weapons ranging from Javelins to small arms and even Stingers will end up, and you have guessed it, in Europe. In fact, they are already there. I wonder who has them, right? And then, of course, as reported in Russian media there are serious issues with sustainability or, rather, lack thereof with the US shipping its advanced systems such as Patriot PAC3s to 404. Not that the repairing and maintaining them would help with modern ISR. Meanwhile Russian forces continue to liberate townships around Avdeevka. Today Lastochkino and Severnoe have been liberated. In Rabotino the battles rage in the center of the town and, in general, the front is collapsing. Hence, yet another "A-50 shot down", another Russian division "destroyed" and VSU are about to capture Moscow.
Still, why these reports now? Hm.
Hmm, secret algorithms, "intel", super-duper optics, analysts...Wow! Just listen to this.
P.S. I may have some very pleasant surprise for you fairly soon. I'll give you a hint--it is interview;)
... talking about the whole mess.
When your electric insulation is made of corn-based fibers--it is an open invitation for rodents to the table.
Yes, we all know that the war must be eco-friendly. After all, who would want to be killed by polluting and dirty 152-mm shell when the same could be accomplished by using 152-mm eco-friendly organic shells, which not only will kill you but will preserve the environment and by blowing you up to smithereens provide a good distribution of organic remnants of human body over large area, thus providing good natural fertilizer for the soil. You see--everybody wins, well, with the exception of the organic son of a bitch who is blown up, but other than that--the environment is preserved and even enhanced. Who wouldn't want to support such a war. Ah, wait!
There you go!
... they "fogged" the image of the cabin but it is clear that new TU-160M2 is a completely new aircraft. It has glass cockpit and new navigation-targeting, and comm and EW complex. Putin wanted to try it himself.
I guess, Russia's VKS should start flying near France and then see the reaction and compare. Oh, I am sure French will come up with some sophisticated BS and hurl very cultured profanities at Russians. There is one problem, though, TU-160s or TU-95s, or TU-22M3Ms do not even need to leave Russia's airspace to reach anywhere in the Northern hemisphere. It is called capability--a precise substance France doesn't have in the air.
... where the credit is due.
... yeah, I know.
LOL. The main question is what are they gonna do about it? Yes, I thought so. Just parade themselves as impotent clowns.
Vladimir Putin inspects 4 of TU-160s. Two of them are absolutely brand new aircraft built from scratch and are equipped with latest avionics. Two others are deeply modernized ones also with everything new inside.
Meanwhile, Russia is not interested.
As has been discussed in my circle, the whole hysteria could be, actually, an excuse for Biden Administration to restore contacts with Kremlin for discussion of a completely different issue--namely, how to get the US out of the catastrophic defeat in 404. But Washington is now so deep into its own BS that one cannot trust anything emanating from it.
Meanwhile, combined West continues to progress scientifically with some astonishing achievements:
Great "research" and "contribution" to the field. Next step is renaming weapon systems which, through proper pronouns, will increase their combat effectiveness/s.
It is over with--Krinki is under full control of Russian forces. Yes, anticlimactic and as was predicted. Shoigu also summarized the VSU "counteroffensive" with freshest numbers.
Translation: MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) lost 166 thousand troops and more than 800 tanks during their counteroffensive, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. According to him, the losses of Ukrainian troops amounted to “166 thousand killed and wounded, more than 800 tanks, almost 2,400 armored combat vehicles.” “In fact, of what they have today, more than half of the Leopards were destroyed, they lost 123 aircraft and helicopters,” the minister said in an interview with TASS editor-in-chief Mikhail Petrov.
The losses of VSU in the last 48 hours around Avdeevka are 2,400, so you get the drift, right? And then a peculiar report from TASS.
Translation: “Western sponsors of the Kyiv regime link the continued supply of extended-range military missiles to Ukraine with the effectiveness of their practical use,” the source noted. “NATO countries that transfer such weapons are well aware that the regime of [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky uses terrorist methods by inflicting these missiles on attacks on civilian targets on Russian territory, killing unarmed Russian citizens." "Kiev is required to provide a list of targets on Russian territory and justify the feasibility of striking them. The operation and combat use of missiles supplied to Ukraine should be carried out under the control of NATO specialists, who are actually turning the Kiev regime into a terrorist organization like ISIS (IS, until 2014 -" "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" - ISIS, is banned in the Russian Federation). All this indicates the direct involvement of NATO in hostilities against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," the agency's interlocutor noted.
Correct--it is all about petty vengeance and impotent hysteria. Obviously those people in NATO can only fight defenseless civilians. In Russian case--not so defenseless with Air Defense dramatically mitigating the damage, but you cannot stop 100% of everything, some will "leak". In other "yawn" news:
Yes, Kremlin is quaking in its boots from these sanctions, LOL. Do you know when it is over? When the world starts laughing at you, albeit not without sadness. As was expected:
U.S. Vetoes Proposal for Humanitarian Cease-Fire in Gaza at U.N. Security Council. Washington says unconditional cease-fire would prolong conflict in Gaza.
... to some of Colonel Macgregor's "history".
... from Rosoboronexport.
... to feel oneself illiterate and a military amateur.
Well, according to Pentagon Russia lost the war. Remember now retired Mark Milley? We are dealing with the acute case of professional envy or, as some call it, a small penis envy, from people who wrote field manuals which killed more VSU cannon fodder than Russians planned.
Ukraine’s forces say NATO trained them for wrong fight. There’s been plenty of talk as to why the counteroffensive has been so painstakingly slow — and the most intriguing idea is coming from soldiers on the Ukrainian front lines. Did NATO screw up when training Ukraine’s counteroffensive units? Did it train them for the wrong battlefield?
... on Russia. He doesn't speak Russian, he doesn't know Russian history, he has no relatives in Russia, he never graduated any educational facility there and he is completely brainwashed on WW II on the Eastern Front, and he has the audacity to suggest to a nation of 150 million "to come to terms" about Stalin and "Communist past".
Of course not. Impotence is a horrible thing for once great empire. Those phantom pains--they are so severe.
Украинские войска сбили российский самолет Ил-76 с пленными украинцами под давлением британских советников, сообщил источник. Источник РИА «Новости» рассказал, что данный шаг был предпринят «без согласования со штабом ПВО в Киеве». Дополнительная проверка информации о движении воздушных судов над Белгородской областью также не проводилась. 24 января в районе Белгорода ВСУ сбили самолет Ил-76 ВКС России, на борту которого находились 65 пленных украинцев, шесть членов экипажа и трое сопровождающих.
... on The Hill.
Yeah, they should have asked me two years ago. But what do I know. I talk about this in my latest today:
For six days. From MoD today. I captured only for Donetsk and Red Liman axes.
In all, more than 5,500 confirmed VSU casualties (can easily multiply it by two) and by different estimates between 4 and 5 thousands of VSU trapped in Avdeevka area. That's going to be very interesting. The mopping up continues. Here are Azov Nazis running like hell from Avdeevka on BTR.
Boy, talk about choosing the wrong army to learn from. Sadly, cannot link this video from VK.
Colonel still thinks that Putin is some naive guy who waits for the political change in Europe, thus, for now, avoiding large offensive operations. Nothing could be further from the truth--Russia's strategic analysis is arguably the best in the world and nobody in Russia's Security Council has any illusions on the nature of European regimes and populations. Europe is not coming back, it is over. I understand Colonel's frustration with Germans, but it is what it is--a brainwashed population with a few islands of common sense here and there. And it has to be understood that there could be no normal relations between Russia and Germany, despite a lingering myth about some abstract Russo-German economic "alliance". It was always nothing but a myth.
To understand why Colonel is wrong, enough to take a look at Elena Karaeva's excellent piece in Ria today with the title: In War With Russia Europe Bought Itself One-way Ticket. Sadly, machine translation may kill some sarcasm and contempt for the combined West in this piece, but it is still worth reading. But the title is correct in every respect.
... of political satire I've seen in a while. Funny but also extremely sad. Because it is so true.
And I mean this:
On latest news.
... I repeat--until Russian MoD says so--nothing happened. Otherwise, we get yet another "shot-down A-50" and IL-22 fake reports spread by Kiev regime. Now, they say, it is Tsezar Kunikov BDK. They said they "sunk it". All the same suspects--shysters from YouTube begin to spread things and alleged "video". In professional circles everything seems to be calm. But why, you may ask? Very simple--Selidovo. That is fully confirmed! The 3rd Brigade of fanatical Nazis which was getting ready to try to relieve Avdeevka was culled dramatically by Russian Iskanders and that means that rotation of VSU around Avdeevka is halted.
Бывший депутат Верховной рады Украины Игорь Мосийчук сообщил, что военный полигон Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) в Селидово на Донецком направлении действительно попал под ракетный обстрел. Информация о пострадавших и погибших выясняется, написал Мосийчук в своих соцсетях, передает RT. Ранее сообщалось, что военный полигон ВСУ в Селидово на Донецком направлении подвергся ракетному обстрелу. В момент атаки на полигоне могли находиться до 1,5 тыс. украинских военных, прибывших на учения.
Минобороны сообщило об атаке ВСУ на российские гражданские транспортные суда с помощью безэкипажных катеров, которая была совершена вечером накануне, 9 февраля, в Черном море. Атаку отразили патрульные корабли и авиация ВМФ, гражданские суда и корабли ВМФ не пострадали, заявили в ведомстве. Минобороны сообщило о попытке ВСУ совершить атаку на российские гражданские транспортные суда с помощью безэкипажных катеров, которая произошла вечером накануне, 9 февраля, в юго-западном районе Черного моря. Об этом ведомство написало в своем Telegram-канале. Атаку отразили патрульные корабли и авиация ВМФ России. Один безэкипажный катер был уничтожен огнем из артиллерийских установок, остальные были «подавлены средствами радиоэлектронной борьбы», пишет Минобороны. Гражданские суда и корабли ВМФ не пострадали в результате атаки, заявили в ведомстве.