About Syria. Here is the acquaintance of the West (and Turkiye) supported thugs with Russian VKS. One of the columns got introduced to some of the arsenal.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
For Hysterical Readers.
Daniel Davis...
... found a good definition of the Biden Administration's posture--infantile. Same will (already is) apply to Trump's Admin. Per General Kellog--his military exploits, including Vietnam are of no consequence when talking to Russians. He will be laughed out of the "negotiating" room as an amateur, who he really is as far as the modern warfare and applied geopolitics go, and that will be it. His Vietnam and other "credentials" are worthless, that's what many people still do not get.
Friday, November 29, 2024
In Related News...
... Pentagon planners should have studied real wars not fairy tales.
You cannot explain to these people brought up on pseudo-historic and pseudo-technological BS, that there is NO, none, zilch, nada "cease fire" or "peace talks", those will be the dictation of capitulation to the United States, not to 404, which is now a virtual state. Remember a retail wisdom--you broke it, you bought it. That's exactly the case, as is the case now of a deliberate annihilation of every single NATO personnel in 404. The hunt is on. I talk about this in my today's video, which should be up shortly.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
The Creator Of Oreshnik...
Kovalchuk, the Director of Kurchatov Institute.
Generally Speaking...
... there is absolutely no value in maintaining diplomatic relations with London, since no normal people exist in British government. If any of the three previous UK's PM are not the exhibit A of a complete moral degeneration, I don't know who is.
I do feel for average Britons and especially so for the most vulnerable, but that is just a natural slide of the UK towards the limbo between second and third world status. But, it is an economic and military chihuahua which pretends that it is still a bulldog. That's how they brainwash most of the "products" of humanities degree mills from Oxford and others. So, I don't know why keep diplomatic relations with this puny island. It has no value for Russia whatsoever.
Biden's "Legacy"...
... as is that of the DNC is that of insanity, mass murder, genocide and war crimes. As it is the "legacy" of the US MSM and of the US Congress. Daniel Larison refutes the spin about "salvaging" of Biden's legacy.
There is simply no subject to discuss. Larison refers to Blank's article in Foreign Affairs, a CFR rag for mentally feeble credentialed demagogues who fucked everything up for everybody.
How Biden Can Salvage Middle East Peace—and His Legacy. A Lame-Duck Agenda to Save Palestinian Lives and Bolster Israel’s Long-Term Security
Biden cannot salvage anything as cannot the combined West--morally, financially and militarily bankrupt.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Two Of The Best American Senior Officers...
... describing what I was stressing for a very long time--Trump and his national security circle are a bunch of delusional hacks. As is Trump himself--an American exceptionalist and militarist, but his national security advisory corps is a bunch of amateurs in modern war.
No More Cards To Play.
Washington, as I already stated, tries to be slightly pregnant or is doing heavy petting. That tells you a lot about cowards who infest D.C. but at this stage it doesn't matter. If good ol' boys want to play the (real) war--they got it. And they sense that they are no good. They never were, but don't tell this to Ted Postol, who doesn't know the difference between Kapustin Yar and Baikonur. Otherwise, the US would have produced outstanding military leaders and weapons, instead we all observe Petraeuses, Ben Hodgeses, Keanes and other Washington ass kissers and a lot of expensive military junk. Well, the response is coming and something tells me that there will be a concentrated effort on Russia's part to "remove" any NATO command and advisory element first in 404 and if the message (and bodies) are still not processed--many military targets in Europe are good to go. Washington has nothing left but strategic nukes and BS.
Not really)) Time to teach Washington a lesson.
Russia closes a section of airspace over the Kapustin Yar missile range in the Astrakhan region until Nov. 30. According to preliminary information, this is where the Oreshnik missile was fired at Ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities in Dnepropetrovsk Join IL RUSSO
When people do not understand from the first time--second, third and fourth times are the charm. But then again, Russia may prepare yet another flight of Oreshnik, but has plenty of other options to strike whatever the target(s) it chooses. Washington now has to be trained by whip and ... the big stick. The only choice Biden's cabal has is to escalate to the nuclear threshold. Well, somebody has to tell them, including US Congress that they will not survive no matter how they will try to hide. Or where, for that matter. My today's video addresses some of the delusions by White House, Pentagon and others in D.C. area regarding modern war.
Monday, November 25, 2024
To Finish Off...
... this wonderful Monday before Thanksgiving, and believe me, I still view Blue Angels as one of the top... two formation flying teams in the world, but Russian Knights came up with formation... Kolokol (Bell) routine and there is not a single plane which could do this, let alone in formation. As much as F-18 Super-hornet is a great plane, Su-35 flies in a different universe. Here is Zhuhai's Russian Knights just ... showing off, alright.
This Is Really Interesting...
Evangelicals and Russian Orthodox. Of course, we are talking not about Christian Zionists--they would avoid this whole thing as damnation.
Being Slightly Pregnant.
You know, like many in Biden's Admin being slightly man, slightly woman.
Sounds like a heavy petting from teenagers--you can enter, but not too deep, like a good album by the great 80s band Heavy Pettin In And Out Of Love--a MO by Biden's national "security" team. Can you imagine what kind of girl will want to do the whole thing with Jake Sullivan or Tony Blinken.
France, Please Send To Russia...
... these French people)) Such as beautiful Gabrielle--an embodiment of France which is not there anymore. Turn on CCs.
West is not Christian in values anymore. It is post-Christian and post-modernist. It is dead. BTW, beautiful Gabrielle is a Catholic and a scientist with post-graduate degree in biology. Boy, Russia needs such people.
More Testimonies.
Thanks to Larch for translating this to us. My sources, very credible ones, also tell that it is apocalyptic.
Hazel Strike Damage Report-Anecdotal, Unofficial
As residents of Dnepropetrovsk now tell us, there were practically no explosions, but the earth's vibrations, like during an earthquake, were felt even a kilometer away from the plant — this was especially surprising: the explosions are almost inaudible, and the earth shudders.
In the morning, the territory of Yuzhmash was already tightly cordoned off, any detailed and significant information was blocked, and no one knew about what was happening at the plant. However, there is nothing secret that would not become clear — information began to arrive from Dnepropetrovsk. We have collected the maximum amount of information available to you, literally from crumbs, from the words of different people.
We are well aware that the degree of reliability of this information is not absolute, but here is the invoice that is "from there" today: the blow fell on the territory between workshops No. 7 and 8, in the area of turning and blacksmithing industries. All ground-level buildings and structures on this territory have been reduced to rubble, in some places-to small concrete rubble. There are no large craters, there are a dozen holes in the ground with a diameter of about two meters. Eyewitnesses describe the scene as creepy, apocalyptic. Security around the perimeter and on the territory withdraws all means of photo and video recording, even pens and notebooks are taken away. People tell us that "officials" who speak English, Polish, and French constantly arrive at the plant's territory in tightly tinted minibuses. They say that unknown ammunition hit just those underground production facilities that Vladimir Zelensky boasted about, telling about the imminent appearance of some "formidable missile weapons"in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From the fragmentary conversations of rescuers, it seems that up to the 4th floor there is a zone of continuous destruction, below which rescuers have not yet been able to descend.
This is the information we have today from the scene of the event, the obvious absurdity and hyperbole of "classic witnesses" we tried to weed out, leaving only what we found similar to the truth.
Now if anyone wonders why Russians didn't release satellite photos of the site yet:
1. Could be weather and Russians will not use high resolution radar scans, they would prefer pure optical to be shown to public;
2. Russians, justifiably, are waiting for Western propaganda to come up with some photo-shopped BS and then release Russian visuals;
3. All of the above combined.
Yapping Chihuahuas...
... quoting George Galloway.
LOL, these midgets still think that they have armies. They don't. Macron still butt-hurts--no, this is not what you think, albeit... well, anyhow, he and whatever is left of the French "pride" hurt because Russia played a key-role in diminishing France' role in Sahel, which France thinks it owns. Well, too fucking bad, there is a new sheriff in town. In related news, I am about to "reactivate" my talks with my wife if we should cook the whole turkey or just the breast, or both.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Ah Yes, Sure.
TSIPSO and butt-hurt fanboys from the West are already in full arms on all forums declaring that they have seen satellite photos of Yuzhmash and that... ranging from "we saw 6 charred entrances" to "nothing was really damaged". Totally expected. For those, just in case, who still didn't get the message--MAIN activity of Yuzhmash was UNDERGROUND, as it would be in Soviet times if, God forbids, USSR and the US would go to war. Those underground facilities are gone, together with production and research facilities for NATO-404 joint missile programs. They are gone together with the shift and those NATO military and civilians present there. That is why SBU immediately classified the whole thing (showing some decrepit hut with broken roof as "real evidence") and some "debris" of allegedly Oreshnik. Here is one such "evidence" published by VSU.
There Is An Issue With Physics...
... or rather with applied physics as related to modern weapons. For Jack Keane it is too late to get real military education at this stage. With "advisers" like these no wonder the US cannot defeat even Taliban. Oreshnik changed war.
Wrong Army You Chose.
Dude, pray to God that you ended up as a POW and not shot by your own. Now FSB will deal with you before deciding what to do with your type. And yes, we all believe that you are "formerly" of UK Army. It is like, like... those millions of Houthies and North Koreans fighting for Russia.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
From people of Dnepropetrovsk. Yuzhmash is no more, it simply ceased to exist after the visit of Oreshnik. It used to be a colossal plant which had its own bus routes. There is nothing left there, only dust. People are in shock. Apartment blocks in the vicinity of what used to be Yuzhmash are cracked. Here where it was, it was designed to continue to operate even in the nuclear war and nukes going off nearby.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Ha? Ha, Ha-Ha, Ha-Ha-Ha? LOL)))
That's the man who will be left holding the bag with excrement, after that--no comments)))
New Details...
... about Hazel Grove and similar systems which are already in use and in IOC. SMO turns into war and the warning has been issued. The West is lost.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
An Acute Case...
... of being sore losers. I kid you not.
In fact, those were not missiles at all, I am sure. The US is finding new ways to humiliate itself every day. Mr. Smith wrote a superb piece for Larry's blog. I will quote him but read the whole thing at Larry's blog, where Smith gives incoming DJT some advice.
Enjoy Smith's eloquent style.Yes, Ukraine exposed the fraud.
What I Am Talking About...
... for years. Russia has an overwhelming conventional escalation superiority. So, IRCM with hypersonic MIRVs. Just a demonstration.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Is Larry Correct...
... asking this question?
Is Biden Trying to Start a War to Prevent Trump From Being Installed as President?
You can bet your ass on that--he is correct. So is George when speaking about my favorite description of European NATO countries--barking chihuahuas.
Biden's minions turned puppeteers have a lot to answer for, and they panic. Can you imagine mama's boy Jake Sullivan or DNC operatives who played with the law facing Federal Prosecutors appointed by DJT--that will be a sight to behold. So, here we are. Poor, poor dears, they chose a very wrong country to fuck with, Russia that is, but then again--they don't teach anything useful in Ivy League humanities degree mills. They entered the wrong league in matters of war and geopolitics, they should have aspired for much lower one, where chihuahuas bark...
Well, Well, Well...
Judging by the increased number of trolls... ah judge for yourself. This is from Ria (use Google to translate).
Translation: Fighters from other units have already reached the center and control more than half of the city. A few kilometers and the Ukrainian troops will be surrounded. The loss of Kurakhovo will deprive the Ukrainian Armed Forces of important supply routes. And the Russian army will receive the key to the Zaporizhia region.
And what do you know:
Sullivan Worries.
As he and his cabal who fucked the US and the world for 8 years should. The only escape for them, the only chance to avoid being charged with treason is to elicit some crazy response from Russia. Poor kids don't know anything about Russia and war--the activity at which Russia is the best in the world.
There You Go!
That's the way to motivate your troops)).
Yes, the way to teach them "not to be afraid of death" is to use copious amounts of methamphetamine, whose use is now traditional in the midst of 404 cannon fodder. But here comes the second question: what can possibly British military "teach" ukies? Seriously? The army which is much smaller that VSU and who learned only one thing--hide behind the back of NATO proxy. It is akin to asking local plumber to perform open heart surgery. Yet, here we are, especially when looking at UK's blabbering cretin also known as PM.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
Garland, Scott And...
... yours truly in about an hour.
Keane Is Not A Military Man...
... he is a hot air balloon and a sore loser who wouldn't be allowed to command regiment, let alone brigade in serious army. I totally get the agitation of Daniel Davis, but...
Irina Alksnis...
... penned a good piece (in Russian) on this "permission" for strikes. You can read it here following this link. The only thing Alksnis messed up is the following of the same meme of "red lines". There never were any "red lines"--those are a figment of imagination of cowards in the West trying to probe the limits of Moscow's patience. But she nails it--the US has no space for maneuver left and it is the last step of desperation. Now it is just the matter what NATO's asset will go down first. To remind you about ATACMS ranges.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
To Close This Weekend...
When your symphony orchestra starts to rock to your music... Well, Steve Lukather is one of the greatest...
Zhuhai 2024.
This is Sergei Bogdan (62 years old) flying Su-57 prototype at Zhuhai a few days ago. This is not edited video, no slowing down for scale and a genuine sound. There is some USAF guy talking about it ... LOL)))
Important From Douglas Macgregor.
Some revelations. Plus excellent about Paul Nitze and US Navy's ships.
Parting "Gift".
That's why they needed "North Korean troops" BS. Totally expected.
Keep in mind, this is NYT--they lie for living, but if true--makes no difference militarily. Merely shows impotent rage of Washington and its "parting gift" to Trump, trying to elicit some kind of response from Russia. Well, that means only one thing--404 will lose much more territory, while petulant children from Washington better go back to kindergarten and learn to read properly before trying to play big military games. Cowards, hiding behind backs of proxies.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
The Symbol Of Freedom...
I never could have imagined in my life that this Flag will become the symbol of freedom.
Yes, Of Course.
How else could it be.
They still continue with this dead-beat shtick of Russiagate. In related news--and I think that that's the route GOP should take--in response to this stream of smut perpetuated by DNC and subservient US MSM, they should declare that male chief-editors of MSM have small, children-size penises and then leave them to prove it otherwise. I am sure, at some point, it may require the creation of the subcommittee to investigate the size of penises of say editorial staff of WSJ or CNN, or DNC staffers, but can you imagine Senate hearings on this shit? I will abstain with my proposals of what kind of accusations worthy of investigation could be leveled at female members of same, but we all know that fuckability index does exist on its own among male American population and that, in the end, what really matters. If you know what I mean, wink, wink...
Friday, November 15, 2024
Thursday, November 14, 2024
... TTzK (Recruitment) thugs are catching more cannon fodder for 404.
Ah, Yes--New Tune...
... but the conditions for this change have been formed long ago before DJT victory. I repeat ad nauseam--reality, like gravity, is a bitch, and when it bites--it hurts like hell. NYT notes:
Well, yeah, Russians are already in Kupyansk. Most of the VSU remnants on this Kupyansk-Kharkov axis are pinned down along the Oskol River and all crossings are fire-controlled by Russian artillery and VKS. Once Kupyansk falls (coming soon)--the road to Kharkov is open and there is no chance in hell NATO planners can set up any kind of a defensive line in the open fields. They are already on the run, they will run even faster trying to slow down in whatever hamlet or village they will be passing. And then ... but let's not rush--we may yet see a fascinating development with new Administration trying to "sell" to Russia an increasingly diminishing asset. There will be no Minsks anymore and Trump better understand this--that may save him some very unpleasant moments that even excuses, valid to a degree, that this whole clusterfuck in 404 was of Biden's doing may well be fast forgotten.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
... or maybe not. Just a reminder. And yes, her photo is known around the world. Too bad that today media care about what some Hollywood slut or dumbfuck have to say.
Absolutely Misplaced.
I am talking about professional criteria (which my today's video is about).
His combat experience in Afghanistan is irrelevant within the framework of global balance of power and to "tame" Pentagon one needs a huge expertise in procurement and R&D, which automatically disqualifies Hegseth on this merit alone. It is all fine and dandy to command a company, but many people forget that USMA at West Point USED TO BE (not anymore) a good engineering school first and foremost. I'll give you a mental experiment... Take an aging fart like me and put me in charge of the staff of, say, coastal missile systems (Bastions), restore my clearance and give me a month or two in the formation, without unnecessary humbleness--I will be able to run it and provide for acceptable combat readiness. Get my aging ass to some missile corvette--same shit, after a month or two I will be able to command it or to become COS of the brigade of such ships. I will be able to do it because I have fundamental military-engineering background which is a MUST for such tasks. Hegseth has degree in... Politics. Now imagine this guy taking on utterly corrupt R&D and procurement policies of Washington. I don't think so.
And then, of course, there is SMO, Russia and 21st century battlefield, which was utterly absent in Iraq and Afghanistan. But then again, Lisa Franchetti has degree in journalism and in business from the on-line college. She is CNO (Chief of Naval Operations)--Chester Nimitz and Elmo Zumwalt are spinning in their graves. Let me remind WHO was the guy behind stunning technological development and industry reorganization in Russian Armed Forces. Compare:
That's the caliber of people and their competencies one needs to change things. No additional comments are necessary...
Beauty All Around.
Be that Su-57 flown by Sergei Bogdan or Chinese beauty next to him. Russia signed first export contracts for Su-57.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Garland, Scott And Yours Truly...
At 9:00 PM EST (6:00 PM PDT) live.
I Can Tell You Upfront...
... that Trump's new national security advisor Mike Waltz who is described in these terms:
Is not an expert "on the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and global terrorism" and especially on Russia, because there are about zero people for the least 20+ years in both House Armed Services and House Foreign Affairs Committees who have any clue about the world outside and the modern warfare. He cannot be an expert, considering his alleged support for a delusional and utterly obsolete concept of "Peace Through Strength" for the United States. Waltz worked for Donald Rumsfeld--the guy who failed miserably in his understanding of the warfare and applied geopolitics. TOE of the US Armed Forces is a testament to the views of these people, not that anyone else would have fared better by screwing US doctrinal development so profoundly. Somebody has to tell the guy that "Strength" based on TOE from 1990s is not strength.
I had a very tenuous hope for Trump calling on Colonel Douglas Macgregor for the position of National Security Adviser, well ... we all knew what was coming, didn't we. Waltz is a "specialist" in high intensity police operations in Afghanistan, wow ... Degree in "International Relations" from VMI kinda gets you some ideas. So, the "special forces" guy with zero understanding of technological and economic drivers of the modern war will be a classic US gung ho "advising" Trump. Well, looks like we exchanged one set of neocons for another. Ah, well ... the more things change, the more they stay the same. Next in line is a chores boy for Adelson's family Marco Rubio ...
Urgent! Popcorn Needed In Large Volumes.
Otherwise, how can one take this cretin seriously.
The former prime minister also pointed to the prospect of the US cutting aid to Kiev as a potential risk, claiming some people with “wrong” views on the issue were in president-elect Donald Trump’s inner circle. “Donald Trump has lots of different voices in his ears and there’s a front of the Republican Party, quite a lot of them actually, who take the wrong line on Ukraine,” he said. If aid to Ukraine is reduced and Kiev starts losing, London could be forced to deploy troops to the region, Johnson claimed. “We will then have to pay to send British troops to help defend Ukraine,” the politician stated.
I know, he is not the brightest of already dim lot, but if any professionals are left in the UK Ministry of Defense, they have to tell him to stop parading UK in the front of the whole world as a joke. It has been humiliated enough already, especially its, quoting Douglas Macgregor (not to be accused of anti-British bias) lilliputian armed forces which will fail to defend Wembley Stadium, not to speak of whatever this moron wants to defend in 404. It shows, degree in Classicism (yep, that's BoJo's background) and belonging to all kinds of self-proclaimed "elite' clubs in London one statesman makes not.
Meanwhile Russian Armed Forces methodically eradicate whatever is left of Kiev's air defense ...
Monday, November 11, 2024
How Do You Know They Lost.
They turn into petulant kindergarten children. Such as Admiral Rob Bauer--the man has no self-respect and, obviously, is an amateur for the real warfare of the 21st century. Pathetic.
Mikhail Kovalchuk Interview.
A very important interview to Ria. Who is Mikhail Kovalchuk? He is the President of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. Who is Igor Kurchatov? Well, he is the father of the Soviet A-bomb. So, you do understand now how immensely important this Institute is for fundamental science and national security of Russia. Here is its President talking.
Translation: Russia has stopped "fertilizing" the world with its brains - scientists from other countries now come to us for the opportunities that are opening up, says Mikhail Kovalchuk, president of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". In an interview with RIA Novosti, he told us in which areas Russian science retains its leadership, how CERN hunts for Russian physicists, whom it itself got rid of, how Kurchatov helps SVO, why it is so important for our country to develop its own technological agenda, and also shared plans for the exploration of the Moon and the creation of a nuclear-powered subglacial gas carrier, and explained why the Kurchatov Institute should engage in winemaking. Interviewed by Vladimir Sychev and Dilyara Solntseva.
Read the whole thing (Google Translate will do) and pay attention not only to the arrogance of Europeans, but to this thing: