Friday, October 4, 2024

Larry Gives A Good...

 ... rundown on primary strategic considerations in the ME and elsewhere. 

While Israel is not letting up on its aerial bombardment of Lebanon, it is not rushing to attack Iran from the air, despite Netanyahu’s vow to do so in the immediate aftermath of Iran’s Monday 180 plus missile barrage. Why the delay? I doubt that the political extremists that surround Bibi are counseling caution. They are very likely insisting on striking Iran’s nuclear and oil facilities. However, I think some of the more sane military advisors are reluctant to pull the trigger because there are still too many unknowns other than Iran’s pledge to hit Israel harder if Jerusalem chooses to escalate. One consideration may be Israel’s concern about the reliability of its oil supply. At present, no oil is reaching Israel through the Red Sea because the Houthis continue to attack tankers trying to reach Israel’s Port EIlat or the Suez Canal. Israel’s oil lifeline, according to Pepe Escobar, runs from Azerbaijan, transiting Turkey, and arriving in Israel. 

Keep in mind, Azerbaijan does have its own problems, but President Aliev being a Soviet-educated diplomat from a family of a major political figure in the USSR, and a personal friend of Vladimir Putin didn't fail to recognize the so called "golden path" for Azerbaijan and it is certainly not with the West. Remarkably, Azerbaijan drifting towards BRICS, that is by default towards Russia, means also de facto a distancing in geopolitical terms from Turkey, despite a lot of serious economic, military and cultural ties between the two. But Turkiye herself, as much as her being a very important regional player, cannot solve her economic problems within Western framework, with Azerbaijan getting ready to be admitted into BRICS also spells the end to Erdogan's trans-Turkic ambitions, however unrealistic to start with in the vicinity of Russia returning herself into the exclusive club of global superpowers. 

There is a lot what is going on in the world today that is directly related to the upcoming Kazan BRICS summit and those anxiously anticipated historic steps which will be taken there. Meanwhile, just recently, Russian and Chinese navies wrapped up yet another exercise, this time in the Sea of Okhotsk, with both navies operating as a joint naval force. 

A lot is going on, a lot...


 ... is sealed. 


Nima and Me...

 ... live. 


US Foreign Policy...

 ... and strategic planning in one video. Perfect encapsulation. 

I totally get why people in Moscow, from Foreign Ministry to MoD to SVR/FSB are shaking their heads in disbelief from the actions of Washington and Brussels. For Europe it is too late anyway, albeit...

МОСКВА, 4 окт - РИА Новости. Российская сторона получит приглашение на заседание совета глав МИД государств Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе, которое пройдет на Мальте в декабре, сообщили РИА Новости информированные источники. Заседание СМИД ОБСЕ, как ожидается, пройдет в Валлетте, столице Мальты, 5-6 декабря. "Россия тоже будет приглашена на министерскую встречу на Мальте", - сказал один из источников. При этом, согласно предоставленной информации, приглашения еще не были направлены никому из государств-участников.
Translation:  MOSCOW, 4 Oct - RIA Novosti. The Russian side will receive an invitation to a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will be held in Malta in December, informed sources told RIA Novosti. The OSCE Ministerial Council meeting is expected to be held in Valletta, the capital of Malta, on 5-6 December. "Russia will also be invited to the ministerial meeting in Malta," one of the sources said. At the same time, according to the information provided, invitations have not yet been sent to any of the participating states.
Too little, too late but if it happens, Moscow will use this opportunity to read to Europe its new status. There will be no negotiations,  but Europe will be allowed to beg.

Ania, Larry And Me...

Live in about 40 minutes. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

On A Lighter...

... I mean heavier note. You literally cannot make this shit up. Especially for pushers of Holodomor propaganda BS about "deliberate" Russian starving of 404. The fact that million plus Russians died from this famine is irrelevant for 404 brainwashed population. They love their Holodomor. They even have a museum. 

Суд не удовлетворил иск главы музея Голодомора Леси Гасиджак к юристу Климу Братковскому на предмет высмеивания её внешости. Об этом сообщает Ассоциация женщин-юристок Украины "ЮрФем". Теперь, по информации ассоциации, Гасиджак намерена подавать апелляцию. Напомним, летом 2023 года Братковский заявил, что Гасиджак не может возглавлять музей Голодомора из-за, по его мнению, неподходящей внешности. "Вы видели, как выглядит и.о. гендиректора Музея Голодомор Леся Гасиджак? Это какое-то издевательство над памятью о Голодоморе", – написал тогда мужчина в соцсети. Отметим, внешность Гасиджак, ставшей заведующей Музеем Голодомора, вызвала бурное обсуждение в украинских соцсетях: часть пользователей поддержала Братковского, другие сказали, что нельзя судить о человеке по его внешнему виду и тем более высказывать неприязнь на этой почве. "Музей Голодомора-геноцида должен возглавить военный, прошедший российский плен и знающий реально, что такое голод, поэтому он может понять всю суть музея о Голодоморе, а не госпожа Леся Гасиджак", – написал Братковский в соцсети позже.

Translation: The court did not satisfy the claim of the head of the Holodomor Museum Lesya Gasidzhak against lawyer Klim Bratkovsky regarding ridicule of her appearance. This was reported by the Association of Women Lawyers of Ukraine "YurFem". Now, according to the association, Gasidzhak intends to file an appeal. Recall that in the summer of 2023, Bratkovsky said that Gasidzhak cannot head the Holodomor Museum because, in his opinion, of her inappropriate appearance. "Have you seen what the acting general director of the Holodomor Museum Lesya Gasidzhak looks like? This is some kind of mockery of the memory of the Holodomor," the man wrote on a social network at the time. It should be noted that the appearance of Gasidzhak, who became the head of the Holodomor Museum, caused a heated discussion in Ukrainian social networks: some users supported Bratkovsky, others said that one cannot judge a person by his appearance and even more so express hostility on this basis. "The Holodomor-Genocide Museum should be headed by a military man who went through Russian captivity and really knows what hunger is, so he can understand the whole essence of the Holodomor museum, and not Mrs. Lesya Gasidzhak," Bratkovsky wrote on the social network later.

Here is Lesya Gasidzhak... 

Did SBU investigate the possibility that it was Lesya Gasidzhak who was partly responsible for a famine? Fucked up country, with a completely invented history (part of it invented by CIA, MI6 and BND) and a completely brainwashed population. A fucking circus of freaks...

Mathematics Of SEAD...

 ... and why it is ruthless towards US/Israeli militaries. 

VSU's Combat Training...

Sure looks more like a cannon fodder being primed for meat grinder. 

At this stage it is nothing more than war crime by Ze's regime and people who run it from Washington and London. But when did the military ethics really stop them? Boy, this guy really built back well.  
What a legacy. To kill what remained of the country in short four years. Per war crimes and ethics, and metaphysics of war--an excellent piece by Alexandr Rogers (in Russian).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ugledar Falls...

 ... the whole front-line is on fire in 404. Iran puts on tour de force of its technology. Was it coordinated? But the DNC is getting one "present" after another before elections.  

It is about machines--always was, always will be.

Israeli AD Is Humiliated...

 ... together with Western journos who, apart from being imbeciles, have serious issues with depth perception. "Right next to us", seriously? 

Now, you saw and will continue to see main reasons why the US cannot fight real war against serious enemy--with AD like this (remember--Israel's AD is Boeing and Raytheon product, with some input from Rafael) staging areas of any US (NATO) formations will be torn to pieces, while air power will lose shitload of aircraft on the ground.

They Fly...

 ... and fly well. 

Fireworks over Israel. Now to those who were whining about new Iranian President as being a shill. He merely waited for Mishustin to depart. Now, get pop-corn and wait for reports of Israel's air defense shooting down all 146% of Iranian missiles. The salvo, evidently, consisted of around 400 missiles. That is a hell of a salvo. 

 Here is vaunted US-Israeli air defense...missing it all.