Thursday, October 31, 2024

Breaking News;))

Just now, Larry, being a consummate CIA officer just unearthed proofs of North Korean troops in Russia.

Remarkably, all 800,000 North Korean Troops deployed to 404 look exactly like Chinese superstar Jackie Chan. Moreover, from a movie Police Story: First Strike where Jackie shot parts of his movie on a SSK pr.877 V Alrosa under the command of my classmate and good friend Igor Dmitriev))). Yes, you can see him in the movie. I need to talk to Igor tomorrow (he is now retired in the rank of Captain First Rank and Ph.D in military sciences) and ask him how he managed to train so many... North Korean troops, LOL.

38 To Go...

 ... but whatever it will be--he is already the greatest, when one considers the modern game which allows so few "leakers". No, I am not going to use Salvo Model here)) But Gretzky knows, oh yes, he does... 

He is already a legend ...

Open Thread.

 Go at it.

Nima And Me...

... in 20 minutes. Live.  


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Somebody Is Getting The Message.

It has to be understood--"near peer" moniker today applies to the US Armed Forces, not to the counterpart they have in mind. Any talk about "readiness" is useless against the background of many centuries-long continental warfare. Per The Pacific. Enough to take a look at butcher's bill issued daily in SMO--even Pacific War pales in comparison with 111,000 KIAs in over 3 years and 8 months. But even ALL US casualties in WW II on all theaters pale in comparison to SMO and VSU losses alone prorated for time and adjusted for proper projection.

The only danger to the "American way of life" is IN America. And "readiness" is not the answer--the US has no experience with such scale of continental war in new technological paradigm anyway. But it is commendable that the man makes a distinction, and it is the first step in understanding the scale of things unfolding for the US, which are of the American making precisely because nobody in the US ever experienced the REAL continental war. 

Thirty months of SMO and Russia's incredibly conservative estimates:

Pentagon people better open their military history books and look up Eastern Front in WW II, before going back to class and relearning Operational Planning and Operational Art.

They Said It Was Different From Great Patritoc War...

Well, the new generation has proven that their balls are made out of tungsten.

Near Kurakhovo: khohol, seeing that his anti-tank defense line (dragon teeth) has been breached, plugs it with one of their tanks. Well, the guys from the 5th Tank Brigade of the 51st Army decide to unplug it. They jump on the motorcycles, get there and not only unplug the breach but create a new one. After that they drive away in the VSU tank while being bombarded with everything khohol has. This is insane heroism... and we can witness it in real life...

The Order Is To Run...

 ... yes, the order to VSU which is being absolutely wiped out. All this goes back to the phenomenon known as Ukrainstvo (Ukraineship). The best representative of this phenomenon is former 404 President Leonid Kuchma--a good rocket engineer, and a very bad scholar of history and geopolitics. So, he proposes for Russia to pay reparations to 404 after 404 is demolished, which has already happened and now is just the matter of what Russia decides to leave, if any, from this land of Chutzpah, pardon me--Ukrainstvo. Same shit different angle.  

And now the inevitable has arrived and it is almost anti-climactic. Did NATO really think that it can withstand Russia? Ask Wehrmacht and its allies, and those guys had resources and knew how to fight.

Douglas Macgregor At Daniel Davis.

 Yes, the US is run by imbeciles. Doug, especially starting from 25:00, is awesome))). They also talk about Vladimir's talk today with Nima. 

Nima And Vladimir Trukhan.



Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Garland, Scott And Yours Truly...

 ... 10 minutes ago. 


Who Would Have Thought.

Germans begin to smell desperation descending over the land of Bismarck and Goethe. Desperate times--desperate measures. It is too late now, but as the wisdom goes--better late than never. 

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder remains a valued member of the country’s ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) despite narrowly avoiding expulsion over his refusal to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin, the SPD’s new general secretary has said. Asked by Germany’s Stern magazine whether there was room for Schroeder in the senior ranks of the SPD, incoming General Secretary Matthias Miersch replied “Yes. Otherwise Gerhard Schroeder would have had to be expelled from the party.” Miersch, who was named as the party’s new leader earlier this month, told Stern on Monday that he can appreciate Schroeder’s “life’s work as a whole… even if I have a fundamentally different view on Putin and the attack on Ukraine.” Miersch listed Schoeder’s refusal to take part in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, his endorsement of same-sex partnerships, and his funding of schools as some of the former chancellor’s crowning achievements. “We never did politics together, but like many others, I was able to build on his work,” Miersch added.

Really? "able to build on his work"--fuck me ten ways over this afternoon. Gerhard Schroeder and Vladimir Putin are very good personal friends, and it was on Schroeder's watch that so much was accomplished in Russian-German relations. SPD and Grune unholy alliance finished Germany off. Now, when the prospects of Germany becoming a third world country begin to look all too real and Russians now burn German Leopards in 404, they recognized that they need energy. Well, it doesn't work like this--Germany has committed a treason of relations and now is Russia's enemy. So, SPD tries to engage with one of a very few honorable men in Germany's otherwise brothel of perverts and fanatics who populate Germany's political "elite". Nope, doesn't work like this. For majority of Russians Germany is the enemy and will remain so for generations. Everything else flows from this.

Ania And Yours Truly.



Monday, October 28, 2024

They Tried To Counter-Attack...

 ... in Kursk area--wrong choice. By now it is a turkey shoot, really. Marines of 155th Brigade yesterday took the stronghold of VSU--no casualties among marines, all VSU are 200s. 

And when I say "mop-up" it literally is. Here you can see how easily you can miss enemy's 200s.
Now NYT grudgingly admits VSU's atrocities against civilians. NYT bears responsibility for that too. In fact, they are all complicit in war crimes, including their "reporters". Human waste. Larry makes a good point about these "legacy" media. 

Now comes 2024 and the media landscape has changed. Podcasts were not a big thing in 2020. Joe Rogan was just starting to emerge as a thing. Tucker Carlson was toiling away on Fox News. Today, both Rogan and Carlson are racking up huge numbers on the internet and the viewing habits of most Americans, especially those under the age of 40, have shifted dramatically. The vast majority of Americans are not watching legacy media or the cable news shows. Yet, the majority of political consultants are stuck in the past and still trying to use the old playbook.  Trump may be an old guy in terms of chronological age, but he still manages to keep his fingers on the pulse of the American zeitgeist. Hence his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience. On YouTube alone, the Rogan/Trump conversation has more than 34 million views and counting. That is a larger viewing audience than CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX combined. The chiefs of those networks would kill their own mothers to get ratings like Rogan.

Read the whole thing at Larry's blog.

But Wait, They Always Win...

This is what Hollywood tells us. 

One member of a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group killed in Russia’s Bryansk Region had a prominent tattoo associated with the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, according to a video released by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). The fighter was among four killed in a cross-border raid on Bryansk on Sunday, the FSB said. When searched afterwards, they were found to be equipped with foreign weapons and gear, as well as personal items indicating that they belonged to “third countries,” such as a Canadian flag, a Polish prayer book, and a notepad with notes on tactics in English, the FSB added. One of the dead men had a tattoo of an angel holding a rifle, with a banner reading ‘Ranger’ and ‘2d Bn’, apparently a reference to the 2nd Battalion of the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment. The tattoo, and the man’s American-made combat fatigues, were displayed in a video published by the FSB on Monday.

Well, didn't they know that Border Guards of FSB are damn good at setting and acting out of ambushes? Of course they didn't. RT site has a video of the equipment and bodies of these "specialists".

Selidovo Is Taken...

 ... and we can have now a good idea where all of this is going. Hence "signals" from Kiev about readiness to discuss borders of 2022. Russia is not interested. Hollywood will not make a movie about American hero, Russians highly likely will. At least with his story in it. It can be now stated with full confidence--Israel's attack on Iran was a gigantic failure. 

J.D. Vance is right, but will he be able to change anything?


 ... by Ka-52 against ukie UAV. 

It seems that it was ATGM not AA missile, albeit they do carry AA missiles such as Igla.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Generally... Yes.

Israeli AF has about 200 (give and take) combat aircraft. How many of them are combat ready. Well, let's say a large portion of these 200. Those cannot devastate Iran. They can inflict some damage. But  that's about it.

Thus, all is reduced again to the missile exchange. Macgregor is correct--even three batteries of THAAD change nothing. Their radar sites will be reconned and they will be annihilated and that will be it for Israeli air defense which is good primarily against obsolete missilery. Will they go for Samson option? Then Israel will cease to exist 100%.

If You Ever Doubted...

 ... a complete economic and cultural breakdown in the combined West. Here is the proof. It is all about looks, nothing of substance. 

Society, which accepts as a sign of class and belonging $2,500 dumbbells from Louis Vuitton is bound to collapse. And collapsing it does. That projects extremely well onto views on economy and warfare. In every piece of news or essay on war in the US one will necessarily encounter references to the price-tag of a weapon system. Of course costs are important but...

That is exactly the same pattern as Louis Vuitton peddling $2,500 dumbbells to dumb belles of leisure class which never learned anything from life and continues to produces $2,500 or $57.2 billion dumbbells, designed merely for conspicuous consumption not for providing valuable service. But then again, US taxpayers are used to...

... you all know what. Here is the link to GAO Report.


Sure, sure. 

How Israel didn't make it to the top spot remains a complete mystery. Shoddy job, people, you should try harder.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

New Context...

 ... on a lighter note. Larry and me after Nima called us and rushed us to discuss Israel's strikes yesterday))) 

Fits perfectly. BTW, it is not even whole 24 hours but video has already 215,000 views.



 Catastrophe for NATO. Russians just now have taken Gornyak. 

Operational implications are clear--breakthroughs and big cauldrons for VSU...

Well, Three Hundred Thirty Three...


As if this hasn't been clear before. 

1. For "journos"--"explosions in Tehran" don't mean "explosions IN Tehran". Most of the time those are the work of air defense and "explosions in the skies OVER Tehran";

2. Salvo model and issue of "leakers" describe perfectly any SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defense). Israel has NO resources to conduct this against Iran;

3. Whatever "leakers" there were--they were very few and, sadly, managed to kill 4 Iranian servicemen;

4. Whatever Israel launched--most of it was intercepted. I don't know the percentage but it is very high. NATO is reeling from recognition of the effectiveness of the Iranian AD, as is Israel;

5. Deterrence worked, that much is clear--Israel never recovered from tour de force of Iranian strike capabilities on October 1st, and now Iran demonstrated that it can defend herself--this is not what NATO and Israel are used to when killing defenseless civilians;

6. US President Joe Biden has expressed hope that the IDF strikes mark the end of the escalation in the Middle East.“It looks like [Israel] didn’t hit anything other than military targets. My hope is this is the end,” he told reporters in Philadelphia. He added that he’d been briefed on the matter by the American intelligence community.

That's right, the only thing which is left for Israel and Washington is hope that Iran doesn't retaliate because it could be much worse than October 1st and Israel better hope that Putin is engaged and is calming things down with his Iranian counterparts. 

That was feeble from Israel, to put it mildly--militarily it is not in the same league. I wonder if Iranians want to get THAAD which will be provided to Israel, if they decide (hopefully not) to retaliate. 

And here is the post in comments from evidently hugely successful discussion yesterday between Nima, Larry and me.   

Many people still cannot grasp a gigantic mental shift in Ummah against the background of Iran not talking but coming out swinging. It is really metaphysical. It is so gigantic that I cannot find proper terms to describe it--the Arab street took a note... big time.

Friday, October 25, 2024

I Might Have Rushed Today Re: Lula.

 Some very peculiar news. 

Москва. 25 октября. INTERFAX.RU - Каракас до последнего пытался предпринять все меры, чтобы на саммите БРИКС Венесуэлу включили в список стран-партнеров группы, однако этого не произошло из-за позиции Бразилии, пишет в пятницу EFE. Агентство напоминает, что бразильские власти обосновали отказ от придания Венесуэле статуса страны-партнера в связи с итогами выборов президента в Венесуэле, которые в Бразилии сочли несоответствующими демократическим принципам. В Венесуэле этот шаг назвали недружественным и противоречащим интересам граждан страны. Власти Венесуэлы заявили, что вето Бразилии является свидетельством ненависти, несогласия и вычеркивания страны, что продвигалось силовыми центрами Запада, а также препятствования на пути к сближению с БРИКС. EFE напоминает, что отношения между Каракасом и Бразилией ухудшились после президентских выборов в Венесуэле в конце июля 2024 года, когда оппозиция оспорила их результаты.

Translation:  Moscow. October 25. INTERFAX.RU - Caracas tried until the very end to take all measures to ensure that Venezuela was included in the list of partner countries of the group at the BRICS summit, but this did not happen due to Brazil's position, EFE writes on Friday. The agency recalls that the Brazilian authorities justified the refusal to grant Venezuela the status of a partner country in connection with the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela, which Brazil considered inconsistent with democratic principles. In Venezuela, this step was called unfriendly and contrary to the interests of the country's citizens. The Venezuelan authorities said that Brazil's veto is evidence of hatred, disagreement and the deletion of the country, which was promoted by Western power centers, as well as an obstacle to rapprochement with BRICS. EFE recalls that relations between Caracas and Brazil worsened after the presidential elections in Venezuela at the end of July 2024, when the opposition challenged their results.

That speaks volumes about Brazil and the fact that she did play a spoiler, especially if one considers that Venezuela's oil reserves are of global significance. Who's side is Brazil on? Here is part of the answer.

Nima, Larry And Yours Truly...

 ... go live in 40 minutes to discuss Israel and Iran. 


Friday In Russia...

 ... 5 minutes before closing of the liquor store--Мe and my godfather)) 

Use as open thread. Have fun.

That's Who They Are...

 ... simple as that--low lives. 

Reports accusing Russian metals and telecoms tycoon Alisher Usmanov of setting up a scheme to bribe International Fencing Federation (FIE) referees were false, German media holding Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) has admitted, the news outlet RBK reported on Friday. Germany’s state broadcaster ARD, of which WDR is a part, published two articles and one video report in August, in which journalist Hans-Joachim Seppelt accused the Russian businessman of being behind a scheme to manipulate referees during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Usmanov served as the FIE president from 2008 until early 2022, when he voluntarily stepped down after being hit with EU sanctions, although he remains president-elect. The reporter claimed that Usmanov had orchestrated a “system of referee bribery” and corruption in international fencing during his tenure as FIE president, according to the outlet. However, the German broadcaster decided not to defend Seppelt’s allegations.

They all need to be sued, bankrupted and driven out of business. Look again at the smile of the Russia's Channel 1 reporter when looking at this human trash Rosenberg of BBC. 

Rosenberg is yet another iteration of Goebbelsonean propaganda whore as is BBC as a whole. And this smile of contempt from Russian reporter speaks volumes. Did they disinfect the facility in Kazan after BBC, CNN and other Western media?

Yet Another Video...

 ... demonetized by UTube. Some generic explanation. Anyhow, everyone can read Lavrov's lips))) Immortal Bukhanka...

Meanwhile, Kiev is having a fireworks right this moment.
Yep, the fireworks with AAA, because using SAMs is very-very dangerous and few of them are left anyway. Ah, those bizarre gardening accidents with NATO personnel.


Really. All this is for saving face. 

The issue is not just in the range of ATACMS which is 300 km, it is in the fact that more US Army personnel who operate all those ATACMS, HIMARS and other systems, including Patriot PAC3, will be killed (together with their systems) and Pentagon will have to come up with more cover up stories of helicopter crushes, bizarre gardening accidents and alien abductions of these personnel. After all, one has to explain to public where and how those US servicemen die or disappear altogether. Per escalation--as Vladimir Putin stated today--it is useless to threaten Russia, it "only emboldens us". Especially when this happens--not that it wasn't predicted long time ago. 

The UK military is unprepared to fight in a major conflict and would not be able to deter the enemy if a war breaks out now, British Defense Secretary John Healey has acknowledged. The British army, navy and air force have been “hollowed out” and “underfunded” during the 14 years of the Conservative Party’s rule, Healey said in his appearance on Politico's Power Play podcast on Thursday. When the UK Labour Party came to power in July, “we expected things to be in a poor state – but the state of the finances, the state of the forces, was far worse than we thought,” he added. "The UK, in keeping with many other nations, has essentially become very skilled and ready to conduct military operations. What we have not been ready to do is to fight. Unless we are ready to fight, we are not in shape to deter,” the defense secretary stressed.

1.  The British Army is a hollow force for at least 20 years now. It is a hollow force not because of some finances, but because British economy is that of the third world (with some exceptions) and it is incapable to create and maintain a serious ground force, period. It is systemic, not some issue of financing. 

2. Deterrence in UK is a euphemism for squandering minuscule resources for some hare-brained schemes concocted by inbred cretins in London with amateurs from the Sandhurst pretending that they have means and abilities to fight a serious war. 

3. UK's "deterrence" is in Washington, not in London and 10 Downing Street better learn to live with the idea that UK is irrelevant in the world of massive economies, state-of-the-art massive armed forces and capabilities which UK can only dream about. The sun has set for Britain... simple as that. 

This all is becoming tiresome...

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

To Conclude This Active Day...

 ... I also got my Beretta after 2 weeks waiting period in Washington State. So, I am happy. Well, not quite--I agree with Scott that the US should have been the part of it all, but with Washington as it exists today... no chance. 

FYI, he has no relation to Albanians whatsoever.

Who Is Featured...

 ... prominently. Ah yes, Dilma Rousseff (she has Bulgarian roots, BTW)--how is that significant. Well, she is the chair of this bank.

AKA, New Development Bank by... and you have guessed it by now... BRICS.

BTW, looks like this will be the bank which will be pulling many African countries out of misery. Just saying...


 ... for the US. No, this is not a real banknote. It is a joke and Vladimir Putin gave this to Elvira Nabiullina but as he said--she didn't like it;)) But you know how Putin jokes...

Being a consummate intel professional he never does anything just because...

This joke will give nightmares to Wall Street and FRC for weeks to come. And rightly so--because it is the message. But that is what being a military and economic superpower affords you... to make jokes like that in preparation for the real deal.

British "Diplomacy"...

 ... Deputy Ambassador of UK in Moscow Tom Dodd shows his class and gentlemanly behavior in Sheremetievo Airport where he was meeting some visitors from British FM. 

I know, it hurts to be a loser representing a pip-squeak of a country but, come on, dude, you represent people who gave us war criminal and imbecile BoJo, or geopolitically challenged Lizzy. Hey, at least UK still has Rolls Royce and EPL. And universally beloved British literature and rock-music. The rest... Yes, London is a shithole, especially when compared to Moscow, plus terrorism is the extent of the military abilities of British military, but still... no reason to be an ass-hole.

"Isolated" Putin and BRICS...

 ... visually. 

Almost 5 billion of population--3 out of top 4 largest economies in the world. No further comments are necessary.

All Sides of Vikhr.

Vikhr (Vortex) is a funny Russian ATGM which, if need be, plays air-to-air missile. No, I mean it, they can shoot air targets, such as helicopters. All Russian ATGMs can. So, here is Ka-52 shooting down 404 drone with Vikhr. 

Meanwhile Inokhodets (Pacer) demonstrates why hiding in the forest doesn't do you any good.
It is one of the 77 artillery pieces erased from the order of battle of NATO today. 

As you can see yourself--a very productive day. Meanwhile, it is also very productive day in Kazan. 
And I want to stress that in this photo--apart from "isolated" Putin and Russia, it is about 50% + of word economy. I stress--economy, not some BS contrived numbers of GDP. Albeit even recent data by IMF grudgingly admits that Russia had 4th largest economy in the world since 2021. Now, oh the horror, BRICS will develop its own rating system and that is the only way to do it because West's "economic" data and how it is "rated" is a complete fraud, as are most people with "economics" degrees produced in "elite" West's universities. 

Speaking of UN and Guterres in Kazan. Irina Alksnis penned an excellent piece in Ria yesterday (in Russian) explaining why: Guterres Flew to Kazan to Save the UN. Use Google translate--it is worth it. It is too late for utterly corrupted UN anyway--this org should go the way of League of Nations. In related news, I don't think terrorist attack in Turkiye is accidental. It is all timed to Erdogan's visit to Kazan and a death blow to NATO once Turkiye makes her strategic move to where it really belongs--BRICS that is. As the latest Russian meme says:

"We demand written guarantees of BRICS' non-expansion to the West". Come to think about it--it is a very serious joke.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pepe Dives Into Some Details.

 At Danny's show. 


BRICS Commences.

 The piece of the music in the beginning is Anton's "Running".


Goood Morning, Vietnam...

 ... I mean Sumy. Morning coffee for NATO 'strategists" and C4ISR honchos who conceived a catastrophe of Kursk and made sure that the next territory to be integrated to Russia (after proper denazification) is... right--Sumy. 

There is nothing better than meet the new day with some precision guided munition sending NATO Nazis to hell. I wonder what kind of underground Russia has in there. I am sure they are useful...

Radio Liberty...

 ... learns the first-hand what Kursk adventure means for NATO. Radio Liberty human herpes, aka "journos", have been taking interview of VSU but something went wrong. 

Now, I am all for freedom of press and journalism, when it is responsible, the problem here is that Radio Liberty is not journalism as is not most of MSM in the West. They are propaganda outlets, with Radio Liberty in particular being a front for CIA. So, are they "journalists"? No, average journo of any MSM is a whore, sometimes a whore as an asset of intel services. So, RL boys and girls wanted to see real war--they got it. What happens at Kursk is the death of 14 brigades of VSU, together with a truck-load of all kinds of "volunteers". There is a group of Latin American (Colombian et al) "fighters" pinned down in Kursk cauldron and they beg for medevac and withdrawal--not happening, they all will die now. The atrocities committed by all kinds of "volunteers" against Russian civilians are that of SS level atrocities. This is how NATO fights... Not a single bitch from NYT, WSJ or Financial Times will report that--because they are participants and enablers of this. Hence--they are war criminals. All of them.

Generally Speaking...

 ... this was expected. 

Memes literally create themselves. ))

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Congress Of Die Linke...

 ... political party. That's Euro "left" for you. 

Basically, the West's "left" today is tightly connected to all forms of perversion which are wrapped in the left's traditional rhetoric about social justice the fulcrum of which, as you may have guessed it already, is in... well, perversion. Obviously, such parties being the extension of a political manipulation apparatus of the Euro oligarchy are disposable and have zero instruments to influence the establishment of any kind of real social justice which lies primarily in economic field and the fate of the productive forces of the society. Yes, this includes this proverbial working class and people who actually contribute to society.

Lt. Colonel Davis And Me...

 ... noon Seattle time (3:00 PM EST), live. 


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Ah, Yes.

 Trump, the military strategist. 

Бывший президент Дональд Трамп сообщил, что угрожал российскому президенту Владимиру Путину нанести удар по Москве, он сделал это заявление в интервью The Wall Street Journal. «Я сказал: «Владимир, если ты будешь гоняться за Украиной, я нанесу тебе такой сильный удар, что ты даже не поверишь. Я нанесу тебе удар прямо в центр гребаной Москвы». Я сказал: «Мы друзья. Я не хочу этого делать, но у меня нет выбора», — утверждает Трамп.

Translation: Former President Donald Trump said he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin to strike Moscow, he told The Wall Street Journal. "I said, 'Vladimir, if you go after Ukraine, I'm going to strike you so hard you won't believe it. I'm going to strike you right in the middle of fucking Moscow.' I said, 'We're friends. I don't want to do it, but I have no choice,'" Trump said.

Yep, that's Trump, alright. In fact, classic Trump who cannot live without self-aggrandizing and BSing for a minute. Not that the cackling idiotress is any better, in fact she, or rather those who are behind her, is much worse, but that is how US "options" look like today. That's statesmanship, or what passes for it in today's US. Sad picture, really...

Yeah, Right...

 ... and too late. No matter how one tries to dance around it

There is a serious case to be made, that "studying" tactical minutiae, especially infused with a lot of 404 propaganda is not going to change anything for Pentagon, not to speak of NATO chihuahuas, because it is impossible to recreate grand-strategic and military strategic framework of Russia in the country whose Russian "expertise" for decades is based on BS by Soviet/Russian dissidents and other shysters from Ivy League who created and then bought completely their own BS in military history. PR they can do, beyond that--these are amateurs. 

However, give Cavoli the credit where credit is due--at least we know that Cavoli IS NOT Ben Hodges. Not by a long shot--under present circumstances this is not a small accomplishment. At least Cavoli admits (partially) the inevitable. Russia is done with the West. I read today some protestations from some Germans in the comments to my latest video that comparing SPD or Grune to Nazis is wrong. No, it is not, both parties profess genocidal ideologies and it is on the SPD watch that German panzers burned again on the Russian soil. Meanwhile Moldova gave EU the middle finger and UAE's President Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan is treated by Putin as a dear friend. Here is him on the way to Novo-Ogarevo for personal visit with Vladimir Putin...

Russians treasure friends...

It Is Being Openly Mocked...

... West's economic "statistics". Hysteria around SMO and Kazan 2024. 

Kim Instructs...

 ... North Korean Troops before "deployment" to SMO. 

"Motherland expects from you: toilet bowls, microwaves, washing machines and asphalt." ;)) Just like from Russian Army whose personnel doesn't know what microwave ovens and toilet bowls are.

Ania--Concise And To The Point...

 ... speaks what everyone who matter understand. 


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024


 ... Andre delivers, again. With Pakistani Donald Trump, no less))


Just Want To...

 ... reiterate, using James Kunstler's definition, the clusterfuck which this whole 404 adventure has become. 

МОСКВА, 17 окт — РИА Новости. Владимир Зеленский на совместном брифинге с генсеком НАТО Рютте призвал страны отправить военных для пополнения рядов ВСУ, его слова приводит украинское издание "Страна.ua". "Наш посыл всем странам: готовьте бригады, они могут быть резервом и могут заменить наших ребят, которые устали, они могут заменить их на поле боя", — отметил он.
Translation: MOSCOW, October 17 — RIA Novosti. Volodymyr Zelensky, at a joint briefing with NATO Secretary General Rutte, called on countries to send troops to replenish the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, his words are quoted by the Ukrainian publication "Our message to all countries: prepare brigades, they can be a reserve and can replace our guys who are tired, they can replace them on the battlefield," he said.
Yes, prepare brigades. I say go one up--how about divisions, nay, army corps. I am sure the whole NATO is willing to fight Russia after it was demonstrated to them how the best NATO army as it existed prior to February 2022 was dealt with. Nah, I am screwing with you. But this Ze's latest escapade tells you almost everything you need to know what is cooking for the former 404 and US elections. The BRICS timing couldn't have been better. And couldn't have been more symbolic than that. Now enjoy the views of Kazan. 
They are beginning to develop what will be known as Kazan-city, Kazan wants her own skyscraper cluster.

On The Eve Of Kazan...

 ... Putin's large interview. 


Now They Begin To Ask...

 ... questions where their sons and husbands are. Too late for that. 

They don't understand that now Russians don't care and, in fact, are quite satisfied with numbers of 200s and 300s from 404. They applauded atrocities against Russians. Russians will neither forget, nor forgive.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Nima And Me...

 ... in an hour, live. 


This Is In The Foundation...

 ... of the whole goddamn thing with the West. 

It was always about it. Even when it deals with metaphysical, such as West's attempts to remove Orthodox Christians through Kiev's regime from their cathedrals, as is the case today in Cherkassy.

Russia and Russian Orthodoxy are a threat to the West by the fact of their fierce independence which can also defend itself. In fact, best in the world in this respect and, yes, it is a very loaded statement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Larry On "Mixed Reviews"...

 ... of Ze's "Victory Plan", LOL))

Read the whole thing at Larry's blog.

I Salute You, General.

He was a rare breed--of the British Stiff Upper Lip and his coarse voice when he made a decision to stop the slide towards WW III, especially against the background of a hysterical Wesley Clark, sounded with authority. Boy, the world needed then, in 1999, a true British courage and toughness. And General Sir Mike Jackson delivered. 

Russians today pay tribute to a real soldier.  

В Великобритании в возрасте 80 лет скончался отставной генерал Майкл Джексон, бывший начальник штаба Сухопутных сил страны, сообщают британские СМИ со ссылкой на Минобороны королевства и Совет ветеранов десанта. В историю он вошел как «самый разумный военный в НАТО», когда в 1999 году отказался выполнять приказ американского генерала Уэсли Кларка о штурме аэропорта Слатина в Приштине (Косово), который марш-броском заняли российские десантники. «Я не начну третью мировую войну из-за вас», – сказал тогда генерал Джексон американцу. Проявив тем самым ответственность, которая выше ответственности перед вышестоящим руководителем – ответственность ни много ни мало за судьбу всего человечества.

Translation: Retired General Michael Jackson, former Chief of Staff of the British Army, has died at the age of 80, British media reported, citing the UK Ministry of Defence and the Airborne Veterans Council. He went down in history as "the most sensible military man in NATO" when in 1999 he refused to carry out an order from US General Wesley Clark to storm the Slatina airport in Pristina (Kosovo), which Russian paratroopers had taken by force. "I will not start World War III because of you," General Jackson told the American. He thereby demonstrated a responsibility that is higher than responsibility to a superior - a responsibility for the fate of all mankind, no more and no less.

Rest In Peace General! You were a true soldier and a pride of United Kingdom. I salute you.

Russia will also remember you.

Colonel Is On Fire Today.

Indeed, real professionals know the truth... Emphasis on REAL. 

No, Not Really.

 BND chief knows very little about Russia and... Germany. 

Most Russians don't give a flying fuck if Germany ceases to exist tomorrow. I speak about this and other things in my video.  

NATO Armor Doesn't Do Well...

 ... in Kursk borderlands. Neither did SS Panzer Divisions in 1943. Thanks to Kazmans. 

I wonder where those mighty British Challengers are, I am positive these wonder weapons surely will turn the tide of SMO in 404's (euphemism for NATO) favor. Right? Nah, I am screwing with you)). They are in the swamp.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Nikolaev Tank Repairing Plant...

 ... doesn't repair anything anymore after a jolly group of five Iskanders paid the visit to this strategic facility. 

The video gives a very good spacial reference picture speed-wise (M=6+ hypersonic weapons arrivals) and why NATO AD complexes are powerless against Iskanders; five building have been completely denazified together with 10 units (6 tanks included) of armor in them. And, as you can see yourself, somehow those damn Russkies have a very (I would say outstanding) accuracy of those missiles. Must be Western microchips from washing machines and backward optronic guidance, I am sure Russians got those from Japanese cameras.