Friday, February 14, 2025

Note To Yourself.

Do not give interviews to shitty US tabloids such as WSJ, CNN or NYT among many. Those who work there are a rung lower than the crack whores. Moreover, many of them are war criminals. As it turned out, WSJ simply lied about D.J. Vance's words about "threats to Russia". Indeed, even Elon had it, as did J.D. himself. 

Western establishment media must die out. Their staffs, those who are not convicted for a variety of crimes, should apply for work in fast food joints. And yes, WSJ IS a HuffPost for cretins who still think that "Financial Markets" are not propped by the corrupt state speculation, but "real" markets. Ah, yes, before I forgot--after communicating with these "journalists" do not forget antibiotics, unless you do it through online means. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sure, Let J.D. Try It.

 I wonder if he knows what expects the US in this case. 

PARIS—Vice President JD Vance said Thursday that the U.S. would hit Moscow with sanctions and potentially military action if Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t agree to a peace deal with Ukraine that guarantees Kyiv’s long-term independence.

Not to mention the fact that in this case J.D. decides absolutely nothing. VP post in the US serves only three purposes:

1. To break the deadlock in Senate.

2. Ceremonial duties.

3. Theoretical honing for future Presidential Run. 

That's all. Yes, Russian Armed Forces are shaking in their boots just from the thought of the US "military action" against Russia, LOL. Ah, this ever-present reality of COFM.   

When I Agree With Nuland ...

 ... and why AIM-174B didn't make impression on Russians--Frankenstein weapon systems, such as using SM-6 as AAM or NASAMS, usually work as a stop-gap measure and never solve the larger problem. "Fuck the EU" (c) 

He Has A Point ...

 ... you know, plus he acknowledges ONE OF THE key factors constituting root causes of all this global shit.  

Meanwhile, looks like Russian bases will remain in Syria, but in addition Russia gets a new naval base in Sudan. 

Nima and Yours Truly.

 In about 1.5 hours, live. 

Update: Nima is stuck in traffic. Will reschedule. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Pepe Nails the Description of the Mood ...

 ... in Russia, especially re: Kellogg, not to speak of this amateur Gorka guy. 

For Those Who Read Too Much ...

... into it. Here is Peskov to Zarubin. Yes, in Russian. Main point: want to talk about 404--remove main reasons for conflict. What are MAIN reasons for conflict? How many times to repeat the same--read Russian Foreign Ministry statement from December 2021. 

What's not to understand? Read also statement by Pete Hegseth today (previous post in blog). Remember 2 + 2 =4, that's how easy all this is. Here is Zelensky after Hegseth's statement)))
In Russian that means I am fucked, but not by male member but rather female part)) Essentially, Europe should be doing the same. 

Now, It Is Official.

 Unlike previous claims. Both sides confirm. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump had a phone conversation on Wednesday, both Moscow and Washington have confirmed. The talk lasted for about an hour and a half, during which the two leaders discussed a broad range of issues, primarily the Ukraine conflict, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. The phone call turned out to be “lengthy and highly productive,” Trump said in a post on his Truth social media platform. “We discussed Ukraine, the Middle East, Energy, Artificial Intelligence, the power of the Dollar, and various other subjects,” the US president wrote.

Now, it is China's time, since Pete Hegseth made it patently clear today:

US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth said on Wednesday that the war between Ukraine and Russia “must end,” that Kyiv joining NATO is unrealistic and that the US will no longer prioritize European and Ukrainian security as the Trump administration shifts its attention to securing the US’ own borders and deterring war with China.

Europe is a military and industrial impotent when it comes to highly advanced military and dual use technologies and Moscow simply observes this in amusement. Against the background of Tulsi getting her nomination confirmed, a lot of things are beginning to change. Buckle up and get a lot of popcorn. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

If True--It Is Huge.

And one of the best domestic steps DJT could have done, especially in dismantling the national-security state. Will have to wait for official confirmation.  

Daniel Davis Demonstrates Perfectly ...

 ... the abyss between some radio show host dude with BS degree in political science (and law) and competent and well-rounded and experienced senior Army Officer.  Colonel Davis constantly returns this guy back to the ground and reality when destroying this dude's "talking points" which are the figment of imagination and the result of ignorance. Kudos to Colonel. 

NATO Wants to Try to Fight ...

... a naval war in Baltics. Russia will oblige; do NATO navies want to be sunk in Baltic Sea? As was stated many times--Russia is ready for war with NATO. Just some trivia fact: additional 14 divisions are being formed in Russia as we speak. If you think that this is for SMO, I have a bridge to sell you.  Per Kellogg's "mission"--again, there is NO mission, and no one is fit in the US to deal with this. 

Well, Mr. Modi.

 If you think that Europe wants you--think again. 

Some Su-57E News.

 Evidently, first Su-57Es will be delivered to customer this year. 

The Buzz is in--huge. And so is coping, butt-hurt and BS for which US military "analysts" are known for. 

Russia said it has secured the first export contracts for the Su-57E, a supposedly 5th generation fighter developed by Sukhoi. The statement was made by Alexander Mikheev, CEO of Rosoboronexport, the Russian government’s export agency, to reporters at the Airshow China 2024 in Zhuhai. The Su-57 made its first international appearance at the Chinese show, with a prototype performing in-flight demonstrations and a mock-up and static display.

Who is this customer? Will know in due time. But massive coping with self-aggrandizing has already started. LOL. So, there you go--nobody needs marketing booklets and BS claims, nations want deadly weapons which work, and Su-57 is unrivaled in the air being the best fighter in the world with combat record which no other fighter even touches, with the exception of SU-35, MiG-31BM and SU-30SM2. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

When You Are Thrown Out of Gestapo ...

 ... for cruelty, same here--to be thrown out of porn industry for being a ... slut. But that is the moral compass of the third wave feminism and a host of suicidal ideologies birthed in the deep recesses of neo-liberalism and globalism. 

I am sure she will find a suitor, one of many thousands. At least she does this openly, unlike Hollywood and "intellectual elites". 

Experience, you know. 

As Has Been Stated by Me ...

 ... on many occasions--there never was any plan re: 404. Now, consider this "envoy" guy Kellogg who lives in alternative military-political universe. Now imagine this representative of the Army which never won a war since 1945 going to do "envoying" business with Russians. Guess who Russians could have brought to listen to him. Let's start with people from the General Staff--so, can you imagine this amateur stating his risible casualties' numbers fed to him directly from Kiev? He will be laughed out of the room. Anything Russia related, especially SMO is beyond his league. So, what does Kellog do? Yep, he calls on Putin's resignation. Or as George cleverly defines Kellogg--a Cereal Killer. 

Kellogg wouldn't be able to command a brigade in Russian Army, can you imagine if he ever meets Gerasimov or Rudskoi. They will look at him as a flea. Trump needs to find some competent people as his envoys, not some sore loser and BSer, if he wants to have any meaningful discussion. 

Many Indians Want This Aircraft ...

... for their AF. In Bangalore, Mr. Bogdan demonstrates Su-57E at Aero India 2025. Damn, he is 60 years old, I am 62 and it takes sometimes a huge effort to lift may ass from the chair, while experiencing 1 G ... 

Russians are ready to discuss production of export version of Su-57 at HAL facilities. Something tells me Indians will want this machine. 

WaPo Does Actual Reporting ...

 ... for once. 

But Kellogg is no dove on Russia, and neither is his offspring. Kellogg’s daughter is Meaghan Mobbs, president of the R.T. Weatherman Foundation and a graduate of West Point. The Ukrainians might not have a better friend than Mobbs. The R.T. Weatherman Foundation has been present in Ukraine since the start of the war. Its efforts include establishing and running a logistics hub on the Romania-Ukraine border and delivering more than 10,000 pallets of medicines, medical supplies and other aid to over 70 aid organizations and hospitals in Ukraine. Besides delivering aid, the foundation helps evacuate American volunteer soldiers fighting in Ukraine to the U.S. military’s Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, where they can receive specialized medical care. It also repatriates the bodies of American volunteers killed in combat.

How "surprising", not. And while some of DJT's domestic efforts could be lauded, he and his "foreign policy" team remain utterly unfit for serious geopolitics in the context of superpowers' business. Enough has been stated about Keith Kellogg already--a typical US general, militarily illiterate, with wowsing losing record and with feeble understanding of the geopolitical and warfare realities. There are no others in the US Army as the US generals' corps so aptly demonstrated publicly by constantly embarrassing itself in media. 

Mr. Ryabkov reacted:

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Ryabkov reiterated that any negotiations regarding the conflict could be held only on equal and mutually acceptable terms, reflecting the realities on the ground and Russia’s national interests. “Trump’s team, despite conflicting statements from both him and his people, has at least signaled interest in resuming the dialogue with Russia that was disrupted by the Democrats,” Ryabkov said. According to the diplomat, Russian-American relations were severely strained under the administration of President Joe Biden, which he accused of adopting a “hybrid warfare strategy” against Moscow. However, he suggested that Trump’s return to the White House could signal a shift in US foreign policy.  

RT, however, as was the case with Mr. Lavrov's statements to the ambassadors from Africa, when RT completely ignored the main thrust of Lavrov's speech about the West, also "interprets" Ryabkov's words somewhat "freely". In reality Ryabkov's statement is much harsher:

"Неоднократно с нашей стороны говорилось о том, что они [отношения РФ и США] балансируют на грани разрыва"

Translation: "We have repeatedly said that they [relations between Russia and the US] are balancing on the brink of a rupture".

There is a huge fucking difference between "strain" and "rupture", but evidently RT thinks that it is free to interpret things the way they want, not how they are. But then again ... And yes, the US IS a party to the conflict in 404, it is directly involved while hiding behind the backs of 404 cannon fodder.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Little Bit On An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

You know, famous Adam Smith's treatise which gives some (not all) reasonable insights into the nature of wealth accumulation. And since I mentioned today this "moron with Ph.D" such as Sarah. C. Paine who for some unknown reason teaches "strategy" in otherwise respectable US Naval War College, there are certain material signs of the wealth. We should start with recognizing the fact that REAL wealth's accumulation is susceptible to such events as continental warfare, which neither the UK nor, especially, the US know. As a result, not experiencing such pleasantries of continental warfare such as material devastation, mass killing off human capital, hunger and immense restoration efforts, it becomes clear why Great Britain, largely through exploiting her Empire, reached the material wealth in XIX century unheard of in history. It accumulated because it didn't fight continental wars--only expeditionary ones. Consider also Netherlands. 

The same process could be observed for the United States in the XX century, which allowed the US to accumulate an enormous wealth due a number of critical geographic and economic factors, and even the Civil War and the victory of the Union in it far from damaging largely agrarian South, in the long run substituted backward and highly unproductive slavery with much more advanced mode of production and agriculture, which saw the United States achieving an unprecedented standard of living in history until the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. Again, absence of continental warfare on a massive scale and all pleasantries associated with it have been largely absent in the history of the United States. Especially for her then emerging massive industrial areas which are located "above" (the nominal North) Mason-Dixon line. I omit here, of course, an immense "exorbitant privilege" the United States captured in the aftermath of the WW II, which saw the world devastated, while the US not only remained intact but profited greatly from this war. 

And we can see even today material manifestations of this accumulated wealth which are numerous--still the best and the largest highway system in the world, dying out but once great American cities with the remnants of great American architecture and numerous well maintained and either well-off or downright wealthy communities which are not gated. Many of those are still around, and Americans love their cars, some of them really good, actually, which long ago became symbols of American freedom. You can also go to any marina anywhere in the US and you will find numerous boat types, from yachts to motorboats, some of them expensive to buy and maintain. Those signs are still there. In Europe they are already diminishing because European wealth for the last 50+ years was based on naive Russians providing affordable energy to Europe, and Europe is becoming and will become poor. The US is undergoing similar process, but superpowers move differently than geopolitical hoi polloi, but the US has unsolvable problem of the immense national debt on her hands.  

Compare now this with historic Russia, which with the exception of her dazzling Tsar Court and parasitic class of landowners, was always poor. And then there have been non-stop devastating wars and Russian Empire/USSR with much of freeloading from the ethnic fringes which at some point of time, especially Middle Asia, required from Russia non-stop laboring in holding them on sustainable economic level. Russian history of the XIX-XX century is one of the non-stop fights with invasions, devastation, restoration and same all over again--no time to have as Stolypin wanted: Give Russia 20 years of internal and external peace and quiet and it will change beyond recognition (c). Today Russia is unrecognizable from even 15 years ago. Never in her history did Russian people live that well as they do today (not without problems, of course). And the signs of accumulating wealth ranging from massive ultra-modern housing, to ever expanding modern highways, to a huge number of automobiles everywhere, to renewed, sometimes dazzling cities are already in place. And here is a little bit on where the US leads Russia (no, not in the production of the surfing boards) in those manifest signs of the wealth accumulation--it is a private aviation. 

The US has it and it is largest, by far, in the world. Here is Piper (one of the models), but the US skies are filled with Cessnas, Moonies, what have you. 

And this is the field in which Russia will never close the gap due to smaller population and lack of own culture of private ownership of such aviation. Make no mistake, there are Russians who own private planes--made mostly in Europe and the US, but it takes a lot of time and disposable wealth to start even contemplating such purchases and ownership. More expansion of airstrips is also required, as well as own production. Russia does have own production of private (small) aviation. Russians do manufacture own private planes, such as amphibious L-72. 

Since 2018 these flying boats and their derivatives went into small serial production and are being produced in dozens every year. Very slow rate production of SK-12 (again flying boat, natural for Russia) also is ongoing. Yes, private aviation is still present in Russia, nowhere near in numbers comparable to the US, but those who own those planes often prefer to buy established Western brands and that is not going to change any time soon, unlike it is the case with large commercial aviation. You can read comparative study about this gap by following this link. Granted, it is from 2022. But still, numbers are not encouraging. Russians simply prefer traditionally: commercial planes, trains and automobiles. Considering Russia's much better than in the US public transportation system, including inter-city, especially trains, it is as much the issue of flying culture as it is of pure economics, but here, as well as in the surfing boards, the US lead is untouchable, and this manifestation of the wealth accumulation will remain on the US side. It is just the fact, and it will begin to change somewhat the more Russians sprawl to the suburbia and modern private housing (a well pronounced trend), but it will not change the relation and ratio much. 

P.S. You can read about private and small aviation in Russia (in Russian) by following this link.  

About Trump's "Talk".

Moscow keeps mum. Platitudes and some insights into France and her Mirage 2000-5 gift to 404. 

When You Are a Credentialed Idiot.

Or, in Mencken's lingo--moron with Ph.D. Sarah Paine is moron who teaches some humanities shit in the US Naval War College. No wonder US officer corps believes all kind of mythological crap and has about zero tool kit for understanding the world outside the US.  

This pseudo-academician is utterly situationally unaware, which is pretty much normal state for the US military and "intel". And here is fresh demonstration. Good ol' town of Simbirsk, known today as Ulyanovsk (the birthplace of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)). And you cannot use here this beaten to death "argument" of Moscow being the facade of Russia, while everything else is decrepit. Paine, her age considered, should not visit modern Russia, especially well beyond Moscow (such as Ulyanovsk--450 miles from Moscow) --her little provincial universe will collapse on her and that may have some health effects, especially on "scholars" such as hers who wouldn't pass even basic exams on real strategy and warfare. 

US military education is a joke. It was inevitable in the environment which literally rewrote military history of the XX and XXI century and imbued this "democracy vs dictatorship" contrived dichotomy which led, inevitably, to a sheer obscurantism and ideological rigidity worthy of the worst manifestations of communist or fascist ideologies. But then again, you cannot expect any self-awareness from most Ivy League humanities (brainwashed) graduates such as this Paine lady. In the end, how can one teach "strategy" while having no clue about Operations and about the "dictator", you know--"know thy enemy" shit. I guess, that's the issue of culture and ethics and that's not to be expected from these types. 

The West Is Complicit.

In fact, it encouraged it. Including by means of now grossly reduced USAID. 

The Ukrainian military is trying to destroy evidence of its war crimes in the settlements they have occupied in Russia’s Kursk Region, senior Russian diplomat Rodion Miroshnik has claimed. Last month, Russian investigators alleged that Kiev’s troops had raped, tortured, and murdered Russian civilians in the recently-liberated village of Russkoye Porechnoye. They published gruesome videos of bodies piled in cellars in some of the homes inside the settlement. Several captured Ukrainian servicemen acknowledged committing the crimes under interrogation, saying they had been acting on the orders of their commanders. Similar atrocities could have been committed by enemy forces in other villages in Kursk Region according to Miroshnik, who is tasked by the Russian Foreign Ministry with collecting evidence of alleged Ukrainian war crimes. He made the comments to RIA-Novosti on Saturday. “Ukraine is battering the nearby settlements, apparently trying to destroy the consequences of its other crimes,” he said.

The latest one, they tortured and then killed the veteran of the Great Patriotic War. They are Neo-Nazis. Trump calls them "beautiful young people". Looks like he called Moscow, if it did happen it didn't go well for him. Notable absence of "brotherly people" rhetoric from Russian political top, as of lately. On the other hand, many 404 transplants to Russia want this mythology to continue. Too late for them and whatever will be left of 404. 

Meanwhile, piles of corpses of VSU in Kursk and elsewhere. The kill ratio is obviously now way more than 1 to 10-12, most likely somewhere around 1 to 15-18. 404 and the West wanted it, and that is why Zakharova said it straight--Paris backs nazis. No surprise here. We all know facts of the WW II. Paris was spared and who can forget French 33rd Waffen SS Division Charlemagne. This formation alone outnumbered French Resistance by a huge margin, not to mention other French volunteers serving elsewhere in Wehrmacht. I speak about this and other things today in my latest video. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Kellogg Goes To 11.

There never was any "plan", because it cannot exist--the only plan is to surrender or be beaten into utter humiliation. 1st Cavalry Division "training". Commodore makes only one mistake--damn the torpedoes, go to Zircon. 

Excellent Representation ...

 ... of proceedings in Kursk since August. Which also explains why NATO managed to kill a whole combined arms army, which is more than was the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) during Cold War 1.0. 

As of today, VSU (and NATO) lost 58, 230 KIAs (consider that field "medicine" of VSU returns only 13% of wounded, as opposed to 96% by Russia). VSU continues to throw reserves into the meat grinder.  In comparison, BAOR numbered 53,000. 

Yes! And?

The development of export version of SU-57 was inevitable, and India was the recipient of the Soviet/Russian technology for many decades, including unprecedented lease of two nuclear subs. 

A Russian stealth fighter aircraft arrived in India on Thursday as Moscow readied to offer New Delhi, which is China's geopolitical rival, cooperation on the advanced jet project.  Newsweek has contacted the Russian and Indian defense ministries and the Chinese Foreign Ministry for comment by email.

Here is Su-57E arriving today at Bangalore for Aero India 2025 show. 

It is all absolutely normal development, plus China will try avoiding buying this due to status and trying to develop her own genuine (stress on genuine) 5th Generation fighter. So, all fair and square. Same goes for "lighter" Su-75 fighter. And while losers and BSers from pseudo military-analytical (euphemism for amateur masturbators to military toys) resource 1945 continue to cope (I speak about their "experts" in my today's video), Russia will present Su-75 in India. Two of the working prototypes have been built. Yes, Russia is not just competitor for the West in weapons, she offers things which neither US nor Europoodles produce. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Garland, Scott and Yours Truly.

 Live, in about 1 hr. 15 min.

Some New Info ...

 ... about Russian-Indian contract for anti-shipping missiles. 

Looks like the contract (judging by the picture, which, as Katzmans say--could be just picture), is of 3M54E Kalibr. The contract is for the India's submarines. If it is "E" (Export) version of Kalibr than it will have capped capabilities but considering that Brahmos flies almost to 1,000 km it could be that this version of Kaliber will have extended, not capped by 300 kilometers, range. Russian version of 3M54 has a devilish trick in it--at the terminal its warhead accelerates to M=3 and conducts violent anti-missile maneuver. Will know more about this contract in due time. 

Meanwhile, VSU tried (primarily for PR reasons) the "counteroffensive"--in reality attack, likely recon in force--by means of two battalions in Kursk. Naturally, it ended really badly for those two kamikaze battalions. 
Latest data on "brilliant" operation by NATO in Kursk is: 57,860 KIAs and 337 tanks of VSU destroyed. Washington and London's understanding of the modern warfare is amazing. 

Nima and Me ...

 ... in about 40 minutes live. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Well, Thank You.

Now we know. It was blatantly obvious. 

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has claimed that cocaine is no worse than whiskey, arguing that the drug’s illegality stems from its Latin American origin rather than its effects. Petro made the remarks amid tensions with US President Donald Trump’s administration over deportation policies and recent threats to impose trade tariffs. Colombia has long been associated with cocaine production, with significant portions of the global supply originating from the country. The drug is made from the leaves of the coca plant, native to Latin America.

You see, it is all about discrimination. But sure. To comment on this is to ruin it. 

Excellent From Daniel Davis and Larry.

 Good talk. 

About Protocols.

Those protocols have been developed for centuries, and their main purpose is to preserve the dignity of inter-state meetings. That is why all nations have such protocols, unless there is the so-called meeting "without ties", meaning informal one. Here is Washington D.C. yesterday. 

The master and the servant. 

Trump Welcomes and Serves His Master.

 Well, Gaza decision of Trump is all you need to know. Russia and India sign the contract for anti-shipping missiles, and something tells me that it could be related to the "capped" version of 3M22 Zircon, which Brahmos JV was trying to realize through BrahMos-II program, M=8, 1,500 km range missile. Will Russians sell to India M=6, 1,000 range "capped" version of Zircon? Considering the fact that India stands as the first recipient of S-500 AD complex, who knows.

Can It Get Any Clearer?

I guess not. This is for those who still consume copious amounts of Trump's verbal diarrhea. 

МОСКВА, 5 фев — РИА Новости. США должны сделать первый шаг к нормализации отношений с Россией, заявил заместитель главы МИД Сергей Рябков, его слова приводятся на сайте внешнеполитического ведомства. Дипломат отметил, что Москва стремилась к честному партнерству, но Запад ее не услышал, поскольку изначально преследовал цель ослабить геополитического противника. Тем не менее Россия смогла выстоять, расстроив планы теперь уже бывшего руководства Соединенных Штатов, которое продвигало "миропорядок, основанный на правилах", а также стремилось нанести Москве стратегическое поражение. "На фоне провала этого курса и смены администрации первый шаг к нормализации двусторонних отношений, имея в виду переговоры на основе принципов взаимного уважения и равноправия, должны сделать США", — пояснил Рябков. По его словам, Россия открыта для диалога, готова договариваться в режиме жесткого торга с учетом реалий "на земле" и национальных интересов, предопределенных историей и географией. "Так что решения и выбор — за Дональдом Трампом и его командой", — резюмировал замглавы МИД.
Translation: MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. The United States must take the first step toward normalizing relations with Russia, said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, his words are quoted on the website of the Foreign Ministry. The diplomat noted that Moscow sought an honest partnership, but the West did not listen to it, since it initially pursued the goal of weakening the geopolitical adversary. Nevertheless, Russia was able to withstand, upsetting the plans of the now former leadership of the United States, which promoted a "rules-based world order" and also sought to inflict a strategic defeat on Moscow. "Against the backdrop of the failure of this course and the change of administration, the first step toward normalizing bilateral relations, meaning negotiations based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, should be taken by the United States," Ryabkov explained. According to him, Russia is open to dialogue, ready to negotiate in a tough bargaining mode, taking into account the realities "on the ground" and national interests predetermined by history and geography. “So the decisions and choices are up to Donald Trump and his team,” the Deputy Foreign Minister summed up.

Russians have a proverb--to spin like a snake on the frying pan. If Trump wants to own this war, so be it--Russia is ready. The conditions are announced publicly. So, what is it going to be, Mr. Trump? Guess who holds the frying pan?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RUK/ROK At Work.

This is why not having real AD, which neither 404 nor any NATO country have, concentrating oneself in predeployment areas, is not a good idea as 516 Battalion of Special Forces of the 1st Independent Brigade of VSU learned the hard way in Sumy Oblast. 

Good hit at ammo depot. Up to 130 personnel KIAs, 23 armored vehicles, special automobiles--15 and 10 trucks. All goners. RUK/RUK--Recon Strike/Frappe Complex. Recon and targeting from drones, satellites, recon units, EW etc. Sensor fusion at its best, after that--firing solution and off Mr. Iskander goes. The power of the stand-off, SMART hypersonic munitions. Now imagine this thing from hell increasing its combat radius to 1,000 kilometers. Already happened. 

Why I Seem Tired.

 Which I am. Well, my friends, so I was last night doing my regular "getting sleepy" routine by means of watching relaxing videos on UTube when for some unknown reason the algorithm decided to get me to sleep through this: 

I clicked and I lost all desire to sleep, especially from the strain of suppressed laughter. You can view it any way you want but this shit prevented me from getting to sleep till 3:00 in the morning. I am sure Bones will love this))

Danny, Larry Wilkerson ...

 ... and me live in about 20 minutes. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Transgender Opera In Columbia ...

 ... sounds like a worthy investment. 

Why Russia Cannot Be Defeated ...

 ... I always say that Scott found those words which MAY resonate in the US--those 27 million look down at Russians. Here are Russian monuments going to war. You cannot explain this to some cretin from USMA at West Point or US Army War College--they simply have no reference points. 

Thank God ...

 ... Jack #7 is produced in Lynchburg, TN. This is the only thing I drink, but Tequila people should keep in mind ... Larry gives some excellent commentaries, which also explain why I think Trump Admin dropping any pretense is good and why, in the end, it may work for the US. 

In Related News ...

 ... water is wet, the fire is hot, and Trump Admin has no clue what is going on. Neither does Pentagon and CIA. 

Feb 3 (Reuters) - U.S. shipments of weapons into Ukraine were briefly paused in recent days before resuming over the weekend as the Trump administration debated its policy towards Kyiv, according to four people briefed on the matter. Shipments restarted after the White House pulled back on its initial assessment to stop all aid to Ukraine, two of the sources said. There are factions inside the administration that are at odds over the extent to which the U.S. should continue to aid Kyiv's war effort with weapons from U.S. stocks, said one of the people, a U.S. official.
How many times--it is all about the US trying to prove itself which it never was and could never be--a serious continental warfare power. I will repeat (again)--the Army which venerates Patton as a serious military leader--it is long overdue for studying real warfare. 

Russians, Shut Up))

To those who want to try their skills. What is it, and why it is significant? 

The Answer. 

Yes, it is a template. It is called The Officer Ruler, and it is--it is for the proper illustration of tactical and operational maps and presenting the Commander's Decision to higher-ups. Most kids in the USSR had this ruler and you could buy it pretty much anywhere. It is all about topography. Naval rules look different, and they are parallel rulers.  

But That Is What So Good ...

 ... about Trump Admin. Daniel Larison may lament all these threats:

Rubio concluded his first foreign visit as Secretary of State with a not-so-veiled threat against Panama:

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio on Sunday warned Panama's President Jose Raul Mulino that Washington will "take measures necessary" if Panama does not immediately take steps to end what President Donald Trump sees as China's influence and control over the Panama Canal.

The Panama obsession is a good example of why making rivalry with China the core of U.S. foreign policy is so harmful. The rivalry creates incentives to exaggerate Chinese power and influence to make China seem more menacing than it really is. “Chinese control” of the canal has been invented out of thin air to serve the larger story that China hawks want to tell about Beijing’s ambitions. Trump and the China hawks are fighting shadows of their own creation, and in the process they are doing real harm to U.S. interests in this hemisphere.

But they are not "harmful", they are great because any pretense of morality, "democracy" and "human rights" has been finally dropped. All this nauseating moralizing of Washington is finally exposed for what it is--parasitic imperial aspirations, a geopolitical "realism" at its pinnacle. And this is healthy, because all this post WW II BS finally dissipates. For this we all should be thankful to DJT--he cleared the playing field of any smoke and mirrors, and we know what he wants. Pop-corn time, as well as schadenfreude, a feeling after Tucker Calrson explained to this cretin Pierce Morgan that, as one Russian observer put it, the old Euro "elites" can suck American cock because UK is irrelevant, and the US is now empire. Decrepit, impotent and pretentious but still stronger than London, who, together with Paris, Berlin and Rome, is nothing more than a touristy attraction. Meanwhile, a former UK Interior Minister Suella Braverman explains why UK is essentially over. 

Same applies to France and Germany. 

Grotesque Lies.

Sometimes it is simply impossible to even comment. Baltic statelets want NATO navies to be sunk in Baltic Sea. 

How Much One Has To Hate ...

 ... Russian guts as to go to 404 at the age of 72 to fight for Kiev regime. I'll give you a hint--by the age of 50 most combat qualities which one may have dissipate almost completely. But, not for this guy:

«Россия должна немедленно освободить Стивена Хаббарда. Было установлено, что Хаббард был задержан неправомерно – его не должны были брать в плен или отправлять в тюрьму в России», – сообщили Русской службе «Голоса Америки» в Госдепартаменте. Там добавили, что «Соединенные Штаты будут продолжать работать над освобождением Хаббарда и всех других американцев, несправедливо задержанных в России». 7 октября Московский городской суд приговорил 72-летнего американца Стивена Хаббарда к шести годам и 10 месяцам колонии общего режима, признав его виновным в участии в боевых действиях на стороне Украины в качестве наемника. По данным российского следствия, ему якобы платили 1000 долларов в месяц за службу в украинском подразделении территориальной обороны в городе Изюм, где он жил с 2014 года. Согласно материалам дела, он заключил контракт с Вооруженными силами Украины (ВСУ) в феврале 2022 года, а спустя два месяца, когда российские войска вошли в Изюм, Хаббарда задержали. По данным российских СМИ, Хаббард признал свою вину.

Translation: The US State Department has found Stephen Hubbard wrongfully detained in Russia, the department told the Voice of America Russian Service. In October 2024, the US citizen was sentenced in Russia to nearly seven years in prison, having been found guilty of participating in the war on the side of Ukraine. “Russia must immediately release Stephen Hubbard. It has been determined that Hubbard was wrongfully detained – he should never have been captured or imprisoned in Russia,” the State Department told the Voice of America Russian Service. They added that “the United States will continue to work to free Hubbard and all other Americans unjustly detained in Russia.” On October 7, the Moscow City Court sentenced 72-year-old American Stephen Hubbard to six years and 10 months in a general regime penal colony, finding him guilty of participating in hostilities on the side of Ukraine as a mercenary. According to Russian investigators, he was allegedly paid $1,000 a month to serve in a Ukrainian territorial defense unit in the city of Izyum, where he had lived since 2014. According to the case file, he signed a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in February 2022, and two months later, when Russian troops entered Izyum, Hubbard was detained. According to Russian media, Hubbard admitted his guilt.

It would be a good start for the Department of State to learn about the status of mercenaries and be thankful to Russians who exhibited a great deal of humanity by not shooting the guy on the spot and giving him a proper trial. Eventually, the court may consider the guy's good behavior in penal colony, his age and him being a retard and will release him earlier. But there are others who already were and will be "taken care of" together with their Nazi "brethren" at the frontlines. Yes, Russia is no Africa or Iraq where many Western mercenaries got used to fighting grossly inferior opponents, in SMO roles are completely reversed because the real war is not some Baghdad police operation.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Except, Kallas ...

 ... lived a life of privilege in USSR being a daughter of party nomenclature. The "trauma" was so huge that these three Baltic statelets are on the way out as ethnicities and countries, dying out due to all "freedoms" and "privileges" they got from EU and NATO for 30+ years. The only product they produce is rabid Russophobia which sells in Europe. That, plus whores for NATO contingents stationed on their soil. 

Doug uses now the 1.2 million number of KIAs in VSU. Sounds about right. Here is the demonstration what most of the fighting at the line of contact is reduced to in 404. Here is relatively recent from Velikaya Novoselka. A bunch of VSU creeps refuse to surrender (highly likely Nazi fanatics who know what is expecting them), they barricade themselves in the basement of the building. So, the guys from one of the storm companies of the 5th Independent Brigade deliver some presents (3 AT mines). The mop up continues. 

And this is what this is all about--harm Russia, kill them. The hatred, the fear and military impotence of Washington and European capitals on parade. NATO is good only at fighting civilians and committing atrocities, not at facing real armies. 

Open Thread.

 Go at it. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

So, She Is a "Hero" Now?

So, her "legacy" and "inspiration"--let's fly into the path of a landing plane and kill 64 innocent people. 

People in comments are outraged, but then again--these are US media, there is no crime or atrocity they will not support as long as it fits the "agenda". Sappy sentimental BS, whitewashing an incompetent hack, an obvious DEI "inspiration" who, as people correctly state, will be remembered. Oh boy, she will be. Disgusting ... 

Why So Much "Paper" Activity ...

... around Anti-missile Defense. Explanation is simple--to cover up a military-technological catastrophe for the US in advanced missile technologies (both AD and strike variety). This gap cannot be closed, especially with the US lagging badly in a hypersonic field. Atlantic Council "report" (do US generals even understand how they embarrass themselves?) is a laughable pseudo-scientific "policy" paper which high school students could write given the time and effort. Judging by their references who teach in Naval Post-Graduate School (same as such "strategists" and "historians" as Sarah Paine from USNWC)--no surprise that America's views on war are so amateurish. Czech MP wants to genocide Russians--totally expected. 

A Good Summary.

Text says: "now, let's declare a tie and start negotiations". 

They really think in Washington that they are so impressive and shiny. Evidently, situational awareness is not Washington's strong forte. I also talk today in my latest video about horrendous (for Washington) balance of power shift, to such a degree that no number of narratives passing for policy papers from all corners of the Washington think-tankdom universe can cover it up. It is not even fair technologically. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

"Expert" ...

 ... on North Korea, same type as US "experts" in Russia. 


Point To Be Made ...

... again. Even such a moron as Blinken possibly did get a famous one-liner from military art that the victory in war is defined by achieving political objectives of said war. E.g. the political objective of NATO's war against Russia through its best proxy ever, 404, was simple--to inflict military defeat on Russia, which, in conjunction with sanctions from hell creates a massive suffering and humiliation and, hence, Putin's "regime" falls, Russian fifth column comes to power, Russia is broken up and the US and its European jackals get their hands on Russia's resources. After that the West squeezes China and the full global control is achieved. 

Keep in mind, all this was predicated on VSU taking (they were already pre-deployed for that) LDNR, defeating possible Russian attempt at relieving defeated LDNR militias and ... what a plan. But that is the POINT--Pentagon and clowns from London MoD and other NATO "experts" DID consider military defeat of Russian Army in LDNR. In fact, that WAS the plan. Here, I want to stress it, where I and Scott diverge--this IS how it was briefed in the White House. And here is an interesting quip today: 

In an interview on Sirius XM’s The Megyn Kelly Show on Thursday, Rubio reiterated US President Donald Trump’s willingness to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, saying that Trump believes the conflict “needs to end now.” “It needs to end to a negotiation. In any negotiation, both sides are going to have to give something up,” Rubio stated. Even a growing number Democrats who vowed to support Kiev for “as long as it takes” under the previous administration of US President Joe Biden “would now acknowledge that what we have been funding is a stalemate, a protracted conflict, and maybe even worse than a stalemate, one in which incrementally Ukraine is being destroyed and losing more and more territory,” the secretary of state said. What the dishonesty that has existed is that we somehow led people to believe that Ukraine would be able not just to defeat Russia, but, you know, destroy them, push them all the way back to what the world looked like in... 2014,” Rubio added. 

This is a critical admission because it wasn't "somehow"--this was a belief which permeated Washington as a whole, including those people in CIA and Pentagon who spent 7 years preparing VSU for "defeating" Russia and who planned this whole catastrophe. And that brings fore this point about "American way of war", same as it goes to infamous "Prigozhin Mutiny" and other "operational" tricks NATO exercised against manifestly weak and inferior opponents and whose whole operational culture is built around turkey shoots with near impunity. I can only say--study the REAL history of WW II, not the BS which is being taught in the US military academies--that will be a good start. Don't hold your breath though.