Friday, March 28, 2025

And Again ...

 ... for those who still do not get nuances. Here is official from Russian Foreign Ministry. Zakharova verbatim. 

Вопрос: По сообщению Минобороны России, утром 28 марта, ВСУ нанесли двойной удар с применением, по предварительной информации, реактивных снарядов РСЗО HIMARS по ГИС «Суджа». Как Вы могли бы это прокомментировать?

Ответ: В курсе этого сообщения. При этом есть основания полагать, что наведение и целеуказание ударов осуществлялось через французские спутниковые системы, а ввод координат и запуск – британскими специалистами. Команду давали из Лондона. Неделю назад, 21 марта, этот объект уже подвергался террористической атаке киевского режима, приказавшего своим боевикам взорвать его при отступлении из Курской области. Теперь, после ракетного огня, ГИС «Суджа» практически уничтожена.

Translation: Question: According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on the morning of March 28, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a double strike using, according to preliminary information, HIMARS rockets at the Sudzha GIS. How could you comment on this?

Answer: I am aware of this report. At the same time, there is reason to believe that the guidance and targeting of the strikes was carried out through French satellite systems, and the input of coordinates and launch were carried out by British specialists. The command was given from London. A week ago, on March 21, this facility was already subjected to a terrorist attack by the Kyiv regime, which ordered its militants to blow it up during its retreat from the Kursk region. Now, after the rocket fire, the Sudzha GIS has been practically destroyed.

Immediately after that loser Guterres comes up and states that 404 government is "legitimate". Chihuahuas decided to simulate the game. Too late.

Thursday, March 27, 2025

A Superb Review ...

 ... from Larry. 

Following up on my critique of the current US intelligence community’s conclusions in the current Annual Threat Assessment regarding Russian losses, this is not an aberration or departure from standard operating procedure. Instead, it is the natural result of political pressure and bureaucratic cowardice preventing analysts from telling hard truths to political masters.

These are professional's insights. 

No Comment Is Needed.

Russia will ‘finish off’ Ukrainian forces – Putin

Garland and Yours Truly ...

 ... are going to talk about military toys. 

Not Very Intelligent ...

 ... but assessment, nonetheless. 

In Russian, But Important.

First fully domestic Russia-Belarus 350 nm lithography machine already works in Moscow. 

130 nm is next. Rumor has it--next year. 

Only Sublime Would Doubt It.

This is also about hysterical posts elsewhere on this blog, that Russia talking (mind you--just talking with the US) about hypothetical relaunch of NS-2 somehow will contribute to "rearming" EU. It will not, due to the fact that EU, even if to imagine that NS-2 (2 out 4 pipes) will be relaunched, will continue to buy gas at a market price--that is very expensive. And here we are. 

Minister of Defense Boris Pistorious shut down suggestions that Germany could reverse its decision to buy the F-35A Lightning II following recent tensions between Europe and the United States. Speaking to German media, Pistorious said The United States is and will remain an important ally for us – also for the Bundeswehr’s equipment. This applies not only to the F-35, but also to our other projects”. Proposals to cancel Germany’s order for 35 F-35A Lightning IIs have come while the current defense and security relationship between the United States and Europe faces criticism from high ranking members of the new U.S. administration.

EU cannot "rearm" itself for the real war. It is still stuck in the warfare of the 1990s with capabilities, or rather lack thereof, matching those 1990s views. So, chihuahuas will continue to buy expensive and unreliable US weapons and they still don't have capability to move into the XXI century, period. 

Meanwhile, brand new German coal power plant (6 years) is demolished a few days back. 
Germany is over.