Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crenshaw Doesn't Know Anything About Real War Either.

Like Glenn Greenwald, Crenshaw doesn't understand operations and operational planning, no, not this tactical BS of SEAL Team 6 which would evaporate on real battlefield, he also doesn't know basic math which is expected from ROTC "commissioned" tactical level officer who has no clue about modern weaponry and how it is used, and because of that, he spews BS about matters he knows less than Glenn. 

Crenshaw, who has degree in International Relations and no applicable knowledge of military history, let alone anything about Russian Militarty would be laughed out as military amateur from any battalion level staff in SMO when he will try to apply his "knowledge" of SEAL operations to the modern battlefield of which he, as most Western militaries, has no clue about on any tactical, operational and strategic levels. Yet, here he is--"you never fought anything." Did Crenshaw fight real war? Did he ever win anything with his forces? Well, we know the answer. The guy is moron who spews Ukie propaganda financed by the ... USAID and Nazi regime in Kiev. Unbelievable.