810th Brigade marines are already in Sumy Oblast.
Президент России Владимир Путин заявил, что ему час назад доложили о пересечении бойцами ВС РФ границы с Украиной в Курской области. «Самая последняя информация, которую мне доложили буквально час назад, – сегодня ночью бойцы 810-й бригады пересекли границу Российской Федерации и Украины и вышли на территорию противника», – сказал глава государства, отвечая на вопросы журналистов во время посещения завода по производству беспилотников в Санкт-Петербурге, передает ТАСС.
Translation: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he was informed an hour ago that Russian Armed Forces fighters had crossed the border with Ukraine in the Kursk region. "The latest information that was reported to me literally an hour ago is that tonight fighters from the 810th Brigade crossed the border of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and entered enemy territory," the head of state said, answering journalists' questions during a visit to a drone manufacturing plant in St. Petersburg, TASS reports.
This validates fully the hypothesis of the whole Kursk ordeal--as of today 62, 000 of VSU have been killed in Kursk Oblast, hundreds upon hundreds of vehicles destroyed--that upon assessing the situation, the GS decided to use Kursk Oblast as a trap and the numbers of VSU losses from there are stupefying. And now, marines are already in the territory which likely will become yet another territorial acquisition for Russia. Sumy and surroundings are shaken non-stop by the work of Russia RUK/ROK with Iskanders and FABs arriving to the assembly areas non-stop. I speak about this in my latest video which should be up shortly.