Friday, February 21, 2025

Average US Media ...

 ... editorial board ranging from CNN to WaPO and NYT with WSJ is a collection of not only corrupts prostitutes (non-corrupt prostitutes provide honest service for the money) but a collection of cretins with credentials in BS as are their "experts" (e.g. Petraeus, Keane or Forbes' own David Axe). Moreover, Journalism Schools all across the world are nothing more than degree mills for feeble-minded chimpanzees who couldn't understand quadratic equations, as are all those Ph.Ds in this shit and "professors", who are shysters, in every single Ivy League "journalism" program. Finally, somebody begins to call them out. 

And then, of course, this "teeny weenie" issue of high treason and war crimes which US MSM so gladly supported. As I already said, Tucker was too generous when he said that "every other person (in US journalism) is an asshole"; I think the number is closer to 80%, but then again--I am not Tucker, he knows the environment better than me.