... have a nice chair near you? Granted, it is French but ...
Trump sera à Moscou pour les commémorations de la fin de la guerre. INFO LE POINT. Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine se retrouveront à Moscou le 9 mai prochain pour les commémorations de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Translation: Trump will be in Moscow for the commemorations of the end of the war. INFO LE POINT. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet in Moscow on May 9 for the commemorations of the end of the Second World War.
French have all reasons to complain--they still cannot reconcile themselves to the fact that the most French men accomplished, with the exception of heroic Normandie-Niemen and Free French, was to shave the heads of poor French girls who simply dated Wehrmacht personnel in the times when France prostituted itself to Hitler. How Ooh-la-la.
Look at them "heroes". So, if true as this French rag complains--the Europe will have to drink their chalice of garmonbozia observing how victorious Russian Army marches saluting the Presidents of Russia and USA on May 9th. Do not get too excited, we have to wait and see (confirmation, if true), but it seems that British still didn't decide who they want to be ... And now--a discotheque. I need a drink)))
Update: It was French BS)) Now confirmed.