Monday, February 17, 2025

These Ones Are Lucky.

They will be taken to the rear, and to their astonishment, since NATO and Kiev propaganda tells them they will be executed, they will be given hot tea, fed and will be given first medical aid before meeting FSB (Military Counter Intel) interrogator.  

Not everyone will be that lucky. Those forest barriers (лесополосы) in Kursk and elsewhere along the frontline are littered with corpses of VSU. Roads and fields are littered with charred remnants of NATO armor. Evidently Russians started removing anti-tank "dragon teeth" at Kharkov Operational Direction. The US now will be given REAL numbers and REAL Correlation of Forces and Means (COFM). Meanwhile: 

МОСКВА, 18 фев - РИА Новости. Глава немецкого оборонного концерна Rheinmetall Армин Паппергер заявил в интервью газете Financial Times, что в Европе и на Украине не осталось запасов оружия на складах.  "У европейцев и украинцев на складах ничего нет", - сообщил он.
Translation: MOSCOW, 18 Feb - RIA Novosti. The head of the German defense concern Rheinmetall, Armin Papperger, said in an interview with the Financial Times that there are no weapons stockpiles left in warehouses in Europe and Ukraine. "The Europeans and Ukrainians have nothing in their warehouses," he said.

In related news, I can bet you the farm that situation with the US weapons depots is barely better. COFM, my friends, COFM! So, Europe has to face its new reality.
In conclusion, a wonderful Russian Historian (Ph.D) Natalia Tanshina (she knows Europe through and through, speaks several languages) posted this simple text in her TG channel which explains everything what is happening.
I talk to Jacques. He tells me how he is currently picking lemons at his dacha (he jokes that it is expensive to send them to Russia), oranges that fall from the tree right next to his house in Ajaccio.
Then he tells how journalists reacted angrily to Vance’s speech, how ashamed they were, how indignant they were that America had “dumped” Western Europe and was talking about negotiations without the Europeans.

I speak:

- Jacques, but you have always advocated for peace, so you should be happy.
- Yes, peace, that’s the main thing, because so many soldiers are dying: 1000 Russians and 500-600 French per day.
- Jacques, are you aware that many civilians are dying? Are you aware that Ukrainians are entering Russian villages and shooting, torturing civilians, women, old people, girls?
- Are there any documents? They don't show us any of this. Where is this documented?
Of course, after something like that I immediately say goodbye. What kind of documents do they need? Let's remember how Germans were taken to concentration camps after World War II, they showed photos of people tortured in death camps, with captions: "You did it!" Do they want such "documents"? The average Jacques doesn’t need all this truth, it’s disgusting to him, it prevents him from picking oranges and lemons. He repeats it like a mantra: weapons for the sake of peace. And he sincerely considers himself a pacifist and prays for peace. And he doesn’t even admit the thought that responsibility for the deaths of people lies with the West.
Europe has no future.