They will be taken to the rear, and to their astonishment, since NATO and Kiev propaganda tells them they will be executed, they will be given hot tea, fed and will be given first medical aid before meeting FSB (Military Counter Intel) interrogator.
Not everyone will be that lucky. Those forest barriers (лесополосы) in Kursk and elsewhere along the frontline are littered with corpses of VSU. Roads and fields are littered with charred remnants of NATO armor. Evidently Russians started removing anti-tank "dragon teeth" at Kharkov Operational Direction. The US now will be given REAL numbers and REAL Correlation of Forces and Means (COFM). Meanwhile:
Translation: MOSCOW, 18 Feb - RIA Novosti. The head of the German defense concern Rheinmetall, Armin Papperger, said in an interview with the Financial Times that there are no weapons stockpiles left in warehouses in Europe and Ukraine. "The Europeans and Ukrainians have nothing in their warehouses," he said.
In related news, I can bet you the farm that situation with the US weapons depots is barely better. COFM, my friends, COFM! So, Europe has to face its new reality.
In conclusion, a wonderful Russian Historian (Ph.D) Natalia Tanshina (she knows Europe through and through, speaks several languages) posted this simple text in her TG channel which explains everything what is happening.
Europe has no future.