It fits so perfectly.
Пресс-секретарь Белого дома Кэролайн Левитт призвала канцлера ФРГ Олафа Шольца следить за своими высказываниями, заявив, что единственное место Германии на переговорах по Украине – это скамья подсудимых. «Канцлер, вам следует тщательно подбирать слова. Единственное место, которого заслуживает Германия на этих переговорах, – это скамья подсудимых», – сообщила Левитт в Instagram (принадлежит Meta – организация признана экстремистской и запрещена в РФ). Такоим образом пресс-секретарь Белого дома отреагировала на речь Шольца на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности. Он заявил, что Германия не поддержит «навязанный мир» в ситуации вокруг Украины. «Мы не примем никакого решения, которое приведет к разделению европейской и американской безопасности», – сказал канцлер.
Translation: White House Press Secretary Caroline Levitt called on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to watch his words, saying that Germany's only place in the Ukraine talks is in the dock (the bench for the accused in courtroom). "Chancellor, you should choose your words carefully. The only place Germany deserves in these negotiations is in the dock," Levitt wrote on Instagram (owned by Meta, an organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia). In this way, the White House Press Secretary responded to Scholz's speech at the Munich Security Conference. He said that Germany would not support an "imposed peace" in the situation around Ukraine. "We will not accept any decision that would lead to a division of European and American security," the Chancellor said.
Europe in general and Germany (especially Germany) in particular evidently do not understand the situation they are all in. E.g. this dumb bitch Baerbock calling on attacking deep into Russia doesn't understand that she literally risks her worthless life because, in the best-case scenario for her, she will end up in the dock, in the worst, for her, she will be simply eliminated as a terrorist asset, which she surely is, as is most of German political "elite". Most of them are war criminals and should be treated as such, including Angela Merkel. The more things change in Germany, the more they stay the same--visceral hatred of Russians and treachery. Munich speech by Scholz ... what does it remind me of, hm ...
And why is it always Munich?