Friday, February 21, 2025

Poor, Poor Dear.

 He just wants to kill Russians so badly. 

He is an epitome of the British "ruling" class and media. Most of them are war criminals and turned the country not only into the third world shithole but also into the Airstrip One--a totalitarian hopeless society. Yes, they want to kill Russians because GB transitioned into UK, because it is a pathetic economic and military (lack of) power with no prospects for recovering an iota of its halcyon days of stripping colonies of their riches--they lust after Russia's resources and hate Russians for being able to turn UK into the parking lot in case they try to go after those resources. The argument about London's City and alleged power concentrated in it--it is all bunk. It always comes down to Stalin's sacramental rephrasing--and how many divisions does the Rotschild's family have? (c) Simple, really--UK is incapable to raise a single fully combat ready armored brigade, let alone division, not to speak of tank army, like they do this in Russia. 

The only thing which is left for them is to fade into the La-La-Land of wet dreaming and of contradicting Pink Floyd's immortal "quiet desperation is the English way" by means of a sanctimony and spitting into Russia's direction because this is the only thing they are capable of. Well, that and killing Skripal's cat and possibly the whole family, and now the countdown started for when SAS which guards Ze will off him in order to cover tracks of British crime, treachery and impotence. But for now--it is a "privilege to shoot Russian soldier". In related news, the so called 404 Foreign Legion distinguished itself primarily by being barrier troops for retreating VSU and by atrocities against civilians and POWs. I am sure they will study this in Sandhurst and King's College.