Tuesday, August 1, 2023

No Shit!

Thanks to Scott Ritter who posted the screenshot of Politico in his UTube channel. Here is the Captain Obvious piece No breakthrough yet in Ukraine’s counteroffensive from this rag:

If Ukraine’s supporters were hoping for a breakthrough after Kyiv’s forces made a new push in the southeast of the country last week, they were sorely disappointed. The latest attack, which saw Ukraine throw in thousands of Western-trained reinforcements to drive south from the town of Orikhiv, has not yet yielded significant results, U.S. Defense Department officials told NatSec Daily this week, with one noting that the gains are being measured in the hundreds of meters. Ukraine now has 150,000 troops committed to the operation across three axes of attack, including multiple Western-trained brigades, said one of the DOD officials, who like others interviewed for this newsletter was granted anonymity to discuss operational details. But Kyiv is still keeping a number of forces in reserve, as soldiers continue probing heavily mined Russian defenses for weak spots. “They are making mostly small, incremental gains” on all three axes, the official said. “They are still facing stiff Russian resistance — second and third layers of defenses.” Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. PATRICK RYDER referred questions about the counteroffensive to the Ukrainian military, but noted that “it has and will continue to be a tough fight for them.”

Well, somebody needs to give US MSM and many Pentagon officials a basic course in military history and a brief review of operations as reflected in Russia's field manuals and operational documents, the ones which are available to public. It might help, including the understanding of why all those Air-Land Battle(s) by Pentagon are fiction and exercise in operational and strategic wet-dreaming.  

I also have news for Politico and their "journos", when they report this:

Ukrainian forces are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the U.S. Army’s M1 Abrams main battle tank, which is expected as soon as early September and will help punch through Russia’s defensive lines. But as the operation grinds on, DOD officials expect the counteroffensive will last at least through the fall and possibly into the winter.

Shh, don't tell anybody, but Russians are also eagerly awaiting the appearance of the US Army's M1 Abrams MBTs and have been quite disappointed when learned that those Abrams will arrive without advanced electronics and active defense. I know, I know--they need another excuse the moment those M1s will begin to burn after meeting T-90M, PTRK Kornet or Krasnopol smart munition, or those nasty Mi-28s and Ka-52s, and that is when this excuse will be used: you see, we sent them inferior models. This is how the excuse will sound, word for word. But give British the credit where the credit is due--they first developed and procured (in Ukraine) completely Stealth MBT Challenger. It is so stealthy in visual diapason that no one have seen it on the battlefield so far. They are there, but not visible. That's what I am talking about--technology of the future. 

But when Politico publishes that:

Ukraine’s plan if Russia assassinates Zelenskyy. A Russian assassination would deprive Ukraine’s war effort of one of its most valuable assets.

Ze, run, run like hell, because THEY, not Russians, will kill you and throw your body away as a used condom, if your body will be found at all. Run, run... to Russia--the only place where there is no death penalty, so far, and where you have all chances to stay alive and even have three square hot meals (wait, does evening tea count as a meal?) and Russian prisons are great places for beating drug addictions--doesn't matter if you are a murderer, a serial rapist or, like in your case--war criminal. Run Ze, run! You are a used condom and Globalists need a martyr. No, not Greta Thunberg, but you fit all criteria perfectly. Do you want to die for 404 "Democracy"?