Remember, I was unapologetic about quoting BTO a few days ago? Now, Vladimir Putin quotes it, sort of, so to speak:
They should have realized that they had already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning also means the beginning of a complete breakdown of the American world order.
I am also on record that Russian Armed Forces are using a small fraction of its forces in SMO and even this small fraction, aided by heroic LDNR militias, has demolished VSU as an organized force in 3 months. You don't have to listen to me on this issue--a number of US (and European) military experts admit that before SMO VSU were second largest, after Turkey, army in Europe and were probably second in terms of military capability, not to mention the fact of a direct NATO command and ISR. That is why I repeat ad nauseam--this is not Afghanistan 2.0, this is much-much worse for the Western world and this specimen is just the first to be removed from power, because he, including through his sophomoric PR, contributed mightily to turning already inconsequential, for emerging global new order, UK into a full blown chapiteau circus. Look at this guy:
These are cretins who run combined West. Read my lips: these people cannot find their own ass with their own both hands in a brightly lit room. Good luck to all of us, because, indeed, we ain't seen nothing yet.