Friday, July 1, 2022

Hey, Give Fox A Credit.

Where the credit is due. How many of such broadcasts are done in Europe by a huge main-stream media? Zero. 

But then again, Biden Admin's (read: neocons and fanatics) "math", "economy" and "military art" is not a subject for scientific inquiry and logical explanation, because it is, obviously, from some parallel universe where normal physics, math and causality principles do not exist as we know them. 

In related news, it takes two to tango. 

A newly set up state Russian company will take over the rights and obligations of Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., the joint venture running the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project, Reuters reported today. This could mean a forced exit from the project for Shell and Japan’s Mitsui and Mitsubishi, which are minority shareholders in Sakhalin Energy Investment Co. Shell already said it would leave the project a few months ago and has since then been looking for buyers for its stake in Sakhalin-2. According to earlier reports,  a sale could be made to a group of Indian companies.The Japanese companies, however, have not announced intentions to leave the project. In fact, earlier this year, Japan’s economy, trade and industry minister, Koichi Hagiuda, said that the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects “are essentially important for energy security because the projects allow Japan to procure supplies below the market price, especially amid current high energy prices.”

As I am on record for decades: Russians are very wrong people to fuck with. Russia will continue to respond to the US stealing Russia's assets (numbered in $300 billion) and all this is just the warm up.