Monday, May 13, 2024

Strategic Culture Foundation...

 ... editorial board wrote a magnificent piece for Victory Day. I suggest you read it all, but here is a very important paragraph:

The contribution to defeat Nazi Germany by American, British and other volunteer soldiers from Western nations was not insignificant. But the “second front” that opened with the Normandy Landings in June 1944 is ridiculously overblown by Hollywood and self-serving Western narcissistic propaganda. The long-delayed D-Day landings were a relatively supplemental part to the massive damage that the Soviet people had already inflicted on the Eastern Front beginning in June 1941. Between 80 and 90 percent of German military casualties were incurred from numerous phenomenal battles, from Stalingrad to Kursk, Odessa to Kiev, and many more. The defeat of Nazi Germany was not just an incredible military triumph, it was a victory over death, and not just for Russians, but for humanity as a whole. World War Two was the greatest, most heinous event in recent centuries, if not the last two millennia. The industrialized genocide of millions of civilians, the carpet bombing of cities, and the dropping of atomic bombs on innocents, all produced up to 70 to 100 million deaths. The destruction of life was unprecedented. Arguably, World War Two can be said to be the most catastrophic, evil event in human history. 

The reason I post this is because Colonel Macgregor yet again, at Judge Napolitano's podcast, referred to one of the most rabid falsifiers of Russian history such as Solzhenitsyn and, especially so, of the Great Patriotic War. This is one of the major reasons why Solzhenitsyn's mediocre writing has become a part of CIA's ops and his pseudo-philosophical drudgery was given wide circulation in the West. Why does Colonel constantly refer to all kinds of second-rate if not a-historical sources such as Anthony Beevor, clownish propagandist Norman Davis or completely ignores what Glantz and House had to say after 2010, is understandable. The editorial from SCF nails it, because it exposes West's propaganda which served only one purpose--to self-aggrandize and scare the shit out of own population with the myth of those Russkie barbarians who kill "tens of millions" of people in GULAG, who execute "one million" of own soldiers because of the retreats at the center of which is Nazi propaganda, which was used by... Solzhenitsyn himself, through concoctions of "professor" Kurganov (Koshkin)--a Nazi sympathizer and propagandist who found a safe haven in the US. How... expected. 

So, Macgregor, obviously, doesn't serve his reputation well, when he begins to discuss the subject which requires at a minimum a great knowledge of Russian language, literature, culture, idiosyncrasies and... real statistics which can easily be obtained in the Central Archive of Armed Forces of Russian Federation in Podolsk. I know, it is difficult to face realities of our times, but you see--I survived, and I lost way more than Macgregor can even imagine. So, vilifying, if not utterly dehumanizing Russian history and Russian people by repeating caricatures and Nazi propaganda is not going to remove the meeting with the reality and a historic mirror which the United States is afraid to look into.      

The defeat of Nazi Germany was not just an incredible military triumph, it was a victory over death, and not just for Russians, but for humanity as a whole. World War Two was the greatest, most heinous event in recent centuries, if not the last two millennia. The industrialized genocide of millions of civilians, the carpet bombing of cities, and the dropping of atomic bombs on innocents, all produced up to 70 to 100 million deaths. The destruction of life was unprecedented. Arguably, World War Two can be said to be the most catastrophic, evil event in human history. Thus, by the same token, the victory over the perpetrators should also be elevated to the honor of the most important liberating event. And never should it be forgotten that the Soviet people hold the honor of largely securing that victory for humanity.

But yes, it is, of course, Stalin who killed most Russians... in accordance to Solzhenitsyn. And no, Putin is not his follower, Putin was Director of FSB and he knows all too well who Russian "intelligentsia" and "dissidents" have been and are. He used Solzhenitsyn as a prop when political expedience dictated it--not to scare the shit out of Russian oligarchs, many of who loved Solzhenitsyn's scribbles--no, by far not all of them have been of Jewish ancestry--before Russian state recuperated and started getting back what rightfully belongs to Russian people. Most importantly--their historic memory in which Solzhenitsyn rightly occupies the place of traitor and vlasovite.