Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Very Good Basic Explanation...

 ... of my degree and how we have been taught to use those principles from basic navigation by dead reckoning to integrating all these wonderful gyro-inertial things for aiming and shooting all kinds of things including SLBMs from strategic missile submarines. In our generation those being baseline Delta I-II SSBNs (pr. 667B-BD RPKSNs).  Of course, gyro-inertial navigational complexes had more than just three platforms, they had some really nifty things as astro-correction means, radio sextants (no, you couldn't hold it in your hand--it was about 1 ton with sophisticated periscope system and computer), absolute Doppler logs and things of this nature which were and remain in the foundation of use of modern weapons, including nuclear ones. So, here is a very good video on the pop-introductory level:

Yes, you would love to study things of this nature--you know precession, nutation and other tri-dimensional shit;))

Then, of course, you have to integrate all this shit with weapons and their systems. Lovely, lovely. Of course, many of those things still remain classified even today, but thankfully I forgot them, plus new generation of laser-based solid-state systems are already in use, but I thought I would share this good simple explanation. Now ask yourself a question why Russians are really good, in fact--best in the world in navigating polar regions? In related news: rumor has it that Bulava SLBM is capable of carrying hypersonic blocks (such as Avangard)--make your own conclusions what it means. 

Also, a very good video on why Chinese put education above sports and why they are not good team sports outfits:

The policy is very similar to the Soviet one and the emphasis should be on mass physical education and fitness, not just the sport of high achievements. I am not against professional sports, I am all for it, but REAL education is a priority, albeit I would suggest Chinese to ease up on their approach because it also has serious side-effects in terms of stress and fatigue, which result in a lot of mental issues down the road. But I agree--engineer is more important for the society in general than some sports celebrity. It should be balanced, definitely and it explains also why the US lost education "race" to China and Russia. No one in their own mind in Russia would spent a single ruble on building some university 70,000 capacity stadium for "football". The money are better spent on improving laboratory base and hiring and developing real scientific talent. You can always build 10,000 max capacity university stadium or sport center and that will do it. Balance is the key here.

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