I thought they were smarter there, but, evidently, not.
Sad, really. I wonder if this PR "admiral" Kirby believes himself in this BS he spews? I mean Kirby is literally PR admiral, he spent all his life obtaining "soft" degrees in BS and then "served" as PAO (Public Affairs Officer). So, I totally can envision him being utterly incompetent in real war.
In related news, more and more of these specimens will appear (courtesy of FSB and SK) who demonstrate WHO the combined West supports. Ukraine uber alles, Nazi crosses and tattoos of this nature are just some of the features of Nazis from 404, who, if to believe people like Kirby and CNN, are non-existent.
Well, it is good that many begin to question propaganda which combined West's media spread, but this is too late now in a sense that Russia knows everything and more conclusively what she needs to know about combined West politically. There is nothing to discuss with present leadership. There is, however, one continuous misunderstanding on part of American neocon cabal and European lapdogs about the nature of the operation in 404--not surprising considering utter military incompetence top-bottom--and that is this issue of "Afghanistan 2.0" fro Russia. This is all a result of military incompetence by CIA and State Department creatures (aided by such military "professionals" as Keane or Kirby) who cannot recognize both military outcomes in Afghanistan 1.0 (no, USSR didn't collapse because of that war and it didn't spend itself out there) and how serious wars are fought.
As I already am on record--at this stage the combined West finances Russia's operation in 404 and those in the Western elites who, unlike BoJo, still have their brains not completely liquefied, they understand that Russia is not bound by materiel expense in this operation and IS NOT going to run out of resources. I know, that hurts, but numbers are not there for the West. Moreover, judging by the fact that Russian Coast Guard prevented today yet another attempt on "saving" some interesting people, this time Coast Guard ship opened fire at Ukie vessel trying to get to Mariupol, there are some very interesting cadres blocked at the Azov Steel. As one of the Nazis taken POW by Russians confirms today, there are around 300 foreign military (and mercenaries) and around 2,000 Nazis and VSU remaining at Azov Steel. Russians would love to get hands on many of them, and will proceed with a proper caution in order to take a look and talk to these foreign (primarily NATO countries) assets there.
Konashenkov graduated with distinction from the engineering department of Zhitomir Higher Military School of Radioelectronics of Air Defence in 1988. In 1998 he graduated from the Air Defence Military Academy. In 2006 he graduated from the higher courses of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia. He has served in the Soviet Air Defence Forces and in the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces, in the directorate of the major command of the Territorial Air Defence Forces.
I am sure Kirby would ace those courses no problem, in 12 to 15 weeks, easy (/s).