I mean the term "domination". Often people, understandably, use the term "domination" as a euphemism for the US foreign policy. What many fail to point out is that "domination"--a supremacy or preeminence over another, exercise of preponderant, governing, or controlling influence, as defined my Merriam Webster is not really US actual trait. The US is always hell-bent on domination but it is miserably inept on exercising it, with the exception over Europe, and if anything else it primarily attempts it without success. We all know how US "domination" of Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan went. The US never achieved any "domination" there. Enter Russia, China and India. Good luck "dominating" those, especially Russia and here US dreams of "domination" become nothing more than wet dreams.
Hence the desperation and loss of any semblance of any class or even legitimacy by the American warmongers such as coward and war criminal Lindsey Graham. Kim Iversen couldn't let it slide.
How people of South Carolina continue to reelect this terrorism enabler and a thug is a complete mystery to me, but then again--people of Arizona were reelecting a thug John McCain for decades. Here is McCain facing a little bit of reality from the US Marine.