First, Larry, who himself is not just the veteran of CIA but of the State Department too, penned today an excellent rebuttal to State Department very own Mr. Van Buren who waxed "strategic" and immediately exposed his lack of understanding of Russia, modern warfare, modern economy--in other words, a whole bouquet of (lack) competencies US "diplomats" are known for the world over. Larry was reacting to my reaction to Van Buren's "strategic choices" for Russia.
Read this excellent piece at Larry's blog.
Now to this blog. Our very own SCM, when commenting on my post about Russia's oil for Asia and its price being way above "price cap" suicidal EU established today, reasonably noted:
ESPO is exempt I believe.
This is great that he brought this point up, because it requires some serious strategic elaboration. Here is why. ESPO oil is just the oil provided THROUGH... ESPO, which is a Eastern Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline which pumps the oil from Russian fields in Khanty-Mansi District (Okrug) and Tomsk Oblast. I don't think that ESPO deliveries are NOT-capped, I think they are:
In other words, while Asia-bound oil is delivered by pipe, with the exception of the direct branch to China, it still terminates at the refinery and oil port of Kozmino near Nakhodka:
We have to go back to the ABC of applied geopolitics and this is always the issue of power--a euphemism for military might. While Vladimir Putin explicitly ordered an accelerated rerouting of all energy streams to Asia on April 15 this year (in Russian), we all can bet our asses on the fact that this whole thing was in plans and ongoing for a while now. Russians are really good at strategic planning, I mean it and it is not Russian rah, rah. But allow me to point your attention to the fact of Russia's Pacific Fleet being built up as if on steroids. Here is a brief review of Russian version of WiKi, because English version doesn't reflect the dynamics.
Let's start from capital ships which are in campaign or are being built.
Hey, that is what escorts do--they escort formed convoys. I know, for some people in London or Paris escorts mean something else entirely, not naval operations related, but can we blame those people? Of course not, they are stupid and are in panic. Russia plays a very long game and do not forget, she has other fleets too. And those too are being saturated with new ships and capabilities. You all heard, Russia just a few days ago increased dramatically military spending. Using dollar measure is absolutely meaningless because it doesn't translate into any calculable capability per American way of spending (wasting) its military budget. I can only remind you what Mr. Novak stated yesterday and it doesn't get any clearer than that.
And when Novak speaks, world listens. Some soil their pants, but it is their problem.