Sunday, September 15, 2024

Okean-2024 Snippet.

As you can see in this video--this is not your "polite" courtesy joint maneuvering. This is serious between Russian Pacific Fleet and PLAN--you can see PLAN's destroyer in the order (formation).

This particular element involves training of the short range AD of the formation of ships (uses Kinzhal--a navalized version of Tor) and then the launch of the Kh-35 anti-shipping missile--you can see why those are called sea-skimmers. In the formation you can see two Russian hypersonic (3M22 Zircon) weapons carriers--Marshal Shaposhnikov and pr. 20385 Corvette Gremyaschyi, which also carries a much more advanced and longer range Redut AD complex, a navalized version of now legendary S-350 Vityaz. In other words--what you see is just a small fragment of joint Russian-Chinese naval force developing interoperability for real naval combat. I wish I could see all elements. In video you can see PLAN's Type 052D destroyer--a rather impressive strike package with YJ-18 (a copy of Russian 3M54 Kalibr) and Type 054 Frigate. 

As Aid Reports...

 ... those "volunteers" from NATO, don't seem to like real war and they prefer to run. It is one thing to kill Iraqi or Afghan civilians, totally another is finding oneself under the combined artillery-VKS strikes in Kursk or Kupyansk, or elsewhere along 1,000+ kilometer front. You know, something like this... 

Here is Aid's statement from Apti Alautdinov's TG:

Translation: Private military company fighters from the US and UK, who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, fled after a week of fighting, said the commander of the special forces reconnaissance group "Akhmat" with the call sign Aid.

Oh, come on, didn't you know? 

Rest in Peace, Miguel--your characters, and especially FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield from Twin Peaks will never be forgotten. Left us too early, at only 61.

Voice Of (Not Really) America...

 ... and an attempt on Larry Johnson by some scumbag financed by... Khodorkovsky. 

Within the last 48 hours, individuals with close ties to Ukraine have carried out two assassination attempts. The first was a failed “character” assassination, with yours truly as the target. The second, once again, targeted former President Donald Trump with an AK-47 rifle (known in Democrat circles as an assault rifle). Both attempts were botched. Let’s start with me. I think it qualifies as “character assassination.” The Voice of America published a hit piece on me late on Friday the 13th, written by Leonid Martynyuk. It’s title? Russian state media amplify ex-CIA analyst’s false claims to promote pro-Kremlin narratives. And I thought I was a nobody. An insignificant pimple on a gnat’s ass. Nope. According to Martynyuk, I am the man driving Russia’s narrative and keeping Vladimir Putin’s spirits up. Martynyuk provides a fascinating overview of my ubiquitous presence in the Russian media:

You can find all necessary links at Larry's blog. But this is a fellow who was caught today trying to fire at Donald Trump. Here is an ass-hole. 

Larry is 100% correct--send this mofo to his 'beloved" 404, preferably in Kursk or Kupyansk areas and see how he will face a real justice dispensed either by Russian Army's storm groups or by Mr. Iskander or Tornado. Read the whole thing at Larry's blog.

The Black Cat...

 ... decided not to risk it with Putin's cortege, LOL))) Even black cats know it is a bad idea to cross the path of Putin...


When Reality Knocks...

... on the door... before it kicks it off the hinges.  

I elaborate some more on this Carthage issue, because aesthetics, while very important, is no substitute for (military) substance. Some very interesting visuals from Kursk oblast. If to follow the trend of daily average VSU losses in 2024 as 1,450, we get around 375,000 this year alone, so far. Now, we know that these are very conservative numbers by Russian MoD and in reality they are much higher. Much...

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Unlike Americans...

 ... including third generation of American Jews, who are removed from Holocaust by three generations, these are Poles who, unlike any "professor" in history from Ivy League who never experienced (as is true for the US Armed Forces) any death and privation in their lives due to real war, Poles know what they are talking about...  

As I repeat ad nauseam, which was recently repeated by Oliver Stone--Americans don't know what war is. Nobody in Pentagon or CIA has experience of their family losses. None.

People Begin To Insert...

 ... their favorite music. So, it is Saturday... Watched it again yesterday--how could Cameron create this masterpiece? Not a single second of the movie is contrived or cheap. And acting... So, as Vasquez said...

It Also Reinforces...

 ... my extremely low opinion of the US, forget about UK chihuahuas, operation planning capabilities. Russians, however, view this NATO catastrophe in Kursk not so much as Cavoli's Plan as much as London's plan with some US "input". Whatever the case is, it doesn't matter now. 

It is my contention--NATO simply has no grasp of modern large scale combined arms operations. The numbers of VSU's losses in Kursk are appalling. It is a slaughter.

Too Late For Germany...

 ... when you are born a liver sausage, you stay a liver sausage all your life. 

There will be no friendly relations between Germany and Russia again. Plus, the sausage states those things not because of some moment of clarity but because of sheer terror. As Dmitry Medvedev today revealed some shocking technological truths in his statement: 

Что тут скажешь: ядерный конфликт действительно никому не нужен. Это очень плохая история с тяжелейшим исходом. Именно поэтому до сих пор решение о применении ядерного оружия (нестратегического или тем более стратегического) не было принято. Хотя, прямо скажем, для этого есть формальные предпосылки, понятные всему мировому сообществу и соответствующие нашей доктрине ядерного сдерживания. Тот же Курск, например. Но Россия проявляет терпение. Ведь очевидно, что ядерный ответ – чрезвычайно сложное решение с необратимыми последствиями. Однако напыщенные англосаксонские недоноски не хотят признать одного: любому терпению приходит конец. А правы в итоге окажутся те умеренные западные аналитики, которые предупреждали: «Да, русские, скорее всего, не ответят таким образом… хотя вероятность всё же есть. К тому же ведь ответ может быть и с использованием новых средств доставки в неядерном оснащении».

Translation: What can you say: a nuclear conflict is really not needed by anyone. It is a very bad story with a very difficult outcome. That is why the decision to use nuclear weapons (non-strategic or even more so strategic) has not been made yet. Although, frankly speaking, there are formal prerequisites for this, understandable to the entire world community and consistent with our doctrine of nuclear deterrence. The same Kursk, for example. But Russia is showing patience. After all, it is obvious that a nuclear response is an extremely difficult decision with irreversible consequences. However, the pompous Anglo-Saxon runts do not want to admit one thing: any patience comes to an end. And in the end, those moderate Western analysts who warned will be right: “Yes, the Russians will most likely not respond in this way ... although there is still a possibility. In addition, the response may also be using new delivery vehicles with non-nuclear equipment.

OK, just adds to the already extremely strong case of NATO losing arms race everywhere and confirms long time circulating rumors about new generation of explosives and delivery systems which will additionally turn warfare into some sort of sci-fi, however gruesome, affair. Thus, Larry's headline is correct:

Following Putin’s Warning that Any Attacks in Russia with Western Supplied Missiles will be Treated as an Act of War, NATO Flips. 

That is why today's Ira Alksnis' excellent piece echoes what I am repeating ad nauseam for many years:

На самом же деле медиа всегда вторичны по отношению к реальному миру. Пропаганда способна влиять на действительность только до той степени, до которой она соответствует ей. На пике однополярного мира Штаты были почти всемогущими, соответственно и их информационное и идеологическое влияние было колоссальным. Но тот однополярный мир уже фактически прекратил свое существование, а вместе с ним сжимаются и возможности западных медиа.
Translation: In reality, the media are always secondary to the real world. Propaganda can influence reality only to the extent that it corresponds to it. At the peak of the unipolar world, the United States was almost omnipotent, and accordingly, its informational and ideological influence was colossal. But that unipolar world has already effectively ceased to exist, and with it, the capabilities of Western media are shrinking.
Real life is hard, as are real complex skills required for operating modern society successfully--modern West doesn't have those anymore. BS, propaganda, on the other hand, it has a lot. And it is paying the price for it.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Prince Alexandr Nevsky...

 ... and a REAL Red Line from Russia. 


Anti-Submarine Warfare...

 ... military porn. Il-38, IL-38 N (Novella) and Tu-142s of the Pacific Fleet in action)...

Okean-2024 continues. I talk about this and Prince Alexandr Nevsky in my new video which is coming up soon. Just a quote from this venerated Russian hero: Those who come to us with sword, will die by sword. On that the Russian Land stood and will continue to stand. (c). 

A Little Insight...

... from World Health Organization on 404 and why we observe this insanity. 

This is a psychiatric catastrophe of unprecedented scale once one considers current 404 population anywhere between 20 to 30 million. But here is the issue--I am really sick and tired reading this beaten to death and untrue cliche that somehow "brotherly" people are killing each-other in SMO. Read my lips (again) 404's majority not only are NOT brotherly people for Russia, but this majority has a visceral hatred of Russia. The explosive mix which is in the foundation of this mental catastrophe in 404 is simple--incessant propaganda combined with insufferable envy towards Russia. This IS in the foundation of the Ukrainian psyche which was there from the inception. 

In this sense, Ukrainians are a perfect tool for manipulation because they were and are willing, and, in fact, lusting for being manipulated. This came from an extremely low level of education of population and a culture of a "khutor"--a village centric, radically provincial primitive, essentially peasant culture. Many in 404 DO believe in Russians stealing Ukrainian toilet bowls and microwaves. When these types happen to visit Russia, mostly as guest workers, they have to deal with severest cognitive dissonance when seeing Russian cities, supermarkets, highways, first world standard of living and majority begins to hate Russia and Russian people even more. Simple as that--persistent envy leads to hatred and hatred leads to madness... 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Larry's Summary.

 A good one: 

Some very consequential statements and movements today. The biggest — and most alarming — comes from Vladimir Putin. He minces no words — any attack inside Russia with Western precision missiles will be treated as an act of war and Russia will respond accordingly. ... This should be setting off alarm bells at the Pentagon and USEUCOM (US European Command) and NATO. But, I think that the military lightweights infesting these various commands have persuaded themselves that Moscow is just blowing hot air. This is the kind of miscalculation that can lead to reckless decisions on the part of NATO and Ukraine. While Putin is leaving no doubt about the position of Russia if such weapons are used, the reality on the ground in Ukraine is turning more dire for Ukraine with each passing day. Russia is announcing the capture of at least three settlements a day in the Donbass and is moving forward with determined lethality in the Kursk region. There is nothing that Ukraine can do, even with support from NATO, to alter the path to defeat.

I plan to talk about this warning in detail tomorrow. Then Larry delivers... classic Larry, LOL)))

Then there is the inability of the US to sustain a military erection in the Persian Gulf. After rushing two aircraft carrier task forces to the Middle East in anticipation of Iran launching a retaliatory strike on Israel, the United States has ordered the USS Roosevelt to leave West Asia (i.e., the Persian Gulf) and head east towards China. I am sure that US planners will be celebrating this deployment as proof that they frightened Iran into backing down from its promised retaliation. But, I suggest it is premature to pop champagne corks because Iran will strike at a time and place of its choosing.

This is a really good one. Sustainability, you know))) Read and watch at Larry's blog.

Meanwhile At Okean-24.

Working fleet air defense against... P-270 Moskit (NATO--Sunburn). High supersonic (M=2.9) with violent terminal anti-AD maneuver. 

Air Defense complex Redut of the project 20380 corvettes. You know this Redut thingy, its ground version is known to us as S-350 Vityaz and people in the know describe its performance at SMO as astonishing. As you can see yourself artillery also takes part together with chaff and other EW means. So, this is how fast supersonic Anti-shipping missiles are shot down.

Nima And Me...

 ... in 20 minutes. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

404 Mobilization...

 ... or as it is known as mogilization (mogila being a grave), because most "mobilized" know that meeting Russian Army is one way ticket to the... grave. 

But never mind, these two big "intel" honchos of CIA and MI6 surely know what war is, right? Right? Nah, they don't, both are whiteboard "theoreticians" in whatever--look at the background of this guy--and merely run what amounts to propaganda outlets. But this is the human material they want to take the war to ordinary Russians with. Judging by the "performance" of  Anglo-American "troops" in Kursk they are good primarily for torturing POWs, civilians and raping women. Staying power? Not so much. So, that is why they need "mogilization". The problem for them is that 404's human resource is nearing its end.


 Sooo, there are no Nazis in 404, right?

Sooo, generally Russians fight peaceful 404 cosplayers who merely wear Nazi insignia, like that of SS Divisions, right? Hm, something doesn't add up here? Nah, I am screwing with you--they all know that, especially in London. If not for the Red Army and Hitler lusting for Lebensraum they would have been speaking German in London today... willingly. 

So, YouTube...

 ... banned Larry's channel. Color me surprised... not. 

In a reasonably free country, one should be presented with charges before a punishment is enacted. Not so with Google. They are fascists, in the purest sense of the word. I stand accused of “hate speech.” The cowards at YouTube refuse to identify the “hateful content.” So, going forward, I will try to limit the use and links to YouTube. Remains to be seen if the people who interview me, such as Ania K and Stephen Gardner, will be punished for allowing me to speak. I will continue to post at Counter Currents. Fortunately, that channel is backed up on Bitchute. I will strive to use Bitchute exclusively and request that you subscribe to that channel. I had 10,000+ subscribers on YouTube. C’est la vie. I wonder if Google can be sued as part of a class action lawsuit by accusing me, and others, of hate speech for the crime of simply stating objective truth, e.g., there is a strong neo-Nazi contingent in Ukraine.

So, that you know, and you know now.

Yeah, So?

As if it is something new. 

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, gave his strongest hint yet that the White House is about to lift its restrictions on Ukraine using long-range weapons supplied by the west on key military targets inside Russia, with a decision understood to have already been made in private. Speaking in Kyiv alongside the UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, Blinken said the US had “from day one” been willing to adapt its policy as the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine changed. “We will continue to do this,” he emphasised. Blinken said he and Lammy would report back to their “bosses” – Joe Biden and Keir Starmer – after their talks on Wednesday with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. The foreign secretary suggested Iran’s dispatch of ballistic missiles to Moscow – revealed this week – had changed strategic thinking in London and Washington. It was a “significant and dangerous escalation”, he said.

I have to constantly stress that it changes absolutely nothing because attacks on, as an example, Belgorod have been occurring on a weekly bases and most of them have been on civilian targets. They are really desperate, including obvious serious lack of understanding of the ramifications and as Phil Giraldi says here starting at 7:00--historians will be astonished by "pure insanity and where did they get these people"...

Well, we know where they came from and who they are--they all came through Israeli-first orgs in the US, ranging from AIPAC to CUFI and through degree mills in Ivy League. A defining trait of these people is sociopathy--otherwise you will not get far in American politics. Especially in American politics. Exceptionalism and greed are serious mental illnesses and here is an incredibly interesting piece (in Russian) that the US is actually not a Rome despite all of its efforts to emulate it, but rather it is a Carthage. 

Translation: The founders of the American state did a lot to make their country to be considered the new Rome: hence all the symbols in the design of Washington, Capitol Hill, the Congress building with Roman columns, the positions of consuls and senators. America is trying to "lead the world", as Biden recently said. But the analogy with Rome is completely inappropriate here.

Read the whole thing--it is a compelling case. And we all know what famous words are associated with Carthage, yes, Carthago Delenda Est. Make your own conclusions. 

Okean-24 Commences...

Mario Draghi never studied physics. 


A Hint...

 ... which is not really a hint but an order))

Russia could place restrictions on the supply of certain strategically important raw materials to the global market, President Vladimir Putin stated on Wednesday. He said exports of nuclear fuel, metals, and minerals could all be affected. The move would be a response to Western attempts to block Russia’s access to certain foreign-made goods, Putin said. ... At a government meeting on Wednesday, Putin said that despite Western restrictions, Russia continues to supply some types of goods to the world market “in large quantities” and in some cases buyers are happily stockpiling Russian products. At a government meeting on Wednesday, Putin said that despite Western restrictions, Russia continues to supply some types of goods to the world market “in large quantities” and in some cases buyers are happily stockpiling Russian products. “Russia is a leader in terms of reserves of a number of strategic types of raw materials... Yet we are limited in the supply of a number of goods – maybe we should also think about certain restrictions,” the president said. He suggested that the proposed restrictions could include the country’s exports of uranium, titanium, and nickel, as well as “certain other goods.”“There is no need to do anything to harm ourselves… I am not saying that we need to do this tomorrow. But, in general, if this will not harm us, we could think about certain restrictions on supplies to foreign markets,” Putin suggested, noting that the significance of the potential move would be difficult to underestimate given the “importance of Russian raw materials.”

Obviously, two can play the game. And once these two words--titanium and nickel--have been uttered, some people at Boeing and Airbus had a bit of an anxiety attack. As per uranium--oh boy, some interesting dynamics may develop on this market, if you know I mean. So, it looks like Russia decided to shake "foundation" of the West some more.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I still remember Ocean-70 and 75. 

PLAN also takes part with 4 ships. 

According to the president, Washington and its allies openly speak about their plans to deploy short and medium-range missiles to the islands in the Western Pacific and to some nations located in the region. “The US seeks to get a sizable military advantage through its aggressive actions and thus break the existing security architecture and the balance of power,” the Russian leader warned, adding that such actions “provoke the arms race.” “Russia must be ready for any potential scenario,” the president said, adding that the armed forces should provide reliable security to both Russia’s sovereignty and its national interests.

Russia is ready. 

Speaks for itself.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yes, Plus Russians Were Preparing...

 ... Godzilla to be unleashed on unsuspecting world. I addressed this BS about nukes in my latest video. But here we have a CIA Director who needs basic education in military operations and Russia's military doctrine. 

Bill Burns, the head of the CIA, said at the Financial Times' Weekend festival in London that he believed there was a "genuine risk" Russia would use tactical nuclear weapons in the first months of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Telegraph reported on Sept. 7. "There was a moment in the fall of 2022 when I think there was a genuine risk of a potential use of tactical nuclear weapons," Burns said, referring to the time around Ukrainian counteroffensives in Kharkiv and Kherson oblasts. Following the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the south in late 2022, the U.S. "rigorously prepared" for Russia's use of strategic or tactical nuclear weapons, CNN reported in March, citing its undisclosed sources. After Russian propaganda spread reports that Ukraine allegedly intended to use a so-called "dirty bomb" against Russia, U.S. officials feared the Kremlin would use this pretext as a cover for a possible nuclear attack, according to CNN.

Burns, a career diplomat--a euphemism for a spook--has about zero qualifications for sound military operational analysis to "think" about anything related to real war, let alone about using "tactical" nukes. He is in a profession of lying and propaganda. The idea of Russia using nukes originated from those very same "undisclosed sources", which for two and a half years have been, due to a lack of real military operational ability and military-industrial capability, engaged in pure unadulterated propaganda because this is the only thing they can do. Once one considers the fact that the US Army and CIA's "bright star" David Petraeus continues to parade himself regularly as a military and intel amateur, what do you expect from a product of the Anglo-American degree mill (such as Oxford) in "International Relations". 

The whole clockwork of Russian military machine and the way it is integrated with the Russian state and society is beyond the grasp of overwhelming majority of the contemporary US "elite"--they simply do not understand it, as is confirmed by an immense body of the empirical evidence in the period from 2007 through today. The fact that Burns, while being the US Ambassador to Moscow, sent some note that Moscow will not tolerate turning 404 into a hostile territory is not a proof of any "diplomatic insights" but the summary of Russian media who openly discussed the issue for many years. Add here the absence of the strategic intel and strategic forecasting as such in the current US political discourse and you get the picture. 

Now to one of our friends posting yesterday a proverb from Bible: Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice. It was posted on the occasion of me pointing out the fact that the US Armed Forces and a bunch of US "military experts" simply do not know REAL military history, which many of the American officers and servicemen even in this blog confirm, and this in no way deducts from their otherwise professionalism or human qualities--US Armed Forces still have many competent and courageous people. But as an organism, Pentagon is not a pretty picture. So, pointing out that US experience in combined arms operations simply doesn't measure up to that of Russia is now "gloating"? Or is it "gloating" pointing out the collapse of a whole criminal enterprise with 404 on part of the US due to hubris and historical ignorance? Should the Red Army and Soviet people have followed the biblical proverb when they have liberated concentration camps, or when they fought off the Nazi war machine and then crushed it--the credit for which IS being stolen by Western propaganda. Or should Russian people not "gloat" seeing the criminal globalist force responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Russian civilians and a million of its brainwashed minions from 404 in the largest war in Europe since WW II? I am sure Vietnamese people shouldn't "gloat" either. 

And the combined West sensing what is coming for it is desperate, and oh, suddenly becomes so sensitive to the truth. I can only quote the conclusion to my latest book: 

The United States to which I and my family immigrated in the 1990s is no more. It is now an insecure nation, whose economic and political systems have ceased to function. America’s only tool of enriching itself, the U.S. Dollar, had its foundation—the myth of American military supremacy—obliterated, exposing one weakness after another, ranging from malicious corrupt elites to an inability to develop a realistic strategy and procurement policy for its bloated military, which is not designed to fight a  modern war against a serious enemy. That such an “enemy” might not want to attack the U.S. is beyond Washington’s think-tanks comprehension.

Furthermore, why should a bankrupt nation, which has failed to adapt to the new technological paradigms in warfare and which faces physical disintegration, plan for war with China, which the United States considers its main “challenger”? The only explanation is this is either wishful thinking, a desperate attempt to grasp at the last straw of greatness past without any attempt to reconsider and maybe reverse suicidal policies which brought the United States to her knees, or simply yet another effort to direct resources towards its militarized economy.

Any real war in Asia, as usual to be false flagged by the U.S., will result in the ultimate crushing of U.S. forces and a complete destruction of the United States, which only then will recognize that it has actually fought its final war. The problem which the new de facto multipolar world faces is to make sure that America’s final war doesn’t become a final war for the world which U.S. elites never knew and did not want to know. 

I have other proverb, predating Bible--Vae Victis.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Good Lord!

Is this for real? 

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that he was “very offended” when Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke in support of his election rival, US Vice President Kamala Harris. Asked during an international economic forum in Vladivostok on Thursday if he had “a favorite” in the US election, Putin said that he will follow Biden’s endorsement of Harris and “will support her as well.” Putin also said that “Trump imposed more sanctions on Russia than any president who came before him,” and suggested that Harris “would maybe refrain from such actions.” Speaking at a campaign rally in the city of Mosinee, Wisconsin on Saturday, Trump slammed the White House for what he said was a false claim of Russian meddling in the election. “Oh no, it’s Russia, Russia, Russia all over again,” Trump said, insisting that the conflict in Ukraine would never have happened if he was a president at the time. “I knew Putin. I knew him well. And you know, he endorsed – I don’t know if you saw the other day – he endorsed Kamala,” Trump continued. “I was very offended by that. I wonder why he endorsed Kamala.” He described Putin as “a chess player” and said he was wondering if he had spoken about Harris “with a smile.”

By endorsing Harris Putin greatly improved Trump's chances for the White House. I have to repeat it)))

And no, Trump never knew Putin. He merely met him.

In Continuation...

 ... of my post below. 


Am I Unnecessarily Harsh...

 ... when I discuss what is happening in the US (West's in general) military "analytical" sphere? I think I am overly kind. I want to stress again--real military education and background are as complex as neurosurgery or medicine in general. Not to mention this art element as in Operational Art. And here is the issue: military-intel professional must constantly weight the reliability of information it handles. Here is a today's example from our friend Marat.

Here is the map of Pokrovsk operational axis with Nevelskoe cauldron circled on the map. Forget about "stopped" (per Syrskiy and US media) drive towards Pokrovsk, as you can see yourself it continues, but here is another example, albeit on a much larger scale: 

Suddenly, on February 8, 1945 two colossal Red Army Fronts (Army Groups)--1st Ukrainian and 2nd Belorussian--instead of supporting 1st Belorussian Front which is within reach of Berlin (50 kilometers give and take), turn one south, launching strategic (Upper and Lower) Silesian Strategic Offensive, while 2nd Belorussian Front launches East Pomeranian Strategic Offensive. Hm, why didn't Red Army commit all of its forces to capturing Berlin in February 1945. Well, for the same reason, as Marat's map (and I know why it is the closest to truth operational map out there) shows--you do NOT tolerate any kind of groupings of the enemy on your flanks, period. Operational Art 101. And now one can see the expansion of the Pokrovsk Bulge not only to the West but also to the South and North. Now, look how Red Army starts Berlin Offensive Operation on April 16, 1945. See the front-line (in Blue) at the start?

See the difference between February and April 1945? Obviously, for people who grew up on Hollywood BS and Patton's 3rd Army "operations"--running primarily against 10 operational Wehrmacht tanks in Lorraine, it is difficult to comprehend that right now Russian Army at Pokrovsk operational axis eliminates remnants of VSU forces in cauldron and pockets before... whatever Russian General Staff decides to do next. But, what do I know... after all, it was the United States that defeated Hitler.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Hrvoje And Me...

 ... discuss my latest book a few days ago. 


New Political Reality...

 ... as reflected in the field of Russian memology, LOL)))


Well, Well, Well...

 ... as was stressed, including by me, about Kursk "incursion". 

Заместители губернатора Курской области привлечены в качестве свидетелей по делу о срыве сроков строительства оборонных сооружений на границе с Украиной. Местная прокуратура обратилась в суд, так как защитные линии, которые должны были появиться в регионе еще 1 августа, до сих пор не построены. Согласно информации Mash, дело отправили на новое рассмотрение в Курск после срыва сроков госконтракта, вероятно, из-за действий подрядчика. Не исключено, что чиновники в дальнейшем могут стать подозреваемыми по этому делу. В администрации области отказались комментировать ситуацию, ссылаясь на закрытый статус дела. Судебные разбирательства начались еще в апреле, когда Управление капстроительства потребовало 2 млрд 112 млн рублей с местной Корпорации развития, с которой были заключены шесть госконтрактов на постройку сооружений, но сроки сдачи были нарушены. Не исключено, что чиновники в дальнейшем из свидетелей станут подозреваемыми.

Translation: Deputy Governors of Kursk Oblast have been called in as witnesses in a case on the failure to meet deadlines for the construction of defense structures on the border with Ukraine. The local prosecutor's office went to court because the defense lines, which were supposed to appear in the region on August 1, have still not been built. According to Mash, the case was sent back to Kursk for a new trial after the deadlines for the state contract were missed, probably due to the actions of the contractor. It is possible that the officials may later become suspects in this case. The regional administration declined to comment on the situation, citing the closed status of the case. The trial began back in April, when the Capital Construction Department demanded 2 billion 112 million rubles from the local Development Corporation, which had signed six state contracts for the construction of structures, but the deadlines were violated. It is possible that the officials will later become suspects instead of witnesses.

That completely explains a coarse reaction of Russia's Defense Minister Belousov to platitudes from temporary Governor of Kursk Smirnov at the first meeting in the immediate wake of Kursk incursion and the transfer of the whole operation completely to the Defense Ministry. MoD knew by then how Kursk administration "used" a huge sum of money given to them to build the line. For those who do not understand the law, until the KTO or special military regime are announced in the area, it is up to local administration to provide what is needed--such as construction of the defense line--in their constituencies. Well, now we know how. Many will end up as suspects and will be charged with all kinds of financial and other "non-financial" crimes. FSB, I am sure also has some questions to ask, including within own ranks as goes for the CO of the Border Guards detachment, who, obviously, completely misunderstood what he was dealing with when he was transferred to Kursk (from Middle Asian assignment) shortly before the incursion. This in no way diminishes a heroic response from Border Guards who DID blunt the initial thrust of VSU and, as it was so many times in Border Guards history, completely threw NATO plan off the rails.

Now It Is Officially Confirmed...

 ... by Russian MoD. 

МОСКВА, 6 сен — РИА Новости. После атаки на учебный центр в Полтаве погибли и пострадали около 500 специалистов, в том числе наемники из европейских стран, сообщил высокопоставленный военный источник. "Погибло и ранено около 500 специалистов. Среди погибших и раненых: военнослужащие ВСУ и Нацгвардии — специалисты связи, операторы комплексов РЭБ, радиоэлектронной разведки, беспилотных летательных аппаратов, а также иностранные наемники из Польши, Франции, Германии и Швеции, обучавшие украинских военных", — говорится в заявлении. Он также подчеркнул, что теперь такие удары по пунктам дислокации украинских военнослужащих и наемников, а также по военным объектам станут регулярными.
Translation: MOSCOW, September 6 — RIA Novosti. About 500 specialists, including mercenaries from European countries, were killed and wounded after the attack on the training center in Poltava, a high-ranking military source said. "About 500 specialists were killed and wounded. Among the dead and wounded: servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard — communications specialists, operators of electronic warfare systems, electronic intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as foreign mercenaries from Poland, France, Germany and Sweden who trained Ukrainian military personnel," the statement said. He also stressed that such strikes on deployment points of Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries, as well as on military facilities, will now become regular.
Now, it is the last word which makes a huge difference since there will be no "messaging" as it was before to NATO "volunteers". The West doesn't understand words and now every single NATO personnel will be deliberately hunted down and eliminated. I was stating ad nauseam that Russian side knows who and where NATO personnel moves in 404--Russia has second best ISR in the world. And as "events" in Poltava and elsewhere have shown the results will be dramatic now.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hell's Duck...

 ... in Kursk.

Su-34 and FABs with UMPK are literally a message from hell.

We Are Taking The Time...

... to deal with our home project, so I will be sporadic on blog and videos. Should be largely done by the start of next week.  Until the new project comes)) So, for me realistically it is not Thursday but in terms of the day of the week more like Friday. My PTB takes a few days off starting tomorrow, which means... Well, you know my attitude towards all kinds of alternative life styles, but this song is spot one. 

It is incredible how prescient it was and is...

Nima And Me...

 ... just now. 

Putin Trolls...

 ... and some technical aspects of JASSMs. 


This Is 146% True.

It takes CNN to spread this truth, and it is the most truthful truth in the world)))

Meanwhile in the last six days:

Agree, "not a single meter", because it is measured primarily in kilometers, but Christian Amanpour and CNN audience have issues with basic math and geography, they will believe it. After all, Syrskyi is a remarkable general, a fine product of NATO military thought and training--very good at two things: PR and killing an incredible number of own soldiers. I am sure, his "operations" will be studied in the USMA at West Point and US Army War College. Obviously they will study it not as an Exhibit A of utter military incompetence and malice, after all--they venerate Patton, but as a guide to future wars, because in former case they will have to admit that they are not in the same league with Russia. And that hurts, big time. Operational Art, you know--an ability to out-think the enemy. Recall Red Army preparations to the Battle of Kursk, operation Bagration or what we observe today--a demilitarization of the NATO. Yes, I know, "out-thinking" also is present in the US Operational Manuals, but as they say... show me the money and how about getting COFM right, not from RAND's monetary budget BS...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

This Is Gold))

Wonderful contrast))

And of course he doesn't use the term "use")) He uses a much stronger expression. But this is also the reason why modern Western propaganda doesn't work on overwhelming majority of Russians. Totally different priorities, totally different heroes.

As Was Expected...

 ... once the "great plan" by NATO to invade Kursk oblast was launched, Sumy oblast of 404 became the target itself and in just less than 30 days Russian forces annihilated more HIMARS and other MLRS than in previous year. 

Sumy and area is burning. I spoke with Ania just 20 minutes ago about possible "mistake" of Russian General Staff in Kursk--even if it was, it was at best on a tactical level, albeit the jury is still out on that. But that's what great militaries do--they immediately recover and then... Well, it can be stated today with 100% certainty that NOBODY in NATO, which planned this suicide, could anticipate that Russia will not move any reserves from Donetsk Front to "relieve" Kursk, thus easing the pressure on VSU. It tells you immediately that Pentagon doesn't have a clear picture of SMO even despite its ISR operating freely, hiding behind backs of 404 cannon fodder. I mentioned it before, I repeat it again: rigid, template thinking of people with minimal operational and strategic culture. So, a strategic catastrophe for NATO in 404 unfolded. 

Ania And Me...

 ... live. 


It Is Not "Reshuffle"...

 ... it is called flight, run, escape. 

Ah yes, there is another term for that--collapse. Reuters, of course, puts a spin on it, but they are British media and that tells us everything we need to know. Meanwhile, LOL)

We knew this was coming.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Time To Move.

 Blogstop started striking posts down and their "community guidlines" will make MiniTrue proud. So, I am beginning to contemplate moving the whole thing into .com website which I have to find the place for and will pay for it but which will not have these draconian "guidelines". It is not going to be the fast process but it has started.

Sikorski's Dreams...

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Bigger Arrows...

 ... I explain why. 


George Says It...

 ... very little to add here, except that very many of those who hate him lust for his status, power and impact. They hate him because they know how pathetic they are and they envy him. 


Monday, September 2, 2024

They Do Have A Very Bad Time...

 ... I mean HIMARS. Another one is a goner after either Mr. Iskander or Mr. Tornado visit. Likely Iskander.

RUK/ROK or RUOK if one wishes in action. Remarkably, in many respects the search of the area by several recons means ranging from visuals by Russian DRGs and UAVs makes now any kind of movement (ANY) by VSU impossible. 

Here is another example of VSU tactical mastery, sort of--the ukie column gets into 810th Marines Brigade ambush--gets blown up, remnants try to maneuver to the flank and get the rest of column destroyed. I deliberately give only the link, because due to many VSU KIAs in the video Blogspot will kill the post (they already killed one). It is a safari now in Kursk. Elsewhere? Boy, those arrows are definitely getting bigger, seriously bigger. I am planning to talk about it in my tomorrow's video.

It's A Day Of Allegories...

Thanks to guys from DDG. Here is the majority of your TG and YouTube "military analysts". LOL)))

I am sure this guy advised Pentagon on SMO.

Putin's Arrest...

 ... in Mongolia. Here is the video-proof from RIA. 

As you can see yourself, all those armed people are there to arrest Putin (on "orders" from "mighty" ICC), as are other people. Mongolia just paved her way to joining a family of democratic and free nations, towards prosperity and rule of law (which will be dictated later from Washington)))). This post is sarcasm for some of more emotional readers of my blog))). Armed people are Honor Guards of Mongolia's Armed Forces. And very many Russians treasure enormous sacrifice of Mongols in Great Patriotic War in both joining the Red Army, but also an invaluable contribution in food, clothes, horses and other critical supplies.


... famous "best" democratic system you say? 

The Ukrainian anthem has been found embedded in the source code of the voter database in the state of New Hampshire, the development of which had apparently been outsourced to offshore programmers, according to Politico. Election officials had previously decided to replace the state’s voter registration database before the upcoming 2024 presidential election and reportedly turned to a small Connecticut-based IT firm called WSD Digital to develop the software. However, upon reviewing the completed project, it was revealed that the firm had offshored some of the work. Given that this posed a risk of unknown coders outside the US having access to the software and potentially being able to manipulate voter lists, New Hampshire officials hired a forensic firm to scour the code for signs of hidden malware.

Well, what can I say. And when I though that we hit bottom, somebody knocked from below. The country (the US that is) is fast becoming a joke, a pathetic one. 

While at it, why not "outsource" US legislation process to 404.

Here is a visual representation of what passes for the US foreign policy.

Excellent summary.