Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Apti Alautdinov...

 ... explains some realities of this whole Kursk NATO FUBAR. 

Last figure I saw was 14, 200--a full blown US division with three BCT (Brigade Combat Teams) gone. I stress, Russians are extremely conservative in their VSU losses count. Now we have a cauldron forming, and Sumy and surroundings are without electricity and newly arriving reserves of VSU are being pulverized even before they reach the border. 

And then, there is a rather interesting article about fates of the United States by Russian thinker (he has a graduate degree in Physics, if anybody wonders) Timofei Sergeitsev with a shocking title: Russia Will Have To Take Away US Nuclear Weapons. One may debate merits of this piece, but Sergeitsev, paradoxically, makes an interesting case of WHY the US Armed Forces will not save the US, unlike it happened with Russia in 2000. Remarkably, very similar idea was floated by Colonel Larry Wilkerson (you can find this video of his on You Tube). 

Военные — те, кто воюет и умирает на поле боя, а не просто числится военнослужащим в мирное время — единственная каста, которая может править. Такова древняя традиция, но такова и современная ситуация, поскольку власть требует неограниченной ответственности, когда в залог отдается жизнь, а не уставный капитал. США — общество, где власть узурпировали торговцы. А они в принципе избегают ответственности, даже ограниченной, стремятся к перенесению максимума рисков, убытков и издержек на других. В СССР власть в ХХ веке присвоили священнослужители безбожной религии — веры в коммунизм. Этот перекос политической системы привел ее к разрушению. Перекос политической системы США также ведет их внутренний кризис к точке невозврата. Военное сообщество США развращено притоком внешних ресурсов, логикой грабежа. Строить государство — систему воспроизводства власти с опорой на внутренний, собственный ресурс — оно не готово. Два века торговое сообщество США покупало услуги собственных военных, фактически сделав из них наемников. Но на это внутреннее наемничество остается все меньше средств. А также наемники не имеют и не могут иметь политической квалификации.

Translation: The military — those who fight and die on the battlefield, and are not simply listed as military personnel in peacetime — are the only caste that can rule. This is an ancient tradition, but this is also the modern situation, since power requires unlimited responsibility, when life is pledged as collateral, not authorized capital. The United States is a society where traders have usurped power. And they, in principle, avoid responsibility, even limited, and strive to transfer the maximum risks, losses, and costs to others. In the USSR, power in the twentieth century was appropriated by the clergy of a godless religion — the faith in communism. This imbalance of the political system led to its destruction. The imbalance of the US political system is also leading its internal crisis to the point of no return. The US military community is corrupted by the influx of external resources, the logic of robbery. It is not ready to build a state — a system for reproducing power based on internal, its own resource. For two centuries, the US trading community bought the services of its own military, essentially turning them into mercenaries. But there are fewer and fewer resources left for this internal mercenary activity. And mercenaries do not have and cannot have political qualifications.

The fact that this piece was published by Ria is telling. I meanwhile simply beg--get me into this "what could have been" for a day. Let me marvel and rest.

I need a full-length movie about this world;)) Amazing.