... of countries for whose citizens Russia opens her doors.
Translation: The head of the Russian government, Mikhail Mishustin, approved a list of countries “implementing policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” This list was compiled in accordance with the decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on August 19, which allows foreigners who do not agree with the “liberal values” imposed in Western countries to temporarily reside in Russia without taking into account the quota and documents on knowledge of the Russian language and history of our country. Thus, a mechanism has been created that allows citizens of the “free world” countries to free themselves from the coercion of the “new morality,” in which the main role is given to sexual minorities and militant atheism, and to find refuge in Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry will issue these citizens a single-entry visa for three months through Russian diplomatic missions, after which they will be able to request a residence permit.
Guess what country leads in terms of applications? Correct, Germany. No, not Russian Germans--they used to have Russian citizenship, so for them it was merely a return. No, we are talking native Germans. The list itself is below the article in KP. The whole combined West with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia is there.