Thursday, September 5, 2024

This Is 146% True.

It takes CNN to spread this truth, and it is the most truthful truth in the world)))

Meanwhile in the last six days:

Agree, "not a single meter", because it is measured primarily in kilometers, but Christian Amanpour and CNN audience have issues with basic math and geography, they will believe it. After all, Syrskyi is a remarkable general, a fine product of NATO military thought and training--very good at two things: PR and killing an incredible number of own soldiers. I am sure, his "operations" will be studied in the USMA at West Point and US Army War College. Obviously they will study it not as an Exhibit A of utter military incompetence and malice, after all--they venerate Patton, but as a guide to future wars, because in former case they will have to admit that they are not in the same league with Russia. And that hurts, big time. Operational Art, you know--an ability to out-think the enemy. Recall Red Army preparations to the Battle of Kursk, operation Bagration or what we observe today--a demilitarization of the NATO. Yes, I know, "out-thinking" also is present in the US Operational Manuals, but as they say... show me the money and how about getting COFM right, not from RAND's monetary budget BS...