Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Hint...

 ... 404 doesn't have its indigenous serious communications system, especially in military-intelligence realm. You probably have guessed it by now whose those comms are, and who mans them. A hint--not Ukrainians. 

Russian forces have conducted a strike on Ukraine’s key military communications facility, as well as a number of other high-priority targets, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said. In a statement on Thursday, the ministry said that Russian warplanes, drones, missiles and artillery had successfully “hit the main center of special radio communications of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” plus critical airfield infrastructure facilities. Officials did not say where the center was located, nor comment on the extent of the damage. Ukrainian media and officials reported several explosions in Kharkov and Sumy Region, with several blasts also heard in Kiev on Wednesday night. According to local officials, the strike on Kharkov used several ballistic missiles.

So, allow your imagination to soar. Also, expect a series of unfortunate events (c) coming soon in NATO with some personnel dying in helicopter crashes or in accidents while repairing water heaters or wall outlets. 

... you never know, if you know what I mean.

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