Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Daniel Davis And Larry...

 ... had an excellent conversation about Israel and Hezbollah. You can read some at Larry's blog also. 

It is clear that it is indiscriminate, against civilians, tantrum with employment of almost everything Israel has. Here is a Russian retired general Pulikovsky (in Russian): "Reputational soap bubble of IDF have burst"(c). 

So, this is not former junior officer like me saying this, this is the guy with an experience of army level command and Academy of General Staff behind him. In other words, he knows what he is talking about. Here, it looks like Atlit special forces base of IDF has been hit and it burns, alright. Something heavy flew in from Hezbollah and Israelis admit a hit. 

So, who knows what it will evolve into, but we have to be patient. Larry is absolutely right when he states that the whole idea for both Israel and 404 is to somehow get the US involved, thinking that it will make some difference. That's not a strategy. It is a wishful thinking. Ah, yes, those proverbial reputational soap bubbles.

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