Wednesday, September 25, 2024

This Is Why The US...

 ... is in deep trouble. People posted here hilarious rankings by Ray Dalio (whose actual degree from Harvard is obscured). 

I want to stress here, that if we discount a hard copium and butt-hurt behind this sheer delirium, it exposes the main problem--Dalio has no clue what he is talking about, as do most people at Wall Street and US financial industry, namely the products of the US Ivy League degree mills for "economists" and other useless humanities credentialed morons. These are precisely the types who, apart from lobbies such as AIPAC, buy US Congress and influence US foreign and domestic policies. 

I have no reasons to like Heritage Foundation--these are themselves a bunch of ideologues and BSers--but the state of the US education, as is the case with economy, is a complete collapse in progress. 

And here they are certainly correct. Especially when it comes down to educational backgrounds required for running actual economies and states well. Needless to say--most of those backgrounds are in the STEM, natural science and medical fields, and those are hard. Very hard. Stand alone here is the issue of geopolitical analysis (real one, not BS such as Dalio's "rankings") which REQUIRES military-intelligence backgrounds, especially so for the 21st century, and, even more so, for the technological paradigm of the 21st century warfare. If not, we have Russia barely topping Singapore in "strength", while the US with its exemplary dismal war record being number one. Hey, what do I know, I don't run hedge funds. Somebody somehow also loved Bernie Madoff's returns. We know how it all ended. Dalio should think really hard what he is going to do when the whole bubble bursts and it is about to. 

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