Saturday, September 28, 2024

This Is The Guy...

 ... who has Ph.D in political "science" and whose record of being wrong pretty much about everything is exemplary. Yet, this cretin still continues to "influence" such useless collection of "thinkers" as Council on Foreign Relations, and, of course, his knowledge of Russia and Russian people is about the same level as my knowledge of Mandarin. 

As was stressed by me over the years--in the West the war and warfare are handled primarily by credentialed amateurs, including those with general ranks and we can see the result. Obviously, explaining to some US "diplomat" or political "scientist" like Fukuyama what war is is a waste of time, due to them having no tool kit to grasp it, and is an exercise in Danning-Kruger futility, failing to explain the fool that he is a fool because he is a fool. Contemporary US "intellectual" strata is at best second rate, in reality--probably a collection of Fukuyamas with some handful of exceptions, who merely confirm the rule.

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