Sunday, September 15, 2024

Okean-2024 Snippet.

As you can see in this video--this is not your "polite" courtesy joint maneuvering. This is serious between Russian Pacific Fleet and PLAN--you can see PLAN's destroyer in the order (formation).

This particular element involves training of the short range AD of the formation of ships (uses Kinzhal--a navalized version of Tor) and then the launch of the Kh-35 anti-shipping missile--you can see why those are called sea-skimmers. In the formation you can see two Russian hypersonic (3M22 Zircon) weapons carriers--Marshal Shaposhnikov and pr. 20385 Corvette Gremyaschyi, which also carries a much more advanced and longer range Redut AD complex, a navalized version of now legendary S-350 Vityaz. In other words--what you see is just a small fragment of joint Russian-Chinese naval force developing interoperability for real naval combat. I wish I could see all elements. In video you can see PLAN's Type 052D destroyer--a rather impressive strike package with YJ-18 (a copy of Russian 3M54 Kalibr) and Type 054 Frigate. 

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