Monday, September 2, 2024

They Do Have A Very Bad Time...

 ... I mean HIMARS. Another one is a goner after either Mr. Iskander or Mr. Tornado visit. Likely Iskander.

RUK/ROK or RUOK if one wishes in action. Remarkably, in many respects the search of the area by several recons means ranging from visuals by Russian DRGs and UAVs makes now any kind of movement (ANY) by VSU impossible. 

Here is another example of VSU tactical mastery, sort of--the ukie column gets into 810th Marines Brigade ambush--gets blown up, remnants try to maneuver to the flank and get the rest of column destroyed. I deliberately give only the link, because due to many VSU KIAs in the video Blogspot will kill the post (they already killed one). It is a safari now in Kursk. Elsewhere? Boy, those arrows are definitely getting bigger, seriously bigger. I am planning to talk about it in my tomorrow's video.

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