Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Yeah, So?

As if it is something new. 

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, gave his strongest hint yet that the White House is about to lift its restrictions on Ukraine using long-range weapons supplied by the west on key military targets inside Russia, with a decision understood to have already been made in private. Speaking in Kyiv alongside the UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, Blinken said the US had “from day one” been willing to adapt its policy as the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine changed. “We will continue to do this,” he emphasised. Blinken said he and Lammy would report back to their “bosses” – Joe Biden and Keir Starmer – after their talks on Wednesday with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. The foreign secretary suggested Iran’s dispatch of ballistic missiles to Moscow – revealed this week – had changed strategic thinking in London and Washington. It was a “significant and dangerous escalation”, he said.

I have to constantly stress that it changes absolutely nothing because attacks on, as an example, Belgorod have been occurring on a weekly bases and most of them have been on civilian targets. They are really desperate, including obvious serious lack of understanding of the ramifications and as Phil Giraldi says here starting at 7:00--historians will be astonished by "pure insanity and where did they get these people"...

Well, we know where they came from and who they are--they all came through Israeli-first orgs in the US, ranging from AIPAC to CUFI and through degree mills in Ivy League. A defining trait of these people is sociopathy--otherwise you will not get far in American politics. Especially in American politics. Exceptionalism and greed are serious mental illnesses and here is an incredibly interesting piece (in Russian) that the US is actually not a Rome despite all of its efforts to emulate it, but rather it is a Carthage. 

Translation: The founders of the American state did a lot to make their country to be considered the new Rome: hence all the symbols in the design of Washington, Capitol Hill, the Congress building with Roman columns, the positions of consuls and senators. America is trying to "lead the world", as Biden recently said. But the analogy with Rome is completely inappropriate here.

Read the whole thing--it is a compelling case. And we all know what famous words are associated with Carthage, yes, Carthago Delenda Est. Make your own conclusions. 

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