Friday, September 6, 2024

Now It Is Officially Confirmed...

 ... by Russian MoD. 

МОСКВА, 6 сен — РИА Новости. После атаки на учебный центр в Полтаве погибли и пострадали около 500 специалистов, в том числе наемники из европейских стран, сообщил высокопоставленный военный источник. "Погибло и ранено около 500 специалистов. Среди погибших и раненых: военнослужащие ВСУ и Нацгвардии — специалисты связи, операторы комплексов РЭБ, радиоэлектронной разведки, беспилотных летательных аппаратов, а также иностранные наемники из Польши, Франции, Германии и Швеции, обучавшие украинских военных", — говорится в заявлении. Он также подчеркнул, что теперь такие удары по пунктам дислокации украинских военнослужащих и наемников, а также по военным объектам станут регулярными.
Translation: MOSCOW, September 6 — RIA Novosti. About 500 specialists, including mercenaries from European countries, were killed and wounded after the attack on the training center in Poltava, a high-ranking military source said. "About 500 specialists were killed and wounded. Among the dead and wounded: servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard — communications specialists, operators of electronic warfare systems, electronic intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as foreign mercenaries from Poland, France, Germany and Sweden who trained Ukrainian military personnel," the statement said. He also stressed that such strikes on deployment points of Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries, as well as on military facilities, will now become regular.
Now, it is the last word which makes a huge difference since there will be no "messaging" as it was before to NATO "volunteers". The West doesn't understand words and now every single NATO personnel will be deliberately hunted down and eliminated. I was stating ad nauseam that Russian side knows who and where NATO personnel moves in 404--Russia has second best ISR in the world. And as "events" in Poltava and elsewhere have shown the results will be dramatic now.

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