Friday, September 6, 2024

Well, Well, Well...

 ... as was stressed, including by me, about Kursk "incursion". 

Заместители губернатора Курской области привлечены в качестве свидетелей по делу о срыве сроков строительства оборонных сооружений на границе с Украиной. Местная прокуратура обратилась в суд, так как защитные линии, которые должны были появиться в регионе еще 1 августа, до сих пор не построены. Согласно информации Mash, дело отправили на новое рассмотрение в Курск после срыва сроков госконтракта, вероятно, из-за действий подрядчика. Не исключено, что чиновники в дальнейшем могут стать подозреваемыми по этому делу. В администрации области отказались комментировать ситуацию, ссылаясь на закрытый статус дела. Судебные разбирательства начались еще в апреле, когда Управление капстроительства потребовало 2 млрд 112 млн рублей с местной Корпорации развития, с которой были заключены шесть госконтрактов на постройку сооружений, но сроки сдачи были нарушены. Не исключено, что чиновники в дальнейшем из свидетелей станут подозреваемыми.

Translation: Deputy Governors of Kursk Oblast have been called in as witnesses in a case on the failure to meet deadlines for the construction of defense structures on the border with Ukraine. The local prosecutor's office went to court because the defense lines, which were supposed to appear in the region on August 1, have still not been built. According to Mash, the case was sent back to Kursk for a new trial after the deadlines for the state contract were missed, probably due to the actions of the contractor. It is possible that the officials may later become suspects in this case. The regional administration declined to comment on the situation, citing the closed status of the case. The trial began back in April, when the Capital Construction Department demanded 2 billion 112 million rubles from the local Development Corporation, which had signed six state contracts for the construction of structures, but the deadlines were violated. It is possible that the officials will later become suspects instead of witnesses.

That completely explains a coarse reaction of Russia's Defense Minister Belousov to platitudes from temporary Governor of Kursk Smirnov at the first meeting in the immediate wake of Kursk incursion and the transfer of the whole operation completely to the Defense Ministry. MoD knew by then how Kursk administration "used" a huge sum of money given to them to build the line. For those who do not understand the law, until the KTO or special military regime are announced in the area, it is up to local administration to provide what is needed--such as construction of the defense line--in their constituencies. Well, now we know how. Many will end up as suspects and will be charged with all kinds of financial and other "non-financial" crimes. FSB, I am sure also has some questions to ask, including within own ranks as goes for the CO of the Border Guards detachment, who, obviously, completely misunderstood what he was dealing with when he was transferred to Kursk (from Middle Asian assignment) shortly before the incursion. This in no way diminishes a heroic response from Border Guards who DID blunt the initial thrust of VSU and, as it was so many times in Border Guards history, completely threw NATO plan off the rails.

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