Wednesday, September 11, 2024

404 Mobilization...

 ... or as it is known as mogilization (mogila being a grave), because most "mobilized" know that meeting Russian Army is one way ticket to the... grave. 

But never mind, these two big "intel" honchos of CIA and MI6 surely know what war is, right? Right? Nah, they don't, both are whiteboard "theoreticians" in whatever--look at the background of this guy--and merely run what amounts to propaganda outlets. But this is the human material they want to take the war to ordinary Russians with. Judging by the "performance" of  Anglo-American "troops" in Kursk they are good primarily for torturing POWs, civilians and raping women. Staying power? Not so much. So, that is why they need "mogilization". The problem for them is that 404's human resource is nearing its end.

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