...it has been known for a long time.
In the humiliation of epic proportions the US sanctions on Russia failed miserably and the score of failures continues to grow. The US will now try to, indeed, steal Russia's $300 billion and that will be it for Dollar as the reserve currency. The main pillar of Dollar's status was always the myth of the "finest fighting force in history". Remarkably, this force cannot win a single war and even it allegedly advanced netcentric and comms capabilities it tries to run in Ukraine are being dealt with great efficiency. The latest issue of Military Thought describes what the US tries to accomplish there. Meanwhile:
Hm, how 'bout that. Where are the US Armed Forces to enforce the sanctity of the US Dollar. They should march to Russia and beat the crap out of those Russkies for disregarding USD and doing whatever those nasty Slavic untermenschen do. Damn, even in "defense agreement" with 404 US made sure to have the clause of the US troops not being in 404. Well, we all know the name of the game, don't we? Meanwhile the slaughter of VSU and its "advisers" continues unabated. Somebody will get really rich when he shoots down first F-16. R 15 million is a lot of money. People may say I exhibit all signs of schadenfreude. Wrong! I exhibit signs of a gigantic, uber-delightful schadenfreude.