Saturday, June 29, 2024

It Is An Admission...

 ... of what is now obvious to anyone with half-brain. It never was about American population, forget it. As NYT panics and laments:

The Democratic Party’s perennially nervous donor class descended into deep unease on Friday, as some of the wealthiest people in America commiserated over President Biden’s weak debate performance and puzzled over what, if anything, they could do to change the course of the race. There were discussions with political advisers about arcane rules under which Mr. Biden might be removed from the ticket against his will and replaced at or before the Democratic National Convention, according to a person familiar with the effort. In Silicon Valley, a group of megadonors, including Ron Conway and Laurene Powell Jobs, were calling, texting and emailing one another about a situation they described as a possible catastrophe. The donors wondered about whom in the Biden fold they could contact to reach Jill Biden, the first lady, who in turn could persuade her husband not to run, according to a person familiar with the conversations.

You see, these are people who know only one thing in their life--how to make money by selling useless shit to teenagers and call it "investing" (get a load of this "megadonor")--and they decide how to go about destroying the last vestiges of common sense in the US. As much as I cannot stand GOP which is utterly corrupt and is in AIPAC's pocket, the DNC is even worse. The US doesn't have good options. As Colonel Macgregor constantly states--the US is run by the donor class. He is right, should he stay away from Russia and Great Patriotic War of which has no clue--he certainly should have ran for the office. He may yet get to some high position in presumably Trump's Admin, but I don't see how anyone can address America's systemic crisis which cannot be resolved anymore by therapeutic means--a euphemism for voting. America's long standing and extremely well hidden for a while insecurities are surfacing now non-stop akin to inflatable life rafts from the sunk cruise liner.

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