... much ado about nothing. Media also want to eat.
When I say they are incompetent amateurs in NATO I now wholeheartedly mean it. Get a load of this, LOL))
If Nato forces entering from the Netherlands are hit by Russian bombardment, or northern European ports destroyed, the alliance is set to shift focus to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey. From Italian ports, US troops could be carried via land through Slovenia, Croatia to Hungary, which shares a border with Ukraine. Similar plans exist to transport forces from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania to reach the alliance’s eastern flank.
These clowns obviously need basic arithmetic for calculating the "weight" of Russian missile salvo which is enough to take out any possible port of disembarkation of NATO troops and of completely paralyzing SLOC (Shipping Lanes of Communication) including by means of sinking any ships carrying troops. I posted this piece a few years back, it is worth reminding these "planners" that they better face the music.
Five years passed since then and Russian economy is firing on all cylinders outproducing NATO in everything, sometimes by the order of magnitude and especially so in standoff weapons. Because of that, even they noticed:
But after warnings that Nato only has 5 per cent of the necessary air defences to cover its eastern flank, the Jsec commander is concerned about surface-to-air capabilities to defend his key logistical hubs. “Observing and assessing the Russian war in Ukraine, we have observed Russia has attacked Ukraine’s logistics bases,” he said. “That must lead to the conclusion that it is clear that huge logistics bases, as we know it from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible because they will be attacked and destroyed very early on in a conflict situation.” “With regards to air defence... It’s always scarce. I cannot imagine a situation that you have enough air defence. That is a good example where a military principle applies: ‘If you want to be strong everywhere, you are strong nowhere.’”
Yes, they will be destroyed together with C3 structure with command top being killed either in disembarkation points, on the march or in tactical and operational rear. And, BTW, you CAN be strong nearly everywhere if you defend the country such as Russia, which knows war better than anyone else in the world. Spin, all the time, never-ending.