... from James Kunstler.
Indeed, looking at modern Germany one begins to wonder what level of sheer idiocy have been those people brought to. Here is the fresh example--this is Germany's "opposition", mind you.
At this stage German way of thinking strikes one as that of the aliens from a wonderful movie Dark City in their quest to understand humans' soul. Obviously, due to their alien race not having one. But then again, show me a single German politician today who is not corrupt or with family blood which doesn't desire revenge on Russia. It is not surprising that it was former GDR's Leipzig which booed Rod Stewart and his pro-404 escapades, while Berlin was OK with it. It is, indeed, Dark City in Europe. I am not sure about XIV century in Germany, but it sure will be immediate post-WWII economic state (say early 1950s) for Germans with some toys like internet and smart phones added to ease the dawning realization of who and how brought this once thriving country to its knees.