Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sure, Sure...

 ... as if anybody cares what Berlin thinks. 

Berlin must not back any call for a truce that would see Kiev admit defeat, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said. As Scholz took questions from members of the Bundestag on Wednesday, Left lawmaker Gesine Loetzsch asked about Germany’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the possibility of a ceasefire. “In my view, a ceasefire that involves Ukraine’s capitulation is one that we as Germany must never support,” Scholz replied, according to the state broadcaster Deutsche Welle. The German chancellor argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s truce terms amounted to Ukraine’s surrender, calling Moscow “cynical” and not interested in ending the conflict. “Putin only talks about peace negotiations in order to continue the war. We will not allow this,” Scholz said.

In related news, Germany is an occupied country and...

Not only it is being repeated now, it is getting worse, much-much worse. And this is just a warm-up. This the freshest (from 2023) enterprises' electricity prices. Look at the cut-off around the US for combined West. 

Look at Europe. It was always high, but now EU should kiss India's ass because it is India which resells Russian oil to the EU. So many clues, so many processes to follow. You may say I don't have heart--not true, I do. But as I stated, Europeans voted for that being played for fools which many of them turned out to be. Sad, but this is the reality and, as I state non-stop, when shit hits the fan big time--it is when, not if--never a foot of Russian soldier be put on European soil, not a drop of blood to be shed for Europeans. Let them sort it out between themselves, luckily economically and militarily they are pathetic and any hypothetical rise of new Hitler can be easily addressed by a nuclear whip which Russia has. Europe produced two world wars, Russia will not allow the third one coming from it.

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